
You guys shouldn't worry about dropping sr, even if you drop 1000 it doesn't really matter you soon get it back.

While your sr is high try your best and try to learn as much as possible. Also add people to your friend list while your rank is high so you can team up and learn off them.

When your sr drops down low take the opportunity to try new things, new characters, new tactics etc. Try not to take matches too seriously while playing at a lower sr as you will just get frustrated.

After my sr dropped this season I have started learning to play main tank again putting a lot of hours into rein and started back on some monkey. Also today I doubled my sensitivity from 25 to 50. I couldn't do any of this at my peak sr if not it would just be instant lose every game.

Surprisingly for me increasing my sensitivity hasn't made my aim any worse and it actually feels like I can walk faster. I can definitely see more of whats going on.

Next time I rank up I will have the tools to go higher than before and be a better team mate when I get there.

One good thing about dropping a load of sr
is you start getting a load more POTG's. Here is a couple from today with my sensitivity twice as high as I normally use. I can still hit my whips so will definitely be keeping new speed.

The issue i have is that I tell myself that I don't have so many hours to pump into the game to recover from the loss of SR.

I probably do in reality once the kids are in bed, but the time i spend with the game needs to be fun. And at the moment the fun i get is playing with groups of regulars (Ie Imginy, Booyaka, Andy Hatori etc etc.)

Ill try get on tonight after 10pm to see if anyone is on.
Agree with the above... and much as it's true that if I dip to lower ranks I end up crushing people for a few games - that's not that much fun either! I'd still prefer that to getting completely wrecked myself I suppose but I want games that genuinely feel close... Had one last night actually on Horizon where on our defense it felt like we stalled/held the 2nd point for a crazy amount of time in overtime as both teams were seemingly playing to the absolute best of their ability; it was great!
The time I forget about SR and play for fun is when I climb the most! I just get frustrated at losing when its completely out of your control mainly bad players and throwers/trolls which i had a lot of last night. I don't mind losing in close games that are fun and exciting with people trying their best.

As you mentioned @uncle_rufus those close crazy games are the best. Last game I played last night after losing 8 in a row was on Numbani against a 6 stack (I was in a duo with a 4 stack). It was 3-3 after the 1st 2 rounds. We had 1.00 left to attack. They had 4:30. We played dive and got the point in overtime and proceeded to get the payload to the end in overtime for 6-3! It was amazing, loads of communication, great team work. people switching to counter. Enemy team also played amazing as on their attack we only stopped them 10m away just around the corner from third point. Glad we won that one after such a dire night.
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Exactly... one of the games I had in my placements on my alt (the 1st one actually) dropped me straight into a 6 v 5 stack game where I was the 6th player to make up the 5 stack team... As I always do I said "please can I play tank, but I can play any tank apart from Hammond" and they immediately asked me to go Dva and that they wanted to run a dive comp... Fair enough! They were on comms and they listened, with myself and their Winston player shot-calling targets and us absolutely deleting them, it was fun and satisfying and we did great up until the cart got severely stuck towards the final point leaving us a few 10s of metres from the full cap... We actually lost in the end but it was a really fun game with no toxicity, lots of communication and co-ordination on the side of both teams - basically what the game should be and I didn't mind that it was a loss at all
I have dropped sr to the point where a lot of the matches are stupidly easy for me.

In this last match just played, first point temple of anubis all my team had died and it was 4 of them vs me they had 2 little guys and 2 tanks. They should have refk me instantly but I killed the 2 little guys first then beat rein down from full health while he sat there with his shield up and hammond was looking other way.

here is the clip, at this point I had been hitting rein for so long my team had respawned and walked back (it takes brig ages to kill rein from full health)

there is 4 of them vs brig and he is holding shield up and just stands there while I beat him down from full health. I went 17 kills 0 deaths in this last match and they didnt even get first point.(16-0 on defense... 1 kill on attack we took it instantly)
^^ Did you wait for the "Victory" screen and immediately hammer a snide, condescending "gg wp" into the chat just to rub it in despite it being patently clear to everyone in the game that it was over before it even began, and the other team were so outclassed that they hadn't even the opportunity to "play well"? :p
I have dropped sr to the point where a lot of the matches are stupidly easy for me.

In this last match just played, first point temple of anubis all my team had died and it was 4 of them vs me they had 2 little guys and 2 tanks. They should have refk me instantly but I killed the 2 little guys first then beat rein down from full health while he sat there with his shield up and hammond was looking other way.

here is the clip, at this point I had been hitting rein for so long my team had respawned and walked back (it takes brig ages to kill rein from full health)

there is 4 of them vs brig and he is holding shield up and just stands there while I beat him down from full health. I went 17 kills 0 deaths in this last match and they didnt even get first point.(16-0 on defense... 1 kill on attack we took it instantly)

this is why we are grouping up again tonight. Your getting me to plat weither you like it or not! ;)
^^ Did you wait for the "Victory" screen and immediately hammer a snide, condescending "gg wp" into the chat just to rub it in despite it being patently clear to everyone in the game that it was over before it even began, and the other team were so outclassed that they hadn't even the opportunity to "play well"? :p

lmao, No I didn't type that but you made me laugh.

this is why we are grouping up again tonight. Your getting me to plat weither you like it or not! ;)
We had some great games other night, im loooking forward to playing again just my sleep pattern is a bit off right now. I have been sleeping evenings and getting up early hours.

