
9/10 out of the games tonight, I had to be the healer. Seems people are more bothered about going gung-ho then helping the team. Push forward rambo style, get killed. Rinse and repeat all game. Even on defence in my last game the whole team was rushing them instead of staying near the capture point.
That's pretty much all the beta was if you weren't playing with friends.
[HB]Rugrat;29539441 said:
Yes, all the while thinking about how much better it could look if they'd made the effort... but you're clearly just determined to be contrary about it so let's just agree to disagree.

I'm not determined to be anything, just because my opinion slightly differs.

I agree it should be there and it's stupid it's not. That said it won't stop me enjoying the game and find the whole attitude of not playing a game etc...because it doesn't have a certain res slightly odd.

Each to their own. Yep agree to disagree as i'm bored talking about it already. It was discussed plenty before release.
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[HB]Rugrat;29539441 said:
Yes, all the while thinking about how much better it could look if they'd made the effort... but you're clearly just determined to be contrary about it so let's just agree to disagree.

it not just add a button & support is their. many things might need to be altered,
Render Distancing
checking that their System requirements are not misleading.
ensuring That 21:9 look Correct with their skin models & textures
UI setup
higher FOV options
game engine optimizations
Ensuring that 21:9 does not open up weird untextured areas. (its happened other 21:9 titles)

support will be added after time, same as HOTS/Diablo WOW
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I honestly don't know why I bought this now. I loved the beta, was so much fun. So far I have played 3 hours worth tonight and not got a single win. every game is an utter roflstomp, just had a game where everybody on the enemy team stacked solder 76 and they just steamrollered us because most of our team was roadhog, with me trying to act as the only healer.

If it's not that then every team has at least 2 widowmakers..

Why can't there be a mode where you cant stack heroes...
I think this is a bit much for me. Too fast and too colourful!!

Might just slip back into Stellaris.... ahhhhh pause button :)

Good game but the speed, tactics and rock-paper-scissor is too much to take in. Just getting smashed since 6pm today.
Enjoyed this last night... on a 5-man team with one random and having some pretty decent games...

We had one game where all 6 of us went Winston and hid out of sight for the first ~20 seconds of the round before unleashing the fury all at once - was pretty funny :p
I think out of about 16 games i have around 12 wins.

Group up with people on here and generally have 1 pick a tank and another pick a healer and you wont go too far wrong.

As most randoms will pick assassins or defence heroes.
I hated Genji for ages, but when I got good with him that changed. One of my top pick heroes and he DESTROYS Bastion.

Sneak up, get into his field of view and make him panic, activate reflect... Watch him melt.

This all day long

Quickly becoming my favorite character!
could we get a list of all the the battlenet username's who wish to be added on the front page of this thread? think it would be much easier for adding people.

here's my username if anyone wishes to add me - MrAmbrosius#2813
All the complaints about people picking the same character etc, let the game settle down a bit. Its been out 1 day, most people are adjusting to who they want to play and may not yet be aware of how the game really works. This is the sort of talk that put me off buying straight away, worried i would get moaned at in game if i wasnt playing it how others want me to, not saying im not a team player but its the same stuff that put me off mobas almost from the get go!

And every new games thread as soon as its released, no 21:9 support is argued about. I imagine it must be frustrating for those involved but maybe the world isnt ready for 21:9 yet as it seems quite a common complaint at the mo
Add me to the list of people enjoying this :)

I really don't know what my favourite character is yet. I seem to be playing Lucio a lot because there never seems to be a healer on my team :(
It's a tough one - I can see the argument that people will want to try out the different heroes early on but there are 21 to choose from, unless a 3rd Widow/Genji/Hanzo on the team is literally the only hero you haven't tried out yet (and even then - really?) I find it hard to believe you couldn't apply at least a little bit of common sense and pick something that might benefit the team composition at least a little bit...

Had a nice frustrating game this morning, following the usual formula when I try playing without my usual group of mates:

1. Rando team-mates pick their heroes paying no attention whatsoever to the team composition; 2 genjis, 1 reinhardt, 2 junkrats.
2. I pick genji, because I likez to be da ninjaz!!1111!!1... NO... I pick Mercy, we need a support, even though I'm sick of being forced to play supports every game.
3. Team proceed to form a nice orderly 1v6 conveyor-belt charging straight from spawn into the enemy defense alone and get mowed down every time, I try to suggest we should form up behind reinhardt and push together, no-one listens.
4. The few times we do somehow manage to have some sort of form with reinhardt shielding and the others behind the shield, they completely ignore every flanking enemy that tries to chase me down, I try to remind them that they need to protect me. Nothing. Of course.
5. Reinhardt keeps using his charge/pin to sprint forward right into an absolute clusterfudge on their point, with the rest of our team running back from spawn, surrounded by their whole team, leaving me without his shield, and then when he obviously gets taken out easily blames me for not suiciding in there with him

It's just a bunch of Rambos at the minute who haven't realised that this is actually a team game and teamplay wins everytime. (Rant over :p)
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