
I'm not going to say that I play the same as you, because rank shows you know the game better and play better than me, but those clips all look similar to my Rein play with one big exception... in all of your clips there is the reassuring overlay of healing signs! I find too often in gold that after I close the gap and then go swinging, my healer(s) start panicking about the squishies on the team and stop healing me, and Rein then becomes a fat target for the opposition to focus. When I've played in plat matches, I've noticed many times how much better the healers are, letting me just do what I need to do without worrying about health... I oftem get more elims in plat than gold when playing Rein and Dva because I can be more aggressive.

Yeah you need good healing to play rein, like an ana or moira and they need to pocket you when you get close, if not I don't think he is worth playing. If I'm rein and not getting healed I will just switch to brig. But whatever rank you are at whether it be bronze or silver there is nothing stopping you teaming up with a moira/ana and getting them to pocket you when you start swinging. You wont see me playing rein when Im not getting healed like that because I would just switch so that's why all my clips have good healing.

There is nothing more satisfying than landing a charge, but I primarily keep them short... I think short charges have more success because the target has less time to react, and of course you don't overextend.

I charge a lot when I play rein, I started taking clips yesterday I hit clip button so many times it needs organizing,. Trying to sort them best so I can demonstrate the different situations that charge can be used
and the best ways to land them. I will have a cup of coffee and see if I can sort some today.

Looking through my clips the main ones seem to be long distance charges, doorway charges, next target charges, rein 1v1 charges.

That later clip playing Lucio, makes me wonder about some higher level players vs gold... that Orisa just stands there while you shoot her, gets lucky with the first boop not pushing her over the edge, but then stands there ignoring you until you get a second boop... what was that dude thinking about?

There is nothing the orisa could have done, I had flanked came in from side and by then fight was already over 3 of her team had died and she had orisa and hog in her face. Plus orisa had no chance of killing me, lucio is really fast.

It's normal for orisa to target tanks.
Right guys this might help some of you rein players some of you will already know it all.

I took a load of clips night before last to give you some examples of the different situations when I would charge with rein. It's a great tool of his for getting close to enemy team and for taking out enemy tanks.

So here goes first off the long distance charges, there is a fine line with these between brilliant plays and throwing, the main thing is take them by surprise and never in to a full enemy team. You normally would steer as hard as you can sideways to try and suck them in maximizing chance of a hit.

This is a great place to stand you can make call outs for your team and then when they are crossing bridge charge over into the rock. It's pretty safe and often gets you a kill sometimes 2 or 3.

It probably looks like luck but if you have 3 people walking round a corner a pull towards them most times you will get the kill. Obviously don't do this into a whole team. This one was fairly risky but it was still our point and I called it out before hand so I knew my team wouldn't be far behind me.

This is a great spot for rein to charge from on this map, in this clip there was genji mercy zen in the room so completely risk free, even with 3 of them they have no chance against rein in small room.

Same thing really same map, it's still our point and rather than walk on slowly I go top charge on and get the kill.
They are the kind of really long charges I do.
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These next set of rein charges seem to fall into the category of looking for the next kill, once im done killing something I will charge off into the direction of the next enemy, normally staying tight to walls and pulling to side is best way to get them, even if you dont get the kill you are in a good position.

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Sometimes I will charge off on my own for a distraction/keep them busy while my team mates score the point. It take good awareness to know when to do this, you need to pay attention to how many you have left on your team and know roughly when other team will be spawning. Just tell your team to cap it while you keep them busy/

Even if I die here by the time they are done with me my guys will have scored the point.
This is a 2 part vid because it didnt fit in 1 clip.

This one here is same sort of thing im charging in to push them away and keep them busy while my team caps it. Another thing to take note of here is the angle, this gives me an option to either charge the wall and stay on point or if someone steps round the corner I hit them. I was aiming for the wall but as rein stepped out I kept going. If that makes sense. It's a safe way of getting a random charge, they step out you curl left but if no one comes you curl right and hit the wall staying with your team.

This next 2 videos cover charging doorways, pretty simple just time it right so they cant react.

We now have the bob ult in the game as he is new it's probably worth mentioning. You don't wanna just leave bob on his own. If bobs dives in dive in with him. Even if they sleep bob stand behind him try and get him to wake up. I find the best thing to do when some launches bob is just charge the enemy rein and let bob do the rest.

A great little trick in overtime is charge past payload spin round and shatter the whole thing.

I got so many of these clips but I think I will make this the last for today.

This is the most important charge when playing rein, getting the charge on the enemy rein, normally this will kill him and open it up for your team to kill the rest.

