You guys shouldn't worry about dropping sr, even if you drop 1000 it doesn't really matter you soon get it back.
While your sr is high try your best and try to learn as much as possible. Also add people to your friend list while your rank is high so you can team up and learn off them.
When your sr drops down low take the opportunity to try new things, new characters, new tactics etc. Try not to take matches too seriously while playing at a lower sr as you will just get frustrated.
After my sr dropped this season I have started learning to play main tank again putting a lot of hours into rein and started back on some monkey. Also today I doubled my sensitivity from 25 to 50. I couldn't do any of this at my peak sr if not it would just be instant lose every game.
Surprisingly for me increasing my sensitivity hasn't made my aim any worse and it actually feels like I can walk faster. I can definitely see more of whats going on.
Next time I rank up I will have the tools to go higher than before and be a better team mate when I get there.
One good thing about dropping a load of sr
is you start getting a load more POTG's. Here is a couple from today with my sensitivity twice as high as I normally use. I can still hit my whips so will definitely be keeping new speed.
While your sr is high try your best and try to learn as much as possible. Also add people to your friend list while your rank is high so you can team up and learn off them.
When your sr drops down low take the opportunity to try new things, new characters, new tactics etc. Try not to take matches too seriously while playing at a lower sr as you will just get frustrated.
After my sr dropped this season I have started learning to play main tank again putting a lot of hours into rein and started back on some monkey. Also today I doubled my sensitivity from 25 to 50. I couldn't do any of this at my peak sr if not it would just be instant lose every game.
Surprisingly for me increasing my sensitivity hasn't made my aim any worse and it actually feels like I can walk faster. I can definitely see more of whats going on.
Next time I rank up I will have the tools to go higher than before and be a better team mate when I get there.
One good thing about dropping a load of sr
is you start getting a load more POTG's. Here is a couple from today with my sensitivity twice as high as I normally use. I can still hit my whips so will definitely be keeping new speed.