
I ain't no expert but I hold fade for as long as I can - I use it much more for escape than for offence. Dodging the Hog hook, reaper ulti, Junk tyre etc - I would say I'm 50/50% healing/damage orbs. Also using Ult, I tend to hold for extreme healing situations like last second holds etc or use it after/with other ults like Reins hammer/Zayra grav etc. On it's own the ulti is easy to dodge by the other team.
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I've crawled up from 1947 last season to 2850 this season all down to finding a good character in Moira that suits my style. All solo Q.

Yep all Solo for me as well, I play tanks mostly - any of them to a good/high standard and I know which tank to take based on what heroes my team-mates and the enemy team have... Perhaps that's my mistake and I ought to try sticking to a different role for a while?
And getting away from Tracer bombs that are stuck to her, which drives me insane. I really hate playing against Moira as Tracer.

I hate playing against a good tracer as moira - that's when you need to be very careful of using fade early in a tracer fight as once you've used it, your done for.

Also I love baiting the Junk Tyre - stand still wait for it to get close and fade and almost every time they will explode and do no damage as you get out from it.
I started my placements on my alt as Tracer. Won 4 lost 1 so far. The one I lost I came up against a weapons grade Junkrat that obliterated me. I should have swapped. :)
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