
Matchmaking doesn't care about levels (rightfully) it's based on MMR, ping, and party size.

With how team based the game is it will take a while before people get to their correct MMR.
I generally play only offensive based characters, but for the past couple of days I've been trying out Zenyatta whilst on any attack mode.

Good lord am I having a ball. I just wish they would buff his HP a little bit as he melts to anything that feels like looking at him.

Zenyatta is a beast, he is the ideal counter to bastions and turrets I feel, as he does excellent damage and coupled with the orb of discord he can really wreck house, especially if there is a Reinhart shield available. Widowmakers and Tracers are a big problem though.
Zenyatta is a beast, he is the ideal counter to bastions and turrets I feel, as he does excellent damage and coupled with the orb of discord he can really wreck house, especially if there is a Reinhart shield available. Widowmakers and Tracers are a big problem though.

I hate Tracer, I always seem to come off worse against her more so than anyone else and it doesn't matter who I use with the possible exception of perhaps Pharah.
Had a few days beak from this and come back to totally mismatched teams. First two games both were like a team of 50+ ranks vs 20+ and lower.
Not fun Blizzard. Solo queuing officially broke for now. IMO

I will probably take weeks for MMR to be assigned correctly. Player ranks don't mean much.
Matchmaking doesn't care about levels (rightfully) it's based on MMR, ping, and party size.

Although that's a good thing there is still a bit of a correlation (at the moment at least) to how good a player is and their XP - if only because they must have put in the time playing to get to that rank... It might not be super significant but even stuff like map knowledge etc.

That being said I've seen plenty of lvl 40+ Hanzo exclusive players who were absolutely terrible :p
Had a few days beak from this and come back to totally mismatched teams. First two games both were like a team of 50+ ranks vs 20+ and lower.
Not fun Blizzard. Solo queuing officially broke for now. IMO

Level isn't necessarily an indicator of player skill or ability. You can earn levels quite easily in Player Vs AI, the xps are slower than Quick Play but still steady.

The matchmaking system uses a range of criteria. I think part of the problem is that it tries to keep everyone as close as possible to a 50% win rate. So if you're queuing solo you're going to be juggled into mismatches to even things out. I can see why they do it, but it's frustrating.

I prefer the system in Player Vs AI where if you get a good PUG team together they can choose to stay together and aren't forcibly split by the matchmaking like they would be in Quick Play.
Finally back playing....still pretty much exclusively play Mercy. Makes such a massive difference to a team when you're playing PUGs.

I don't think I've ever seen another Mercy :'( It's fun to play though....and I landed my first kill today! :D
Didn't see much Mercy in beta either. She's frustrating to play unless you're good with positioning as she can't defend herself against a wet flannel.
You see a lot more of Mercy in Player vs AI, I guess because she doesn't get focused down by the AI in the same way as players do.

I tried Mercy and kept getting into a muddle switching between her healing and damage abilities. Which is why I prefer Lucio for support, he can heal while also doing damage and crowd control.
I pretty much exclusively play as Mercy, while I do prefer Lucio on some maps I find it hard to choose anything but Mercy as someone who plays a support main.

I have become very good at dodgy incoming fire and balancing the heal/damage beam :)
Had a few days beak from this and come back to totally mismatched teams. First two games both were like a team of 50+ ranks vs 20+ and lower.
Not fun Blizzard. Solo queuing officially broke for now. IMO

Popped in from the console section as this thread is more active. (Opted for console rather than PC for ease).

But I've noticed this point you mention on console, particularly last night where every game was like it and I was getting my backside handed to me.
Popped in from the console section as this thread is more active. (Opted for console rather than PC for ease).

But I've noticed this point you mention on console, particularly last night where every game was like it and I was getting my backside handed to me.

About to try joining a vs AI game first as suggested and see if we can not assemble some kind of at least semi competent team.
Absolutely loving it, played all the heroes quite a bit now my favourites seem to be Lucio and Winston.

However, this game seems to have completely divided my friends who all play Heroes of the Storm. Some love it, some hate it with a passion. They seem to think there is no skill/strategy and too many cheesy instakill ultis. But I think there is plenty of scope for teamplay and strategy...
There is a lot of strategy for this game - I tend to play several characters; but Reinhard is my most played - I've been developing a couple strat for him. Offensive wall; which I'm getting pretty brutal and walking wall.

It really pains me to watch another play him and see them play him terrible; I also play a lot of Mercy; 76 and a few others.......getting some time in with D.Va to learn her also......:)
I spent about 80% of my Quick plays on the losing team but I do have a clue what I'm doing most of the time. My favourite is Reinhart followed by Bastion or the Dorf. I don't really enjoy the offensive characters too much at the moment and I'm trying to get into the support characters - Lucio seems brilliant in any situation it seems.

Absolutely love the game though. It's great how Blizzard have removed focus from stale on K/D players and focused hard on making it a team experience.

BT: Kainzy#2469
hahaha just played against a team highest rank was 4 and my solo q team was 15-35..

they was like a pro team that havent stopped playing since beta..

but rank4 hahaahahahah! are people really buying 2nd accounts already?
hahaha just played against a team highest rank was 4 and my solo q team was 15-35..

they was like a pro team that havent stopped playing since beta..

but rank4 hahaahahahah! are people really buying 2nd accounts already?

I guess some sort of smurf detection is working if they got matched against your level of accounts?
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