
Off the top of my head good counters would be:

Ana nade and sleep,
McCree Flashbang and McCrightClick
Hog Hook
DVa matrix
Zen Discord
Lucio booping him away

Agree with all of those pre-patch except maybe Mei (who I think is generally countered by Reaper if you play him right) - I guess she can sometimes use wall etc. to cutoff his escape once wraith is forced out though...

You can probably cross Dva off the list now as her matrix nerfs are awful... all Reaper has to do now is wait until you use matrix once and then he has a whopping 2 seconds of free time to shoot whatever he wants before matrix can activate again - easily time to wipe out the Dva or another target... Again perhaps time will show differently but based on my games last night Dva has gone from one of my go-to picks to probably borderline unplayable at this point

Hog maybe not so good any longer as well... as even landing a hook on Reaper all he has to do is hold M1 and he'll be back at full health in 1 or 2 shots...
Reaper wrecks hog now so my tank days may be numbered.
Though I have been playing zarya a lot in quick play and definitely getting better with her. She's gone from my least favourite character to one I've really enjoyed playing.
Zarya, reaper duo is strong!

Luckily I can play reaper pretty well so will see how the patch plays out.

Some good skins in the update as well, liking reaper and Orisa the best.
reaper is insane - that can't last.

Locked on him as Moira, threw a damage orb as well - yet his health is going up despite lock on and orb hitting him!
Anyone got any reaper tips for someone who has never played a propper hitscan/dps roll?

After finishing my first round with him earlier the first comment was something along the lines of "my god your reaper is trash"

Im starting to try and tap trigger and flick past them rather than holding button down and it seems to be working better.

reaper is insane - that can't last.

Locked on him as Moira, threw a damage orb as well - yet his health is going up despite lock on and orb hitting him!
Yeah it's crazy he can sit there face to face with bob and have his health go up. Someone earlier on chat said he now gains 140 health a second. I think mercy is only 50 per second. So it's like 3 mercy pockets???

I agree I can't see this lasting more than a patch or 2 before it's nerfed. I would advice anyone that can play him to abuse this and gain as much sr as you can before it's nerfed.

A lot of people have been playing him with mercy damage boost and it's very hard to stop. I bet if you had mercy damage boost and zarya bubble you could just run through them.

I like brig+mcree to counter reaper.
I think with this Reaper buff a lot of people are forgetting that these stats are with 100% shot accuracy.
If you're whiffing a lot of shots he's easily countered.

So main thing is good accuracy. While he's a close quarters hero you still need to be able to flick shot well, especially with high mobility heroes like Tracer, Genji, Doom etc.

Wraith is normally best used as an escape, you should rarely initiate an attack with it, but you can use it to bait out opponents utilities then punish them while they have no defence. Think Mccrees flash bang, mei's cryo-freeze, Hogs hook etc.

His teleport is very situational, obviously never use it in the open or to try and escape a fight as you will get instantly shut down.
It's often used in conjunction with his alt to try and sneak up on the enemy but good players will hear you a mile off.

It's good to regroup with your team if you have gotten out of position as a defensive tool.
Also try to use the map to teleport to unusual places to get the drop on the enemy but don't stray to far from your team, a solo Reaper is easy to focus down.
Hide behind the payload to conceal a sneaky teleport to the back lines while your tanks engage to get the drop with your alt.
Well, granted I'm probably not the worlds greatest Reaper, but the three times I started with him this evening, each time I switched off within a couple of minutes. He doesn't feel OP to me.

obviously never use it in the open or to try and escape a fight as you will get instantly shut down.

You say that, but we were playing a Reaper last week that kept doing this. It was actually rather amusing. I asked in chat if he was trolling and he got quite upset, so I guess he was just really bad!
Unless you have god like aim he's still just a squishy DPS, he has a bit more sustain now but if you think you can play him like an invincible tank solo rushing enemies your'll soon get shut down.
lol earlier I killed 5 of the enemy team in a 5v3 with a combination of W + M1 and an ult... they had an Orisa ult active, a Mei trying to freeze me, orisa barrier right on us, a lucio booping, moira trying to heal and a hanzo... barely even trying...

He feels OP to me
Reaper change is pretty good for me

I don't play Reaper often (he was my main in season 1 though :D) but when I do I always seem to have good success with him
Wait are the patch changes live in comp? Thought it always took a week to go live on comp as well as other modes?

All changes happen same time. It's only new characters that are delayed in comp. ( heavy reworks like new sym/new torb are treated as new characters)

lol earlier I killed 5 of the enemy team in a 5v3 with a combination of W + M1 and an ult... they had an Orisa ult active, a Mei trying to freeze me, orisa barrier right on us, a lucio booping, moira trying to heal and a hanzo... barely even trying...

