
@imginy saw first hand my plight this season......

3 games this morning - 3 loses together. One game we had a Mercy who had her pistol out longer than her healing/boosting wand, along with a lucio who was just trolling by skating around the map the whole time!!
My favourite warmup is my Pharah warmup... if anyone wants to improve on Pharah give it a try... custom game:

Turn off Pharah's cooldowns for concussive blast and jump jets
Set Soldier 76 to have 60% health, no cooldown for his biotic field, turn the power of the biotic field way up, disable his primary fire, melee, helix rockets and ult
Then pick a map and populate the enemy team with 6 hard Soldier 76's and take Pharah yourself

The Soldiers all have exactly 120 health, which means a direct hit rocket will kill them no matter what... if you don't get a direct they will heal themselves back up pretty fast, but the way to play it is if you don't get the kill move onto a different target. Try to focus on the ones who are sprinting about rather than the ones standing still.

It's good fun! I'm still tweaking it though, I really want to have some bots that will fly around but since there's no Pharah bot still I'm unsure how to accomplish it...
@imginy saw first hand my plight this season......

3 games this morning - 3 loses together. One game we had a Mercy who had her pistol out longer than her healing/boosting wand, along with a lucio who was just trolling by skating around the map the whole time!!

Ah even that would have tilted me. What a joke. Did you report the players?
Makes a change that it's not DPS to blame... I had a game last night with 2-2-2 teams, but our DPS were Widow and Mcree, and they had S76 and Genji... however, neither of our hitscan were a good shot :(
I tried suggestions that they change to more forgiving characters... Widow finally decided to change to Doomfist (complete opposite play style!), but didn't fare any better. Think I came out even win/loss by the end.

Read an interesting point in Jayne's recent AMA... "Most people climb at something like 25SR/hr if you have a decent winrate."

It's going to take me at least 20 hours to climb out of gold :o:eek:
I wish I could play ranked with you guys

If anyone has a 2000-2900 rated spare account they don't mind sharing, I'm happy to arrange a time to jump on that and play a few games with everyone.

Most of the time we are playing within 1000 point of you scott, it was just random the other day you joined as someone had dropped the sr.

I think most days the lowest is like 2100.

So come join us for some, it be nice to have mei with us.

Yeah was playing her last night in qp, like you say bubble management is key to her success.
At full charge she is devastating.
I find her quite squishy though if you get caught out as unlike other tanks she has no armour. Like you say got to learn when to push and when to retreat.

Zarya is quite squishy but with the next patch most the others tanks getting a big nerf she might actually end up one of the stronger ones.

I don't play zarya but I know when I come up against a good zarya what she does to stay alive when im fucusing her. She will let her health drop to 50% then bubble her self then when the bubble is dead stand behind a team mate and bubble them using them as a shield. Doing this it's like she has 2 personal bubbles and with her health regenerating on its own can make her very tanky.
A couple of funny clips from today,

Doom and lucio fail here. (keep an eye bottom left for doomfist)

Moira goes on a trip
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Love the Moira one! Despite my shocking run in comp last night, I had some success changing to Brig including a play at the start of Rialto attack... Wrecking Ball swings above us looking to knock us off the bridge, and I caught him with the whip shot in the moment that he hangs in the air before the pile driver... did enough to shift him over and he came down straight into the water. Got a few laughs from teammates :)
No, didn't see the DF die... just checking over it, and still don't see, though quality and overlay isn't helping.
No, didn't see the DF die... just checking over it, and still don't see, though quality and overlay isn't helping.

I think when watching them short clips you need to turn off auto resolution on youtube if not it spends first half of video in low res.

Anyway next time you watch it keep an eye bottom left corner of screen.
I think when watching them short clips you need to turn off auto resolution on youtube if not it spends first half of video in low res.

Anyway next time you watch it keep an eye bottom left corner of screen.

LOL he rocket punched the edge of the bridge.

Thats the sort of stupid thing i would do!
Torb seems like he can stomp if your team play around him. I find, at least in my experience and my rank, that anyone who picks torb is a total mute.

No coms and then as a result brings nothing to the table.

They tend to just trickle feed leaving the team to 5 Vs 6 all the time.

I only risked one game last night in comp. Lost.

Despite calling out a clear grav dragon combo playing Zarya at a game winning point, even after a group up respawn, dps didn't follow up and were just plain trash. Our Ana literally couldn't even hit the rein to heal him... No wonder she has a 1 rated endorsement level.

Literally was speeches. This was LFG too.

One player continued to play junk into pharah mercy despite getting constantly wiped. And the rest is history.

I'm not solo queuing again. I can't take it.
Started my placements on my Humble monthly alt account (2nd season I've had it)... won 1 lost 2 so far but all excellent games with my own stats being good - it's incredible how much better the games I seem to get on my alt even solo queuing

Had a brilliant game last night with mates where we discovered the ultimate strategy for dealing with toxic team-mates... We got a guy who immediately started shouting at us and flaming after the first team fight so we all pretended that we'd muted him, and then started trash talking about him to each other (all whilst still being able to hear him slowly lose his mind and get madder and madder) - it was great and at least allowed us to get some entertainment out of an unwinnable game... I've got it all on Twitch so might download it and make a "highlight" montage of this guy
We had a apologetic leaver yesterday on Anubis. We had done okay as defence to begin forcing it to overtime on the last point before they went ult crazy and managed to cap it. We then managed to do similar. So pretty even. Our turn to attack first and we adapted our team very well. We were getting nailed by Pharmacy and Ashe so I changed to Widow (not one of my mains at all) and did a reasonable job of taking them out. You know you've done alright as a counter when the DPS has to change. We manage to take the last point in overtime again. Then one guy has to leave leaving us 5v6. We go DVA, Rein, Mercy, Brigitte and Soldier. Hold the first point until overtime, they cap it. Somehow we held out on the second point. Everyone worked so hard to actually communicate and work as a team which made the win even sweeter!
Started my placements on my Humble monthly alt account (2nd season I've had it)... won 1 lost 2 so far but all excellent games with my own stats being good - it's incredible how much better the games I seem to get on my alt even solo queuing

Had a brilliant game last night with mates where we discovered the ultimate strategy for dealing with toxic team-mates... We got a guy who immediately started shouting at us and flaming after the first team fight so we all pretended that we'd muted him, and then started trash talking about him to each other (all whilst still being able to hear him slowly lose his mind and get madder and madder) - it was great and at least allowed us to get some entertainment out of an unwinnable game... I've got it all on Twitch so might download it and make a "highlight" montage of this guy

I wanted a second account from humble but never subbed and got a key that month.

Annoying as i wanted to try do placements on an alt to see if i also got better games.
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