By the way how are you getting on with zarya this week? Have you been playing any more?
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lmao, No I didn't type that but you made me laugh.

We had some great games other night, im loooking forward to playing again just my sleep pattern is a bit off right now. I have been sleeping evenings and getting up early hours.

By the way how are you getting on with zarya this week? Have you been playing any more?

I had 1 COMP game, team were garbage. so it was a loss. Didn't dare risk anymore.
I have dropped sr to the point where a lot of the matches are stupidly easy for me.

In this last match just played, first point temple of anubis all my team had died and it was 4 of them vs me they had 2 little guys and 2 tanks. They should have refk me instantly but I killed the 2 little guys first then beat rein down from full health while he sat there with his shield up and hammond was looking other way.

here is the clip, at this point I had been hitting rein for so long my team had respawned and walked back (it takes brig ages to kill rein from full health)

there is 4 of them vs brig and he is holding shield up and just stands there while I beat him down from full health. I went 17 kills 0 deaths in this last match and they didnt even get first point.(16-0 on defense... 1 kill on attack we took it instantly)

This frustrates me... I definitely play Rein better than that, and I've dropped into silver now! :(
This frustrates me... I definitely play Rein better than that, and I've dropped into silver now! :(

Yeah you can't get much worse than a rein that sits there with shield up when the only damage coming in passes through shields.

There was this rein I see earlier who sat with his shield up about 3 feet behind our teams giant sym wall when we were trying to cap point.

I think a lot of the time when you get a rein like this they are just filling and not playing characters they know and often you can just tell them on chat to start swinging and they will do it.

Personally I wouldn't want to be playing Rein in silver unless you can get a zarya to fight along side you and a main heal (ana/moira) to focus you. Then you can really get in to do some damage and get some kills. If you cant can a propper rein comp that enables him to swing I would just for something more independent like brig or monkey and just focus diving the 200hp characters.
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New patch is now live. BIG CHANGES to the game.

Armour no longer reduces damage by 50%. This is massive change to the game. Meta will completely change, dps is now King and main tanks are screwed.

This is a big nerf to all the tanks apart from zarya and hog.

This is a massive nerf to brig.

Reaper is the new best player in the game. If you want to rank up pick reaper. The main thing that stopped reaper melting tanks before was the armour. He will melt tanks like never before plus on top of that he now gets a woooping 50% health back on all damage he does.

If you main reaper you will probably jump 500 sr this week.

The new event has started, there is some nice new skins. I grabbed the rein/brig/torb/ tracer skins straight away and a few other little bits.
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Think I might park Rein for a bit with these new changes. I can play DVa/Zarya/Winston pretty well so might play them until I see how the armor nerfs play out. I reckon Dive might make a comeback with high mobility coupled with Tracer buff used to avoid Reaper and any potential meta based around him.

OR Goats becomes even more mainstream.
I'm slightly confused why they decided to buff Reaper so heavily... power creep anyone? When played correctly he was already good against a coordinated team and unstoppable against an uncoordinated one...

I don't really mind too much as he's one of the heroes I can play well already, as well as Pharah (who will still be a good counter to him)... but when playing a tanking role my go-to hero for dealing with Reaper was almost always Dva and based on my games last night the Defense-Matrix nerf feels truly awful (though maybe after getting used to it it won't be so bad)

I doubt it's going to affect goats at all at the higher levels - if you can play goats properly you can also cooperate well enough to shutdown a Reaper... but at the low ranks it's going to suck bigtime
I do play a bit of Reaper, I might have to play much more of him then :)

Me and my mate should be on tonight, throw me a message if anyone wants to join.
Gonna need a good Ana to save nade to purple Reaper at every opportunity. Deny him the soul steal.

I suppose but since wraith cancels purple and he won't need wraith for any other purposes anymore since he's now borderline unkillable so long as he's landing shots it might only be good for forcing him to wraith for a second, which maybe your team will be able to capitalise on
I suppose but since wraith cancels purple and he won't need wraith for any other purposes anymore since he's now borderline unkillable so long as he's landing shots it might only be good for forcing him to wraith for a second, which maybe your team will be able to capitalise on

Good point. Hopefully people will be coordinated enough to counter. Guess i'll be holding onto defense matrix waiting for the Reaper dive.

Off the top of my head good counters would be:

Ana nade and sleep,
McCree Flashbang and McCrightClick
Hog Hook
DVa matrix
Zen Discord
Lucio booping him away

Providing of course you can bait out the wraith.
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