Pain - whats the worst?

Suppose one thing needs to be said really, pain is relative i guess?

Toothache hurts sure, but it doesnt hurt as much as some sudden things, for example, a kick in the nad's is excruciating, to me, more painful instantly than toothache, but.. toothache lasts a lot longer.

I imagine peoples opinions would be different if the pains lasted different lengths.

Lumber puncture for example, imagine it lasting as long as toothache does.
The most painful injuries I've managed to inflict on myself:

1) Ruptured tendon - hurt it during the same incident that tore some cartlidge in my left knee. Not pleasant. Not pleasant at all. Sounded like a rifle going off when I did it :)

2) Cracked rib - really not fun at all. Hurts every time you breathe, and the whole of one side of my torso turned into a massive bruise.
Morthoseth said:
Toothache hurts sure, but it doesnt hurt as much as some sudden things, for example, a kick in the nad's is excruciating, to me, more painful instantly than toothache, but.. toothache lasts a lot longer.
It's not the instant pain of a nad kicking that gets me, sure it's crippling but the worst part is the dull, sickening pain that comes afterwards, you one you can get from even a slight wrong knock.

Worst pain i've had was the time I broke my ankle and was in hospital, I had to wait two weeks before they would operate and every couple of hours every day they had to check I was ok by moving my toes, being as I had crushed my ankle rather than twist breaking it this meant everytime I moved my foot shards of bone would be rubbed against tendons and nerves in my foot, the intense wave of pain that caused was unlike anything else i've ever known.
Worst pain ever has to be that of crucifixion. Its literally "Excruciating" pain. Excruciating means "Out of the cross"
When the Romans crucified someone, they whipped them to shreds first, resulting in them reaching hypovolemic shock (hypo = low, vol = volume, emic = blood). Then they'd take a 5-7" spike, shove it through the wrist about an inch below the palm of the hand, which locked the arm to the patibulum (crossbar). In the process it also went through the median nerve, the largest nerve that goes out to the hand. Imagine your funny bone being hit? Thats the ulna nerve, and extremely painful when its hit. Now imagine that nerve being twisted about with a pair of pliers, squeezing and crushing it.
Small wonder the Romans eventually outlawed it as too barbaric!

Tooth ache? Painful? Not even close ;) :D

From personal experience, tooth ache is sweet nothing in comparison to having a bi-lateral pleurectomy. Hell even my 10% lung collapse hurt more than a toothache.
That pleurectomy hurt lots..the entire lung aches with a pain greater than a tooth ache, and you have tubes sticking out of your chest helping to remove air from your chest cavity, thus giving your lungs more opportunity to heal without so much demands on them.
Even dosed up on Morphine it was all I could do to summon up the will to move. I laughed in the physios face when she even suggested I could get on the exercise bike and ride it for 5 minutes just two days after the operation.
About a month ago I woke with pin and needles in my leg, by the next day I had the WORST cramp you can imagine from my left toe to the base of my back.
I literally cried with pain at one point, no matter what position I stood, sat or lay in, it hurt beyond anything I can explain.

That pain stayed for about 3 days - then started gradually to ease - but rather than ease off - it just went from the worst pain - to no pain - to the worst pain again. Waiting for it to return was just horrible.

Turns out I slipped a disk in my back and trapped the Sciatic Nerve, and it is the worst pain I have experienced in my life so far.

Still limping one month on, will take another 6 weeks to go completely :rolleyes:
The worst pain I've ever experienced is tooth pain. Whilst working on one of my teeth the denist drilled into a nerve :mad:

As for the absolute worst pain, I can't imagine it gets any worse than having your testicles crushed with a sledge hammer.
zenith10 said:
tooth ache is definately the worst pain

id probs say ive had worse back pain than ive had of tooth but the worst ive ever had was on my bike when i drove along barbwire when i was a kid (i wrode into it on a sharp bend hurt like hell!!!!)
Burns, hurt initially and then the pain just seems to hang around.

5 years ago ish I managed to rip the muscle off my femur and around my pelvis area which was very painfull and put me on cruchers for some time.
Sepheh said:
Lumber Puncture with no anaesthetic, and yes I know how it feels :(

i had exactly that. i found it very odd but not painful ?

i've had a root canal with no anesthetic if anyone is interested. they tried putting the needle directly into the root ( up through the bottom of the tooth once they had taken most of the tooth away ). i just remember shaking my head a bit while it was going on and trying to focus my attention to thoughts other than what was going on.

you have to love the frailty of our teeth. they are so pathetic.
basmic said:
Out of interest, how did they help the sciatica?

I know somebody suffering from it right now, and she's in constant pain with it. :(

They gave me Co Codamol 30/500mg

Also I just streched out on the sofa but with a cushion under the painfull part to raise it.
i think the worst pain is having your man-bits slowly cut off with a rusty blunt blade :(
Toothache for the win.

when i had an absess it didnt sleep for 3nights with the pain, the 4th night i was that tired i just slept through it.

made me want to get a hammer and smash my jaw to bits.. just to relieve the pain and annoyance of it all.
I've had Gout and Kidney stones before, neither are much fun but I'd say the Kidney stones were the worst - a kick in the nads is nothing compared to that sort of pain.
wozzizname said:
I've had Gout and Kidney stones before, neither are much fun but I'd say the Kidney stones were the worst - a kick in the nads is nothing compared to that sort of pain.

Finally someone else whos had gout...How old are you mate? I got it when i was flippin 24...i thought it was an old rich mans disease.
basmic, my mum had sciatica and they gave her Tylex. Very strong (morphine based IIRC). She had arthritis as well though.

I've never really seriously injured myself thinking about it.
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