
The more I play on this new patch the less I like it.

I'm getting bored.

With the tanks just getting melted it's not fun to play them.

With tanks getting melted it's no fun healing them.

edit: So I have spent the last couple of hours just playing reaper in comp. It seems a lot of fun so I will just main him until something changes in the meta.
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I havent been able to play properly for a while but I've just finished putting my pc back together again so hopefully once it is leak tested I'll be back at it. Before I stopped I was trying out various settings to get a good balance of performance (240fps consistently) and visual quality but now I'm back at square one.

Could you guys please share your hardware and settings and what works or doesn't?
I'm not looking for an x vs x debate or anything like that, i'm simply curious to see what is being used.

240hz 1080p monitor
32gb 3200

Settings low except textures and aa with render scale at 100%
This gives me a consistent 300fps but i really want to up the quality wherever I can without introducing too much input lag.

this is very easy
240hz 1080p
threadripper 2950x
32gb of 3200 - 13-13-13-32

just put everything ultra then put the option "dynamic reflections" to off. it hardly does anything anyway. it just puts reflections of enemies into water etc.

this option takes my fps from 240 down to sometimes 120 at ultra

from blizzard

"Dynamic reflections and fog detail are both purely graphics quality options. They will help make the game a bit more pretty for reflections for things like windows or shiny objects in game for dynamic reflections, but won't really improve game play directly in any way, and are a bit computationally expensive (they take up a lot of GPU time)

For the frame rate question, there will likely be a bit of a preference thing, but in general getting more than your monitor refresh rate will not give any further benefits, since at that point no matter how many frames your graphics card is drawing, you are limited by how fast your monitor can display things. That being said, it can definitely help to have your overall frame rate be a bit higher than the monitor refresh rate to give yourself some leeway for when large battles or a lot of effects going off at once may slow down the graphics processing. Generally ~10-15 FPS over the monitor refresh rate is enough to cover those situations, though that can vary a bit depending on your system."
Aside from my disagreement with my placing this season :D I've been enjoying this again, went a bit cold for a while, enjoying playing reaper more as I said earlier, against some teams you can just walk though people

some reaper plays

and some Reins as Ive been trying to play him more

Ashe because why not, trying to improve my aim, missed a few near the end but finally got her
I know there's not a huge amount of skill involved in an ult like this, but it stopped their push dead. I also had something like 62% kill participation and 50 elims with McCree.

As I was coming round I was pleading with my team to keep them busy!

I've not played much McCree in comp, but they had a Tracer and Phara, so it seemed the obvious choice and I feel I actually had one of my better games in some time.
Nice one Andy!

I actually also just had a little win streak using LFG for a change.

Played with a bunch of friendly Germans and on UK DPS player.

Won a few for a change!
Had an evening of Reaper in quickplay and I've been ripping through teams. As others have said, if you get in the middle of them on your own, you'll get quickly deleted, but if you can single them out then you can cause havoc. Haven't yet tried in comp... might turn out very different!

Definitely going with the hold LMB down, no flick shots or single shots, mainly use wraith for quick reload or to chase someone escaping, and only to back out if suddenly outnumbered (keep doing damage and you'll heal yourself). I've been mainly flanking and taking our their healers and snipers first, or getting into tanks on control maps.

Shadow Step locations:
Dorado attack, at start, keep right out of spawn, SS over the wall and attack from behind
Dorado last point, SS to back of final area to get behind (see video below)
Volskaya attack, over water on left
Numbani first point, SS from high ground on left of first point to top right. You don't need to get to the edge of the first ledge, so may be done unnoticed.
Anubis attack, go through first door on left and SS to window above mega health pack, then loop around the back onto the high ground, or SS to higher ground above point if Widow there
Route 66, last point attack, out of spawn SS to high walkway in front to get behind and above other team

@Mickcas love the second reaper vid and the first rein vid.

Decent Mei triple

Just noticed you don't get the satisfying headshot dings on replays :(

I wish I could headshot with mei, she is so much fun.

I know there's not a huge amount of skill involved in an ult like this, but it stopped their push dead. I also had something like 62% kill participation and 50 elims with McCree.

As I was coming round I was pleading with my team to keep them busy!

I've not played much McCree in comp, but they had a Tracer and Phara, so it seemed the obvious choice and I feel I actually had one of my better games in some time.

I think pressing at the right time takes a lot of skill. Nice ult by the way.

Mcree seems like a great choice this season as he is a strong reaper counter, Also if you run reaper and mcree on your team then mcree counters all the people that can kill your reaper.

From what I seen this season in plat and gold reaper and mcree seem like the best dps and ana seems like best healer and orisa seems to have replaced rein and zarya seems best tank.

