I feel you man, but you'll come back... this digital crack that Blizzard put out is so addictive you'll come crawling back like a battered housewife like we all do...
I was doing good this season as well, placed just into Plat for the first time in quite a few seasons and then over the first week managed to get to almost 2700 which although not totally plain sailing felt like we were winning some fairly tough games... exactly like always happens the game started to make me think that whatever I was trying this time was finally working - "wow people were right, it is possible to climb and maybe it was just my approach all along"
Then since Thursday have lost 16 (yes, not a typo) games in a row... in a row! (and not in one session either, that's across about 4 different sessions) and so now barely about 2400. Not a single one of those 16 games was even remotely what could be considered close - most of the time it felt like the enemy team had been selected by the matchmaker based on their hero stats to give them a perfect comp that would allow them to just naturally play what they were good at and destroy us, whilst we'd have things like 3 people saying "sorry I only know how to play roadhog" and of course hog would be totally useless against whatever they were doing... For the most part there wasn't even any stupid toxicity and bad attitudes, anybody throwing/leaving or any of that usual nonsense that causes losses, which was nice - we were all communicating and making callouts, grouping up, trying not to feed, etc. and still finishing games with team stats like gold elims being 2 or being pushed right back to our spawn for the duration of the match...
Almost can't bring myself to boot the game up anymore... even if it's just variability and I'm about to go on a 15+ run winstreak to balance things out I just don't really care... I don't think I can make myself believe that winning games has anything to do with me, my team or anything anymore other than just that the matchmaker has started putting me against teams that are artificially gimped and destined to lose from the start...