He feels OP to me

Yeah he is crazy good now, where as before he had to wraith out when he is dying now he can just wrath up to one of your tanks to refill his health.

Wraith is normally best used as an escape, you should rarely initiate an attack with it, but you can use it to bait out opponents utilities then punish them while they have no defence. Think Mccrees flash bang, mei's cryo-freeze, Hogs hook etc.

I think this is probably why you are not seeing how good he is, he is very offensive now there is no need to wraith out when every shot landed is like stepping on a health pack. If your team is near by just wraith for a sec while they heal you and keep going.

Unless you have god like aim he's still just a squishy DPS, he has a bit more sustain now but if you think you can play him like an invincible tank solo rushing enemies your'll soon get shut down.

Yeah you probably need amazing aim to go solo with him. But if your grouped with your team then even with bad aim the health you gain is enough to keep you going.

I personally think bob is op so when a dps character can stand in front of him without taking damage that's crazy to me. Plus on top of this he got big damage boost vs armour.
Clipped from me in my last game.

My reaper still sucks I have managed to get my winrate up from 18% to 35% today though lol I only just realized he can use his wraith to reload.
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I have a couple of reaper clips from today. Thought I would give him ago on my main.

All I really know how to do is body shot the tanks but I started winning matches with him.

I got play of the game in this match, you might see me 1 shot lucio from full health and assume im pretty good, but this whole clip I was just trying to get a hit on the dva, somehow missed by about 6 feet and deleted him.

Look at this healing? I got like 38 health they are focusing me and I can just walk upto a dva and get my health back.
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Reaper changes are mental. I played reaper with a friend on Moira and we where just walking through the enemy team, even managed to get a 6 man kill when we combined ultimates. I see a nerf coming
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I don't know about reaper being OP, but having played him a little more I now think he might find his way into plenty of comps.

With more time invested in him on live i think he's tougher to place than I initially anticipated.
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I havent been able to play properly for a while but I've just finished putting my pc back together again so hopefully once it is leak tested I'll be back at it. Before I stopped I was trying out various settings to get a good balance of performance (240fps consistently) and visual quality but now I'm back at square one.

Could you guys please share your hardware and settings and what works or doesn't?
I'm not looking for an x vs x debate or anything like that, i'm simply curious to see what is being used.

240hz 1080p monitor
32gb 3200

Settings low except textures and aa with render scale at 100%
This gives me a consistent 300fps but i really want to up the quality wherever I can without introducing too much input lag.
The game doesn't feel nice to play for me right now, a lot of one sided matches with the armour changes and reaper buff.

I'm a healer main and in the past if a reaper was destroying my team I would just get brig out and shut him down. After playing a bit more today it seems brig is no longer a viable counter to a decent reaper so im left at the mercy of my team mates.

Ana and mcree seem good against him reaper. ( I dont play them though)

I think I might start playing mercy again, even though she sucks since healing nerf.

Basically Im having a bit of character crisis :)

Maybe I just play Lucio every game?
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I havent been able to play properly for a while but I've just finished putting my pc back together again so hopefully once it is leak tested I'll be back at it. Before I stopped I was trying out various settings to get a good balance of performance (240fps consistently) and visual quality but now I'm back at square one.

Could you guys please share your hardware and settings and what works or doesn't?
I'm not looking for an x vs x debate or anything like that, i'm simply curious to see what is being used.

240hz 1080p monitor
32gb 3200

Settings low except textures and aa with render scale at 100%
This gives me a consistent 300fps but

I think a lot of the ultra ones give you input lag and local reflection I believe also add lag.

I use mostly high with 150% render, this is at 1080p, I get around 170 fps with gtx 1080 and i5 8400
pic.With these setting I seem free of any input lag,
I think a lot of the ultra ones give you input lag and local reflection I believe also add lag.

I use mostly high with 150% render, this is at 1080p, I get around 170 fps with gtx 1080 and i5 8400
pic.With these setting I seem free of any input lag,
Thank you :)

Did you discover the input lag on ultra yourself? How do you find 150% render scale and why did you pick it?

Thanks again, very helpful.
Thank you :)

Did you discover the input lag on ultra yourself? How do you find 150% render scale and why did you pick it?

Thanks again, very helpful.

Yeah if I use ultra preset it feels laggy, high feels good. ( I probably need to turn some of them back to high sometimes when you update game it changes settings)

local reflection tanks frames in some situations so I always have that off.

I think 150 render scale looks better than 100, 170fps is plenty for me.

This is just what I know from fiddling with it my self. If you find any better settings please share.
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