
At low ranks I told people that if they were out of position, or not in LOS then I would try to heal them but if they died it was on them.

For flankers I asked them to make use of megas and minis (if they were incapable of disengaging before 1hp for instance). Good flankers know when to poke and when to retreat. At the lowest ranks good positioning seems a foreign concept to a lot of people and they can't understand when a death is their own fault.

At higher ranks its far more likely a poorly positioned player will understand that they caused their own death, that or be called out for it by someone else. At lower ranks "you didn't heal me i died" or worse are the usual comments. It's a huge difference. Probably caused by the fact that lower ranks are far less punishing to out of position players so they pick up bad habits and as they rank up those habits stick and they expect what works in one rank to work in another. That just doesn't happen.
Ginny will confirm though, just HOW irritated I get when getting called out for bad heals when I'm healing my balls off. I guess it is because I am constantly thinking of my play negativly so just assume its my mistake.

I know it probably is a good chunk of the time. But in some cases I know its not me or just me.

I think most of the time I know when I'm having a bad game or not. Usually a bad game is because they have a Pharmercy and as Soldier the team expects me to deal with it. If they're bad, I can, but if a Pharmercy is half decent, you often need two people on it. If this is the case, I'm usually asking for some help, sometimes they will ignore and still moan that Phara is killing them... 'Yes, I told you... I need some help here!'
Great points above... there is a reason people laugh about "Genji: I need healing!"... if your DPS goes off on their own, they should accept that they are on their own. I've also died too many times as Moira and Mercy by trying to save a lost cause. I'll very rarely complain about lack of healing when I play mobile DPS, but I expect special attention from healers if I play Rein or Bastion (otherwise I change to Hog is a tank is still needed).

Tell me if I'm doing it wrong, but I've currently got the same mentality over Moira's fade and Dva's booster... use it to attack if someone is isolated AND you are confident of getting the kill, otherwise walk in and use mobility to escape. With Dva, also OK to dive in if you know your team has you covered (i.e. bubbled; or team engaging front line while you dive the support, so you don't get focused).

I don't know if I'm kidding myself, but I often find it easier when playing with friends in plat rather than gold, because I think I can work well as part of a team and plat teams are better co-ordinated, which seems to be a bigger factor for me rather than mechanical skill difference, which is obviously the same for me whatever level (I don't aim better in plat games!). I guess this probably depends at lot on the hero.
Yeah, lol, I was a little surprised after you gave one boop, they were all still on the ledge when you came back for a second one!

Yeah there is a bit of a nack to booping them like that, first you have to get them to follow you over to the side and then run away like your not interested. Then quick back in and hit them when they not expecting it.

I play lucio and brig so every fight I am thinking about the best way to boop them.

I got a good one on mcree the other day that made me laugh.
Yeah there is a bit of a nack to booping them like that, first you have to get them to follow you over to the side and then run away like your not interested. Then quick back in and hit them when they not expecting it.

I play lucio and brig so every fight I am thinking about the best way to boop them.

I got a good one on mcree the other day that made me laugh.

Nice... you played him like a pro!
One of the biggest things I've noticed moving through the ranks is the capitalisation of poor plays.

At lower ranks an out of position player or poor utility/alt usage can be gotten away with and is often missed by the opposing team.

As the rank gets higher these mistake are punished hard.

To add to this proper utility management is key.
If your spamming orbs, wasting hooks, walling unnecessarily etc it has a massive negative effect on the team.
Having a healing orb ready for the brawl, hooking an ulting genji, walling a fire strike can be the difference between winning a losing the match.

Further to this is good ultimate acconomy.
While ultimate synery is important ultimate acconomy is just the same and even more so if you have a team with no synergy.

Using ults Willy nilly or panic ulting again can be the difference between winning and losing.

My point is try to question your decision before popping an ultimate, or throwing a flash bang, because like when playing with imginy at the weekend your flash bang is the only thing to counter that ulting genji....I failed, we lost.
At lower ranks it is amazing that sometimes mistakes mean nothing, and sometimes you make a mistake and die, and you don't even have chance to respawn because the game is over... I guess this is more common at higher ranks. I'm currently switched on to pushing when we get a pick, monitoring ult usage (for them and us) and planning what ults to use in the next engagement, but teammates cannot always be relied on at lower levels, and there is always someone that used their ult when the fight is already lost... sometimes they pull it out the bag, but often it is a waste. I do need to focus more on taking advantage of individual ability cooldowns... I'm good at tracking my specific target that I'm focused on, but not so good across their whole team.

I still think the biggest issue at lower levels is lack of comms. In gold matches I often get complimented for shot calling and target calling, but I don't think that I do anything special, just when to push and when not, saying when/where I spot a flanker/sniper, calling out a low health or isolated opponent, and which ults to use/save... that's about it, however, I could improve my consistency. I think this is one of the reasons I'm enjoying tank, because I'm not so tunnel vision as when I play DPS, so I'm better at calling out.
Using ults Willy nilly or panic ulting again can be the difference between winning and losing.
Yup. Had a game last week where I got solo ulted three times in a row. Not sure if coincidence, of if they just really hated me in particular. But yeah, we won quite easily, because they spaffed away all their ults for nothing.
I had a nice run with rein this morning, I gone up around 200 sr. Played 16 matches won 11 of them.

