
That got me thinking. Imagine being in lower ranks as part of a team that mastered goats. If you 6 stacked you could roll your way through the ranks with ease. Even without mechanical skill, with decent coordination and communication the comp isn't about clicking heads.

Of course it wouldn't work in every scenario, but if you get the working together aspect down its going to destroy the vast majority of pugs.
Any low gold up for doing this :D
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Yeah, a lot of people say goats but have no idea what it actually involves.

Pick Heroes

Is that not how it works? :p

Some positivity from me for once lol - for the last few months we've been playing regular organised best of 5 matches against another discord server (we're all friends, just slightly overlapping groups) and it's great fun! The other server are the ones who suggested it, and are quite serious about being a 6-man team and trying to build up to playing as a proper stack in comp (which they don't often play at the minute) and potentially try to enter some tournaments etc. whilst our server are really just a bunch of people (more than a full team) who play all sorts together and don't really take Overwatch (too) seriously... but in terms of raw hours put into the game and individual SR our server has better players (quite a few of us in mid-plat sort of range, some in gold... whilst their team have one guy in mid-plat and most of the rest are high silver/low gold)...

So it's kind of an interesting experiment in the sense of whether raw skill beats team co-ordination... obviously our team try to do callouts and basic positioning strategy etc as we would do in any match, but their team practice a lot, playing on empty maps, working out particular team comps and loadouts and so on...

Scrim #1 back in November we beat them fairly easily, they weren't too bad in places but it was a bit of a stomp in others. You could see hints of what they were trying to do but we seemed to be able to just brute force through it...

Scrim #2 was better for them, they still didn't beat us or win any matches but they took a round or two and we didn't find it quite so easy...

Then onto Scrim #3 last night - they still didn't win but their strategies and co-ordination are getting really good now and the difference was noticeable - particularly in a game on Volskya where they absolutely flattened us with a really well executed attack round leaving them with 7+ minutes on the clock. Sadly they still didn't quite manage to carry it through to win the match but it certainly seems like if they keep doing what they're doing and we continue to do nothing they'll be able to ruin us fairly soon (maybe the 4th scrim will be a lot closer)
I've played goats a few times in gold and plat (teammates brought the average up) with good success, but generally only works with friends because randoms often don't all understand.

I found that it is especially effective for taking the first point on King's Row... had a great 4-3 win going with Rein, Zarya, Brig and... can't remember the fourth tank... and Lucio/Moira healing. I was Lucio, speed boost onto the point as a unit, I was causing disruption, mainly on speed rather than healing, and Moira at the back of the group doing big healing... stomped the first point on the initial push. Made it to just before the second point before they got their ults up and stopped us, and it was overtime being the extra round.

I reckon we could do very well together using this approach when we have at least a 5 stack. I think the new Brig is probably even better in goats now, because I think her healing contributes more than her shield bash damage.
Feelsbadman. I know how you feel, I have been there myself. You will bounce back.

I bet that team wouldn't be in lower ranks for long if they worked well together. I actually came up against a 6 stack (Their SR was averaging high plat) in QP playing Goats last Monday. After the usual anti-goats banter in chat the 6 stack said they were practicing for a tournament this weekend. Thing was they didn't play a Brig (Rein, Zarya, DVa, Lucio, Ana, Zen). They played very defensively weren't very coordinated and the only reason they won was that they just out healed the DPS every team fight. In my view they weren't playing Goats at all. Actually puling off these high level metas is pretty difficult.

That's really poor execution... the whole ethos of goats is to get in their face and be aggressive. Personally I would drop the Zen and play Brig or a fourth tank. Lucio is a must pick. Ana or Moira... Moira is easy, though Ana can do huge healing, and now her darts pass through fully healed teammates she can just spam the group of tanks, and her 'nade is awesome too.
sniff sniff - from nearly hitting diamond this season to 2590 - it's been horrible.....

I think we could do pretty well together this season with me on rein and you on moira.

what sort of times are you playing lately?

Think im down about 650 points on my account this season lol.
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That's really poor execution... the whole ethos of goats is to get in their face and be aggressive. Personally I would drop the Zen and play Brig or a fourth tank. Lucio is a must pick. Ana or Moira... Moira is easy, though Ana can do huge healing, and now her darts pass through fully healed teammates she can just spam the group of tanks, and her 'nade is awesome too.

Yeah, it wasn't great. Brig is the whole goats enabler with her area of effect healing and armour. Don't think they really understood what goats was and just heard about it on the forums and though it was an easy win.
I think we could do pretty well together this season with me on rein and you on moira.

what sort of times are you playing lately?

Think im down about 650 points on my account this season lol.

yeah - healing your ass whilst you swing could do a job. Around most days as I work for myself from home.
I got some Rein clips for you guys, they are not anything special just ones I clipped from last night and this morning. I am not the best Rein but I do know how he is played at the higher levels (diamond/masters) and it really is hard for me to watch some of these reins at the lower ranks that dont know when to swing the hammer, they just get to point and hold shield up.

A few clips for you guys just show what to do with rein when you get to the point. This was taken last night around the 3ksr level,

I will always play safe and group up and walk my team in together but once they in my face I start swinging and going for short range charges backed up by my healers.