My poor brig feel like she is completely out the game now.
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Had an evening of Reaper in quickplay and I've been ripping through teams. As others have said, if you get in the middle of them on your own, you'll get quickly deleted, but if you can single them out then you can cause havoc. Haven't yet tried in comp... might turn out very different!

Definitely going with the hold LMB down, no flick shots or single shots, mainly use wraith for quick reload or to chase someone escaping, and only to back out if suddenly outnumbered (keep doing damage and you'll heal yourself). I've been mainly flanking and taking our their healers and snipers first, or getting into tanks on control maps.

Shadow Step locations:
Dorado attack, at start, keep right out of spawn, SS over the wall and attack from behind
Dorado last point, SS to back of final area to get behind (see video below)
Volskaya attack, over water on left
Numbani first point, SS from high ground on left of first point to top right. You don't need to get to the edge of the first ledge, so may be done unnoticed.
Anubis attack, go through first door on left and SS to window above mega health pack, then loop around the back onto the high ground, or SS to higher ground above point if Widow there
Route 66, last point attack, out of spawn SS to high walkway in front to get behind and above other team

Nice vid, Is blossom a good counter to rip tire or does it sometimes go other way?

I think you should probably just play him on comp, just stay with team and take out tanks you could probably hit low plat in a couple of days. Don't try and play him like a genji/tracer, just stay front line melting the tanks making it easy for the rest of your team.

Im trying to learn him my self and I can't hit anything if I hold button down because my tracking is bad (pad player) but im starting to have success spinning camera past them and just pressing button at right time. I need to start aiming higher though as I never hit headshot unless it accidental.

really enjoying learning to play dps currently sat around 2300-2400sr. My aim is getting a little better each day I'm hoping to get good enough to hit mid plat with him.
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Has anyone tried to play brig into reaper yet? Surely the stun and some good focus wouldn't take long to get rid of him?
I've encountered a few but if you have wrath you'll probably survive, normally be retreating though. I tend to watch out for her using it then pounce
Thanks, I might make a move over to McCree for a while and see how it goes. My Plays.tv recordings seem very laggy these days, otherwise I would upload the whole round, as I said, one of my better rounds. I like having the insta kill with the flashbang, it's something Soldier can't do. It's a bit like when I go Widow though, some games I'm popping headshots all over the place, others I can't hit a thing. :(

It was fun Saturday morning, we got a 5 stack going! I think someone said we went 0-3 though... but actually we had that amazing first game that we won -


We won the first control point quite easy, then it seemed like a different team as they won the second then the third went to 99 - 99 and they had the point but we got a team kill to win the match. It's those ones that keep me playing. Last night our first game was the McCree one I mention above, which was an amazing game. We then lost two in quite a frustrating manner :( But those great games where it actually gets your adrenaline going are what keep me coming back.
Has anyone tried to play brig into reaper yet? Surely the stun and some good focus wouldn't take long to get rid of him?

She really struggles against half decent reaper now, she used to be able to own him everytime.

The 30 damage you do per swing just isn't enough when he can heal 70 per shot.

Plus he does like an extra 20% damage vs her now.

with this latest patch reapers self healing has increased by 90% vs armoured targets.

Ana anti grenade and some focus seems best thing to shut him down.
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She really struggles against half decent reaper now, she used to be able to own him everytime.

The 30 damage you do per swing just isn't enough when he can heal 70 per shot.

Plus he does like an extra 20% damage vs her now.

Ana anti grenade and some focus seems best thing to shut him down.

Might start trying to play a bit more Ana then....

Shes a beast healer in the right hands but i can never get my positioning right with her.
Thanks, I might make a move over to McCree for a while and see how it goes. My Plays.tv recordings seem very laggy these days, otherwise I would upload the whole round, as I said, one of my better rounds. I like having the insta kill with the flashbang, it's something Soldier can't do. It's a bit like when I go Widow though, some games I'm popping headshots all over the place, others I can't hit a thing. :(

It was fun Saturday morning, we got a 5 stack going! I think someone said we went 0-3 though... but actually we had that amazing first game that we won -


We won the first control point quite easy, then it seemed like a different team as they won the second then the third went to 99 - 99 and they had the point but we got a team kill to win the match. It's those ones that keep me playing. Last night our first game was the McCree one I mention above, which was an amazing game. We then lost two in quite a frustrating manner :( But those great games where it actually gets your adrenaline going are what keep me coming back.

Yeah I think with mcree getting fan the hammer upgrade and reaper getting healing upgrade that soldier could do with a little buff.

In my last match playing reaper I finished first round with 3600 healing which was silver even though we had 2 healers all game. Finished the game with 5600 healing still silver. They played hog all first round and he was like walking health pack dispenser.

Mcree can instant kill the 200hp with characters with stun and melt tanks with fan the hammer,roll,fan the hammer.

I think soldier has been left behind a bit. It kind of sucks when your favourite character isn't as good as the others.
Shes a beast healer in the right hands but i can never get my positioning right with her.

