
I agree with Famas that Lucio does well in the current meta... his boop can really mess up Reaper play, and I find Lucio hard to kill when he is jumping and riding all over the place, and if he lands a triple headshot then he wins... certainly worth consideration!

@imginy you can take advantage of your alt account and try a totally new hero... with your preference for a gamepad, I guess not hitscan, but Pharah, Sym or Junkrat might be fun, I think you would be good at Zarya, and DVA or Mei could be good but they do rely on good aim to get the most out of them.
After a really good run with hog last season winning a lot of matches and coming away with medals every game I got up to 2800. Finally felt like I was making good progress with the game and a character I liked, then came the patch and I've been on a losing streak since.

Down to 2300, with every game having a reaper hog isn't always a good pick, like someone said above he is a walking health pack for reaper.

So I've dropped hog for the time being and started to flex. I can play one character from each group well which I think is important.
It's good to have a main but it's also well worth knowing how other characters work and play giving you a better understanding on how to counter them.
Playing different character also helps to keep the game fresh.

I played a few comps with Lucio last night and he seems a good counter to reaper.
If you see reaper hammering someone speed boost in and boop him away, if you can keep him at distance he's easier to manage.
Won 3 games in a row and got gold elims in one, did have a good team as well though.

As for the patch I'm not really sure what they where trying to achieve.
If it was to stop goats its not really working.
Goats was never an issue at low to mid ranks and as I'm aware reaper isn't getting played at the higher ranks and goats still dominates.
It's good they are keeping the game fresh but it's at the expense of upsetting a lot of the player base.

I think you should maybe practice that hook then headshot for an hour see if you can nail it.

Your roadhog was getting really good, you just that little step away from being diamond level with him.

Since patch if you can't one shot with roadhog then it is practically throwing using him against reaper.

Yeah lucio is ok against reaper but you can't carry with him as much now, you need an ok team around you. You need someone on your team to be good at killing the reaper because booping him away is a only temporary solution. You also need the other healer to be playing ok because with the armour nerfs and reaper buffs it's harder for lucio to keep everyone alive. It was just about managable for me to keep every one alive before patch even if solo healing or other healer was bad.

I used to really enjoy speed boosting the reins in on the other team and the big brawls.

I had a lot of fun speed boosting scotts reaper around the map. If I could get a reaper dps on my team as good as scott every game then that would be great.

@Stu I don't bother using my ult account if my main is below 3k because anything below that I don't mind losing matches. I think my ult is about 500sr above my main right now.
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Another Armour nerf of sorts. Glad i'm taking a break too. I snapped last Friday after a big losing streak! :eek:


  • Non-recoverable health, shields, and armor are now consumed before recoverable health, shields, and armor
    • Previous priority order: non-recoverable shields, recoverable shields, non-recoverable armor, recoverable armor, non-recoverable health, and recoverable health
    • New priority order: non-recoverable shields, non-recoverable armor, non-recoverable health, recoverable shields, recoverable armor, and recoverable health
Developer Comments: In Overwatch, a health type order determines the prioritization of subtracting health, shield, or armor types when a hero takes damage. For example, if a hero has recoverable shields and takes damage, the damage taken will diminish the recoverable shield before recoverable health. Previously, it was possible for heroes’ recoverable shields to be prioritized for damage and regenerate, allowing their non-recoverable armor to persist. With the order adjustment, heroes who have been granted non-recoverable armor or shields will now consume those resources before recoverable health, armor, or shields.
Another Armour nerf of sorts. Glad i'm taking a break too. I snapped last Friday after a big losing streak! :eek:


  • Non-recoverable health, shields, and armor are now consumed before recoverable health, shields, and armor
    • Previous priority order: non-recoverable shields, recoverable shields, non-recoverable armor, recoverable armor, non-recoverable health, and recoverable health
    • New priority order: non-recoverable shields, non-recoverable armor, non-recoverable health, recoverable shields, recoverable armor, and recoverable health
Developer Comments: In Overwatch, a health type order determines the prioritization of subtracting health, shield, or armor types when a hero takes damage. For example, if a hero has recoverable shields and takes damage, the damage taken will diminish the recoverable shield before recoverable health. Previously, it was possible for heroes’ recoverable shields to be prioritized for damage and regenerate, allowing their non-recoverable armor to persist. With the order adjustment, heroes who have been granted non-recoverable armor or shields will now consume those resources before recoverable health, armor, or shields.

So another nerf directed at brig, oh my god she is already dead stop hitting her.

The only other person this will effect is hammond who drops in on you and uses the shields to pretect the armour.

I was looking to the ptr for good news lol
So another nerf directed at brig, oh my god she is already dead stop hitting her.

The only other person this will effect is hammond who drops in on you and uses the shields to pretect the armour.

I was looking to the ptr for good news lol

Yep. Looks like they are really trying to kill off GOATs.
So are they saying zarya zen and sym are now going to lose health before shield?