That's me done for today, hope this helps some of you. Maybe you pick something up you didnt know,
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See you all next season/maybe never again....Can't take any more of this inst lock dps nonsense. So fed up gone from 2920 to 2558 this season. Tried solo que/LFG everything this season (EU servers/US servers)

Last game today just summed up exactly how this season has gone for me - Rialto. 6 people in voice, zero comms despite trying to get people to speak.

Defending 1st - inst locked genji/widow/mcree. Next two players pick zen and lucio. Leave me to tank, probably my weakest area - I asked politely if anyone would tank but no takers.

I play Orisa - hold ok to start with but they push to the end with about 2mins left - I have gold elims as Orisa....:rolleyes::rolleyes: (also blocked 18k damage with shield etc)

Attack - insta lock again from 3 dps - Ashe/Pharah/Genji. Other team come with solider/ana/zen/zayra/hog/widow. Our pharah can barely leave spawn without getting picked. Ashe doesn't get a single "bob" in the 4 mins of the attacking game, we get crushed and taunted by opponents.

I'm all for enjoying a game/getting beaten by better players/close games etc but when your team comp is pathetically bad, your Genji has 450 hours as Genji and can't kill anyone - you have no hope of winning games.
@imginy thanks for taking the time to put that together and share. Charging doorways is a favourite of mine... I particularly like Hanamura on defence, standing to the right of the gate (main choke point A) and coming back across the gate (I often move to the right when my shield drops, and then charge back), and also standing to the right of the doorway upstairs on point B waiting for them to walk in.
See you all next season/maybe never again....Can't take any more of this inst lock dps nonsense. So fed up gone from 2920 to 2558 this season. Tried solo que/LFG everything this season (EU servers/US servers)

Last game today just summed up exactly how this season has gone for me - Rialto. 6 people in voice, zero comms despite trying to get people to speak.

Defending 1st - inst locked genji/widow/mcree. Next two players pick zen and lucio. Leave me to tank, probably my weakest area - I asked politely if anyone would tank but no takers.

I play Orisa - hold ok to start with but they push to the end with about 2mins left - I have gold elims as Orisa....:rolleyes::rolleyes: (also blocked 18k damage with shield etc)

Attack - insta lock again from 3 dps - Ashe/Pharah/Genji. Other team come with solider/ana/zen/zayra/hog/widow. Our pharah can barely leave spawn without getting picked. Ashe doesn't get a single "bob" in the 4 mins of the attacking game, we get crushed and taunted by opponents.

I'm all for enjoying a game/getting beaten by better players/close games etc but when your team comp is pathetically bad, your Genji has 450 hours as Genji and can't kill anyone - you have no hope of winning games.

Feel sorry for you. It always seems to happen when the other team pick a nice, balanced 2-2-2 team... why can't the other team also pick a bad combination in the same match to balance things out? It always feels like I also suffer this more than my opposing teams.
Feel sorry for you. It always seems to happen when the other team pick a nice, balanced 2-2-2 team... why can't the other team also pick a bad combination in the same match to balance things out? It always feels like I also suffer this more than my opposing teams.

Group up with Ginny and I - even if we lose (which we do a lot becaue he is such a selfish Rein player at this Rank ;) ) we still have a great time!
Group up with Ginny and I - even if we lose (which we do a lot becaue he is such a selfish Rein player at this Rank ;) ) we still have a great time!

My availability doesn't seem to be matching everyone else right now. That said, my wife is out for dinner with her friends on Wednesday evening, so that would be a good time... anyone else available then?
My availability doesn't seem to be matching everyone else right now. That said, my wife is out for dinner with her friends on Wednesday evening, so that would be a good time... anyone else available then?

The only night I never play!

Wednesday is dedicated to exercise for me!
Hey booyaka, maybe time for a character change? I know healing can be stressful and annoying with trash teams plus I know from personal experience how bad it can be solo que when you main healer. Healers get a hard time, couple of examples from last night playing on my main, we had a team 4 dps 2 healers (I was one of the healers) and the dps spent the whole second round complaining about me not picking shield, next example from last night im solo healing with mercy and there is a guy in chat 30 seconds in to the game telling people to report me using damage boost on someone.

Musty has recently switched to Zarya and we have had some amazing games last night, he seems to really enjoy not having the stress of healing, plus brig+zarya was crazy good. He was worried about playing her in comp but after about 5 games with her was unstoppable.