I don't play supports too much lately but when I used to play quite a bit of Zen the best positioning tip I ever heard (and I expect applies to Ana as well):

- If you can see more than 2 of their team, reposition
- If you can see less than 3 of your team, reposition
Nice vid, Is blossom a good counter to rip tire or does it sometimes go other way?

I think you should probably just play him on comp, just stay with team and take out tanks you could probably hit low plat in a couple of days. Don't try and play him like a genji/tracer, just stay front line melting the tanks making it easy for the rest of your team.

Im trying to learn him my self and I can't hit anything if I hold button down because my tracking is bad (pad player) but im starting to have success spinning camera past them and just pressing button at right time. I need to start aiming higher though as I never hit headshot unless it accidental.

really enjoying learning to play dps currently sat around 2300-2400sr. My aim is getting a little better each day I'm hoping to get good enough to hit mid plat with him.

I would love to claim that it was a clever strategic move, but in reality it was a fluke as I committed to Blossom at the same time as the Rip Tire started. I'll do a bit more practise and then try Reaper in comp... Rein is painful at lower levels but OK with you guys and some other friends that I team with.

The main problem, especially in lower rank, is that you have 2 or 3 instalock DPS, and then I feel obliged to go tank or healer otherwise the team is not balanced... it is sad how many people won't flex... a game last week where we started 4 DPS and 2 tanks, and the DPS refused to change, with one dude complaining that he changed off DPS the last match (which they lost) so there was absolutely no way he was going to change this time (he was Junkrat) and it was someone else's turn... I see his point, but at the end of the day the team should work together for the win, even if it means flexing... I ended up playing Brig, and we did win thankfully.
I don't play supports too much lately but when I used to play quite a bit of Zen the best positioning tip I ever heard (and I expect applies to Ana as well):

- If you can see more than 2 of their team, reposition
- If you can see less than 3 of your team, reposition

This is actually a very simple yet probably very effective thing to remember .

Ill try actively think like that and give her a go in some QP.
The main problem, especially in lower rank, is that you have 2 or 3 instalock DPS, and then I feel obliged to go tank or healer otherwise the team is not balanced... it is sad how many people won't flex... a game last week where we started 4 DPS and 2 tanks, and the DPS refused to change, with one dude complaining that he changed off DPS the last match (which they lost) so there was absolutely no way he was going to change this time (he was Junkrat) and it was someone else's turn... I see his point, but at the end of the day the team should work together for the win, even if it means flexing... I ended up playing Brig, and we did win thankfully.

This happens to me all the time... I do mainly play tanks, but I can dps or support fairly well too if I need to... so generally if I get 2/3 instalock dps players my approach is to pick a tank that will work with them (dva/winston/hammond if they are mobile dps, one of the others if they are slower) and then keep an eye on how they are doing - if I can spot one good dps player amongst them I make a point of working with and keeping them alive... if all 2/3 of them are hopeless then I just yolo and go dps as well, as it's better than struggling on with a tank and nothing dying - sometimes one of them will switch tank sometimes not but at least I get to do something! Or if you don't want to get flamed for switching dps just stick to the high damage off-tanks (zarya/hog/dva) and play aggressively yourself

This is actually a very simple yet probably very effective thing to remember

Like anything it's more of a guideline/something to keep in mind to help recognise when you're in a bad position, but I always felt it helped as it's very quick to think about and get used to
I would love to claim that it was a clever strategic move, but in reality it was a fluke as I committed to Blossom at the same time as the Rip Tire started. I'll do a bit more practise and then try Reaper in comp... Rein is painful at lower levels but OK with you guys and some other friends that I team with.

The main problem, especially in lower rank, is that you have 2 or 3 instalock DPS, and then I feel obliged to go tank or healer otherwise the team is not balanced... it is sad how many people won't flex... a game last week where we started 4 DPS and 2 tanks, and the DPS refused to change, with one dude complaining that he changed off DPS the last match (which they lost) so there was absolutely no way he was going to change this time (he was Junkrat) and it was someone else's turn... I see his point, but at the end of the day the team should work together for the win, even if it means flexing... I ended up playing Brig, and we did win thankfully.

I really wouldn't worry as much as before about having 2 tanks in current meta at gold/plat level. If no one is taking care of the reaper then playing tank can do more harm than good. You are better just switching to 1 tank and an extra reaper counter like phara or mcree.

With the armour nerfs and mcree/reaper buffs it's not nice playing tank right now so if you solo que get used to playing a lot of matches where no one wants to fill or start using lfg instead.

Also just try and enjoy your matches, if it's a troll match just recognise it then accept you are in a troll match and have fun with it, run 6dps or 5dps one heal.

In plat if you tried to take every match seriously you would go insane.
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