I'm not going to say that I play the same as you, because rank shows you know the game better and play better than me, but those clips all look similar to my Rein play with one big exception... in all of your clips there is the reassuring overlay of healing signs! I find too often in gold that after I close the gap and then go swinging, my healer(s) start panicking about the squishies on the team and stop healing me, and Rein then becomes a fat target for the opposition to focus. When I've played in plat matches, I've noticed many times how much better the healers are, letting me just do what I need to do without worrying about health... I oftem get more elims in plat than gold when playing Rein and Dva because I can be more aggressive.
Yeah you need good healing to play rein, like an ana or moira and they need to pocket you when you get close, if not I don't think he is worth playing. If I'm rein and not getting healed I will just switch to brig. But whatever rank you are at whether it be bronze or silver there is nothing stopping you teaming up with a moira/ana and getting them to pocket you when you start swinging. You wont see me playing rein when Im not getting healed like that because I would just switch so that's why all my clips have good healing.
There is nothing more satisfying than landing a charge, but I primarily keep them short... I think short charges have more success because the target has less time to react, and of course you don't overextend.
I charge a lot when I play rein, I started taking clips yesterday I hit clip button so many times it needs organizing,. Trying to sort them best so I can demonstrate the different situations that charge can be used
and the best ways to land them. I will have a cup of coffee and see if I can sort some today.
Looking through my clips the main ones seem to be long distance charges, doorway charges, next target charges, rein 1v1 charges.
That later clip playing Lucio, makes me wonder about some higher level players vs gold... that Orisa just stands there while you shoot her, gets lucky with the first boop not pushing her over the edge, but then stands there ignoring you until you get a second boop... what was that dude thinking about?
There is nothing the orisa could have done, I had flanked came in from side and by then fight was already over 3 of her team had died and she had orisa and hog in her face. Plus orisa had no chance of killing me, lucio is really fast.
It's normal for orisa to target tanks.