@imginy thanks for taking the time to put that together and share. Charging doorways is a favourite of mine... I particularly like Hanamura on defence, standing to the right of the gate (main choke point A) and coming back across the gate (I often move to the right when my shield drops, and then charge back), and also standing to the right of the doorway upstairs on point B waiting for them to walk in.

Yeah no probs, I included a load of examples, if I can think of any more I will add some. Yeah one random charge like that can win the fight I love charging door ways, especially the one that keep you safe and give you the free kills. Maybe you can try some of the longer charges, I added one more to first post not sure if you noticed, just another example.
But this is why I don't really get why most of you guys don't like LFG. I'm not saying it's the answer to everything, you can still get a team of mutes, you might still get an idiot or two in your team, but at least you're all playing roles you're comfortable with. It's one of the things fixed that can go wrong.
Hey booyaka, maybe time for a character change? I know healing can be stressful and annoying with trash teams plus I know from personal experience how bad it can be solo que when you main healer. Healers get a hard time, couple of examples from last night playing on my main, we had a team 4 dps 2 healers (I was one of the healers) and the dps spent the whole second round complaining about me not picking shield, next example from last night im solo healing with mercy and there is a guy in chat 30 seconds in to the game telling people to report me using damage boost on someone.

Musty has recently switched to Zarya and we have had some amazing games last night, he seems to really enjoy not having the stress of healing, plus brig+zarya was crazy good. He was worried about playing her in comp but after about 5 games with her was unstoppable.

Yeah no probs, I included a load of examples, if I can think of any more I will add some. Yeah one random charge like that can win the fight I love charging door ways, especially the one that keep you safe and give you the free kills. Maybe you can try some of the longer charges, I added one more to first post not sure if you noticed, just another example.

Musty on Zarya, Ginny on Brig, booyaka healing, me on Rein, and Andy on DPS... a nice team is coming together! Anymore interested?

It drives me mad when DPS complain that someone should swap to tank or healer!!! No chance of the moaner swapping themselves. In contrast, I think a tank is allowed to ask for someone to heal, and healers are entitled to ask anything! The healers have to be really bad to not get automatically endorsed by me at the end of a match.
Come jump in with us Booyaka, even if we don't win the games are still more enjoyable as a group.

I'm normally around from 8pm most days but can only play for a couple of hours, weekends I can get some play time during the day.

I always used to play solely DPS but last season and this one I've been playing Hog which I've been enjoying. I will switch to DPS if needed though.

Been trying to get better Zarya as she is one of my worst heroes. Played a bit of quick play with her last night and enjoyed that but I do find her frustrating to play sometimes.
As Ginny says maybe try a new character, it really opens the game up again. At least it did for me.

Also after a good winning streak I've lost 5 in a row so you're not the only one.
I wish I could play ranked with you guys

If anyone has a 2000-2900 rated spare account they don't mind sharing, I'm happy to arrange a time to jump on that and play a few games with everyone.
Been trying to get better Zarya as she is one of my worst heroes. Played a bit of quick play with her last night and enjoyed that but I do find her frustrating to play sometimes.

Zarya is one of my favourite heroes to play as especially when solo queuing, because if you play her right she can do a lot of damage and doesn't need too much in the way of pocketing from supports etc. compared to say; Rein (who is frustrating as hell to play in solo queue if you get healers that don't know how to keep you up or dps who don't do any damage or make use of your shield)...

My main tip would be to avoid being too trigger happy with your shield bubbles... It's tempting to use them as soon as their cooldown expires each time - just throw a bubble on whatever team-mate you can see roughly near the enemy team... but at first you want to try to always place a bubble on somebody specifically to save them (or to save yourself) - someone gets charged by Rein? Bubble them just before they hit the wall... Genji ults? Bubble a support just as he bee-lines towards them... Friendly Mcree or Pharah activate their ults? Bubble to make sure they don't get picked easily... Once you're used to being patient and getting max value out of each bubble you'll start to learn when it's safe to use a bubble that isn't saving someone, but is just building up charge for yourself

That on its own is enough to make you a pretty good Zarya player... the other thing is knowing when to beam and when to grenade - it's pretty situational but generally if you're against multiple squishies (or a single squishy who is tricky to track) use the grenades, for everything else (especially tanks) use the beam
Yeah was playing her last night in qp, like you say bubble management is key to her success.
At full charge she is devastating.
I find her quite squishy though if you get caught out as unlike other tanks she has no armour. Like you say got to learn when to push and when to retreat.

Sorry I couldn't comp last night guys, little one was asleep so no Comms from me, no good for comp.
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