It's first time I really used him on my main account since season 9 when brig came out.

I think playing with you guys on the ult account has really helped get confidence to play him properly again.

Quite enjoyed playing rein today
I don't envy Rein players in the current meta.

It's better with the ptr and recent balance changes, but main tanks have had it tough for a while.

At higher ranks at least. At lower ranks the meta doesn't matter so much so the tanks have it easier.
I don't envy Rein players in the current meta.

It's better with the ptr and recent balance changes, but main tanks have had it tough for a while.

Yeah main tanking was awful. From Season 10 onwards I played almost exclusively off-tank.

Brig shield bash nerf helped big time and Doomfist is now a troll pick so playing Rein is much more pleasant. I still struggle with good Mei players tho.
Been smashing Rein this season too. Gone from 2750 after placements to hitting Diamond this week - 3009! Very happy with a new career high.

Oh congratulations on getting diamond.

It can be really hard at first because you start going up against all the really high rank players that have had their rank drop.

I think the first 10 times I reached diamond i hit about 3030 and dropped straight back down. It was a massive wall for me, I think maining mercy just after she got the op patch where she could fly and instant res 2 people when I finally done it.
Oh congratulations on getting diamond.

It can be really hard at first because you start going up against all the really high rank players that have had their rank drop.

I think the first 10 times I reached diamond i hit about 3030 and dropped straight back down. It was a massive wall for me, I think maining mercy just after she got the op patch where she could fly and instant res 2 people when I finally done it.

Thanks imginy, lots of grinding! I 've had this account since release and have gradually gone from low gold to now diamond over the 14 season so i'm pleased. I lost the game straight after promotion so i'm back at 2984 and I agree with your statement about the possible skill gap with decayed players.

I had an off-tank only account i got the level 25 then jumped into comp (season 7 or 8 i think) and i placed at 3077 so I knew I was capable of playing at low diamond level, but I think Masters is probably waaaaay out of my reach. I'm too old and slow!
just finished my placements for this season, didn't do any last season. previously I've placed between 1900-2200 ish as i could never really pick a main in comp, but this season I've really found my place with Ashe and put in a good amount of time practicing in QP with her. comes to the placements and manage to play her for 9 of the 10 games, won 8 with her ( won 9 in total ), multiple golds each game, 52% accuracy, plenty obj time, plenty damage etc, probably played the best I've ever played, picking tracers out mid air and mid dash the lot.

and placed 2060ish - wish I had started a new account lol really wasn't a reflection of how i played but I read it takes your previous rank into consideration. Previously I've tried to grind my way up but low Gold rank its difficult to find a team who actually care about winning and playing as a team!
Don't forget, you'd be playing against other 2k SR players. Maybe against 2,500 or higher, you wouldn't have felt so great? Lots of silver and bronze medals instead of gold maybe? Only winning 3 or 4 of the 10? I don't know of course, I'm just saying, it's all relevant. :)
Don't forget, you'd be playing against other 2k SR players. Maybe against 2,500 or higher, you wouldn't have felt so great? Lots of silver and bronze medals instead of gold maybe? Only winning 3 or 4 of the 10? I don't know of course, I'm just saying, it's all relevant. :)
p*ss on my chips why dont you lol, jokes, your 100% right but it still stings when I know its the best Ive played
Ha ha, sorry :( I know what you mean. I think in placements, it still knows your SR and just adjusts as you win and lose like it would if you were just regular comping. It would be better if more weight was put into personal performance in the placements perhaps and double SR movement. I had a similar start last season, I think I won 8, tied 1, lost 1 and was still kind of where I left the season before. I carried on predominantly winning over the next 30 or so matches and rose about 300-400 SR. If it just took my form from my placements, it would have started me closer to that final SR in the first place. (I blame my massive drop at the end of the season to me playing while ill... and I stand by that excuse! :p )
I had an off-tank only account i got the level 25 then jumped into comp (season 7 or 8 i think) and i placed at 3077 so I knew I was capable of playing at low diamond level, but I think Masters is probably waaaaay out of my reach. I'm too old and slow!

It is hard work getting to masters but once you get there it is actually pretty easy going for the healers. Masters is mainly the dps players doing all the work. The hardest thing is staying alive, once you learn how to position your self and stay alive it's pretty easy going for a healer.

There is no worries about killing anything all that is done for you.

I did post some clips the other day. But pretty much every battle runs similar to the one below, with Lucio I just speed boost in drop the beat and wait for the enemy team to drop down dead.

The dps players in masters are very highly skilled but if your not maining dps you don't need to be anything special. It's just learning the ins and outs of the game.

I have currently dropped down to about 3150 and matches are so much more effort for me than in masters. I am having to run round everywhere and help kill stuff.

Speed boost/turn it up/drop the beat and then rush in.
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