There is a time for shield up and there is time to swing.

PS don't always sit on point waiting for other team to come to you especially on a map like this where you have spawn advantage. If they dont have full team you can push forward and stagger them setting there attack back another 30 seconds.
As a mostly tank player I play a lot of Rein and try to play him well (like the above :))... biggest thing as far as I can see is making callouts about my shield ("shield halfway", "shield going down", "shield coming back up", "gonna swing") as I think that's normally enough for the others on the team to plan accordingly... I tend to also close the distance and then start swinging, and often do it in stages - one or two swings then shield back up at first and try to gauge how heavy their damage is coming through, then assuming it's all good go into full on swing mode :p

I use the charge fairly sparingly though... if I can get a short range charge into a wall or obstacle I'll sometimes give it a try but if not swinging the hammer nearly always seems better... I will sometimes charge just for positioning (to fall back sometimes, or charge back through my own team and supports if they're getting dived hard (e.g. by a genjiblade or something))

Won 3 pretty tough games last night with a couple of mates - our favourite combo being Sombra EMP + fat Rein Shatter - it's scarily effective against teams grouped up behind their own Rein/Orisa and led to a few 4-5 man wipes :)
Staggering the opposition is something I love to try and do, but others often don't get. "Why are you chasing that Ana?! Come back!" Cause if I can kill this Ana while she's alone, they all have to wait for her... It happened in a game last night, imginy I think you even called just that, 'kill this Ana' and someone was saying 'what are you doing?!?!? Come back!', like they don't really get it. Mind you, I think last night team mates got back to her in time and we did pull back, but still...
Staggering the opposition is something I love to try and do, but others often don't get. "Why are you chasing that Ana?! Come back!" Cause if I can kill this Ana while she's alone, they all have to wait for her... It happened in a game last night, imginy I think you even called just that, 'kill this Ana' and someone was saying 'what are you doing?!?!? Come back!', like they don't really get it. Mind you, I think last night team mates got back to her in time and we did pull back, but still...

This can really swing the game in your favour. I always shout for people to leave baby D.Va after demech to enlongate the stagger but a bloodthirsty DPS always rushes in to finish her off.

Also got yelled at as Zarya for pushing too far forward on Dorado as we had 20 meters left, I staggered McCree then occupied a Hammond Moira and Hanzo as the team pushed the cart. I left the enemy team sat in a grav outside their spawn as we pushed to the end. No thanks at all.
our favourite combo being Sombra EMP + fat Rein Shatter - it's scarily effective against teams grouped up behind their own Rein/Orisa and led to a few 4-5 man wipes :)
Yeah I like combining ults it only really takes 2 to wipe a team if you get it right. In this clip I showed yesterday the genji player had said he was going to pop ult so I knew they would all turn round.
The enemy teams rein in this clip was terrible instead of pushing forward he just stands there then ends up backing his whole team into the choke.

I use the charge fairly sparingly though... if I can get a short range charge into a wall or obstacle I'll sometimes give it a try but if not swinging the hammer nearly always seems better... I will sometimes charge just for positioning (to fall back sometimes, or charge back through my own team and supports if they're getting dived hard (e.g. by a genjiblade or something))

The charge is great for taking down tanks, really you want the hammer for the little guys and charge for killing tanks.

Tomorrow I will grab some game play clips of me using charge so you can see where and when I use it.

You should be able to see from the vids yesterday the charge not only gets a kill but it puts you in great position to swing the hammer or shatter and opens up the enemy team for your dps to follow up,
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I was just checking my highlights and I noticed I had 3 potg last night, one rein one brig and one lucio. Funny thing is my brig and my lucio potg looked very similar.

All you lucio players take note how the lucio speed boosts my rein, I got like 50% ult charge in 4 seconds.
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I got some Rein clips for you guys, they are not anything special just ones I clipped from last night and this morning. I am not the best Rein but I do know how he is played at the higher levels (diamond/masters) and it really is hard for me to watch some of these reins at the lower ranks that dont know when to swing the hammer, they just get to point and hold shield up.

A few clips for you guys just show what to do with rein when you get to the point. This was taken last night around the 3ksr level,

I will always play safe and group up and walk my team in together but once they in my face I start swinging and going for short range charges backed up by my healers.

There is a time for shield up and there is time to swing.

I'm not going to say that I play the same as you, because rank shows you know the game better and play better than me, but those clips all look similar to my Rein play with one big exception... in all of your clips there is the reassuring overlay of healing signs! I find too often in gold that after I close the gap and then go swinging, my healer(s) start panicking about the squishies on the team and stop healing me, and Rein then becomes a fat target for the opposition to focus. When I've played in plat matches, I've noticed many times how much better the healers are, letting me just do what I need to do without worrying about health... I oftem get more elims in plat than gold when playing Rein and Dva because I can be more aggressive.

There is nothing more satisfying than landing a charge, but I primarily keep them short... I think short charges have more success because the target has less time to react, and of course you don't overextend.

That later clip playing Lucio, makes me wonder about some higher level players vs gold... that Orisa just stands there while you shoot her, gets lucky with the first boop not pushing her over the edge, but then stands there ignoring you until you get a second boop... what was that dude thinking about?
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