The wording is bit confusing to me.

Edit: They are not saying that.

From the looks of things this change only effects brigs armour and hammond.
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You know, that comp that isn't a problem for a good 80% of the playerbase...

By buffing a load of heroes who are really strong for that same 80%...

gg blizz

I think you are being generous there.

My guess is probably only 1% of the player base where this was an issue. Probably only really an issue at the pro level.

I know it was never an issue in masters, yeah people played it but it wasn't game breaking and it certainly wasn't every game. It was more something you would pop out to take them by surprise or something you do when you only had 1 min.

I think that's why the changes are bothering so much. They are just there so every owl league match isnt 3 heal 3 tanks. There would have been other ways of doing this that didn't mess up the tank game for most of the player base. I read a simple solution to the goats problem on the ow forum, just make it so lucio and brig healing doesn't stack.

I'm just going to sit back and see what happens next. Hopefully they have something planned that will turn this around.
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You know, that comp that isn't a problem for a good 80% of the playerbase...

By buffing a load of heroes who are really strong for that same 80%...

gg blizz

As a tank main i'm just not gonna bother for the rest of the season. Once I hit diamond i got a load of games with 4 DPS instalocks and I was left solo tanking with a solo healer. Blizzard need to make tanking and support play rewarding again. Better off playing comp as team deathmatch at the moment.
So are they saying zarya zen and sym are now going to lose health before shield?

The wording is bit confusing to me.

That exactly how I read it to, which doesn't make sense at all. Am I correct in thinking Mercy and Lucio are the only heroes with recoverable health?

As a tank main i'm just not gonna bother for the rest of the season. Once I hit diamond i got a load of games with 4 DPS instalocks and I was left solo tanking with a solo healer. Blizzard need to make tanking and support play rewarding again. Better off playing comp as team deathmatch at the moment.

When online together, lets spend some time focused on comp capture the flag maybe?

I had a lot of fun speed boosting scotts reaper around the map. If I could get a reaper dps on my team as good as scott every game then that would be great.

You haven't seen me on Reaper yet! :p (Yeah, I know Scott is playing at a higher rank!)
That exactly how I read it to, which doesn't make sense at all. Am I correct in thinking Mercy and Lucio are the only heroes with recoverable health?

When online together, lets spend some time focused on comp capture the flag maybe?

You haven't seen me on Reaper yet! :p (Yeah, I know Scott is playing at a higher rank!)

Taken from random post on ow forum.

  • Recoverable shields- light blue
  • Non-recoverable shields - dark blue that ticks away
  • Recoverable armor - orange
  • Non-recoverable armor - darker orange that ticks away
  • Recoverable HP - white
  • Non-recoverable HP- ???
Taken from random post on ow forum.

  • Recoverable shields- light blue
  • Non-recoverable shields - dark blue that ticks away
  • Recoverable armor - orange
  • Non-recoverable armor - darker orange that ticks away
  • Recoverable HP - white
  • Non-recoverable HP- ???

Possible hero 30 with over heal capabilities? Like the Medic over buff in TF2?
I guess the change (which I admit I was also initially confused by) is for a few specific edge cases, e.g.

Zarya has 50% of her health as a recoverable shield... currently if she is awarded some non-recoverable armour (for instance from a Brig ult) then she will take damage to her shield first... which means when the armour wears off she could be left at 50% overall health even if she didn't take enough damage during the Brig ult to burn through the added armour?
I guess the change (which I admit I was also initially confused by) is for a few specific edge cases, e.g.

Zarya has 50% of her health as a recoverable shield... currently if she is awarded some non-recoverable armour (for instance from a Brig ult) then she will take damage to her shield first... which means when the armour wears off she could be left at 50% overall health even if she didn't take enough damage during the Brig ult to burn through the added armour?

Yeah before these new changes if zarya had some armour from brigs ult it was protected by her shield and zarya would take reduced damage until all the shield and armour was gone.

Now with the new changes the armour will get burned first.

Greatly reducing the effectiveness of brigs ult on zarya zen and sym.

This new order does make a lot more sence but since brig is the only one handing out armour it kind of only really effects her ult and hammonds E.

This change was needed back in the days when we had shield gen and torb armour. Seems wierd time to do it now unless we have new character on the way with something stackable.
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Very broken at the moment - dropped 700SR this season now and the Reaper changes are just weird.

I don't get why they have made a dps character so strong now in terms of self healing. PLayed a few games where a repear has just torn us up with his self heal/life steal, bubbles from Zayra every few seconds etc. He's almost unkillable at the moment.

The team I was in earlier tried everything to counter him - Mei/Lucio/Paharh etc - but he was like a one man wrecking crew.

I'm out for the season now - It's just no fun at the moment - Might play the odd QP/Total Mayhem game but otherwise I'm done with it for now.

He just wraths after you and you know your dead as any kind of support with 2 shots these days.
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