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Pascal Titan-X Launch

I also don't understand why its being released so soon. It isnt a card I would purchase anyway as I intend on keeping my 980ti's for a while. However it does appear on paper to be bit of a poor card, I could imagine a further card later down the line. What was the time period between the 980ti and pascal releases?

edit: typos
I also don't understand why its being released so soon. It isnt a card I would purchase anyway as I intend on keeping my 980ti for a while. However it does appear on paper to be bit of a poor card, I could imagine a further card later down the line. What was the time period between the 980ti and pasca releases?
Just a couple months.

However, there was almost 9 months in between the Kepler Titan and the 780Ti.

People need to remember that strategies change depending on market position. What AMD does will heavily dictate how Nvidia responds.
Ok just a thought, but I wonder if this is effectively the founders version of the 1080Ti, with similarly specced custom cards coming a month or so latter with $1000 MSRP.

With regards to the low'ish clock speeds, I fully expect that is to keep the TDP down, something that custom cards can increase to give much better performance.

What sort of power does a 1080 at 2.1GHz use?
Cheers. I agree, however both Nvidia and AMD must have insider information on the others operations to a degree as you cannot just pull a new card out of the bag to counter the opposition.
I can see three scenario's...

We're going to see a card based on failed P100 cores and HBM2 in a card as a proper titan 6 months down the road. I'll bet they'll call it the Titan Pro for its 64bit compute. :D


Nvidia want to release another refinement to Pascal before volta scheduled for 2018.


Volta is going to be brought forward to 2017.

There's no way this and the 1080Ti's will be the last card released by nVidia all the way to 2018 volta. No way. :eek:
Gotta love all the spiritual Yorkshiremen decrying those with "more brass than sense" for wanting to buy this.

If it's >=30% faster it's worth it. Not everyone is on a budget.


30% for double the money is making it really painful just to have the fastest card.

Normally you get 30% for 50% more money.
I also don't understand why its being released so soon. It isnt a card I would purchase anyway as I intend on keeping my 980ti's for a while. However it does appear on paper to be bit of a poor card, I could imagine a further card later down the line. What was the time period between the 980ti and pascal releases?

edit: typos

nvidia wish to starve amd of oxygen before the xen product line ships.
I still don't understand the whining? Everyone knows Titan are the halo cards and are uber expensive, everyone also knows Nvidia normally shaft the Titan owners shortly after with a cheaper slower Ti that's normally within 5-10% of its performance.

But people buy these knowingly every generation, because some people like to have the fastest at the time regardless of costs, so they can slap it in their Sig on forums, talk about it at parties and woo the office girls over the water cooler with it etc ;)

Seriously though, who care if people are crazy enough to buy this junk, as long as it sells Nvidia will keep producing and redoing this cycle.

If you don't like it vote with your wallet and don't buy it, or wait for the equally overpriced 1080ti to arrive and buy that.

Unfortunately this gen Nvidia have hiked the prices further, next gen will be even higher and then ever higher after that etc.

Within the next 3 generation a Ti will cost over £1000, but that's fine, people will still pay it. But don't whine at people willing to pay this money if you don't want to.

Me? I wouldnt dream of paying this type of money, even for AMD cards
I suppose it depends if your an enthusiast or not. It becomes a hobby and a passion and owning nice new shiny tech is always a nice feeling. Especially if your someone who must have the best each gen. I know people spend more on golf, football, cycling etc.

However on the other hand the average gamer will upgrade components every 5 or so years when really needed.

I do like new tech. A TX at £12-1300 is looking too much for me though. Especially for 30% performance over a single 1080. I'd rather take my chances and wait for a Ti.
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30% for double the money is making it really painful just to have the fastest card.

Normally you get 30% for 50% more money.

But look at it,it looks so beautiful too :D.
Money no object and assuming it's the only Titan of a generation, it' the card to buy for performance. Many will go on to buy the Ti believing that it's as fast but there's no substitution for cores IMO,although the Ti is a good albeit 'compromised' value for money alternative.

I'm probably not going to buy one although I did buy the last Titan X. I just am not gaming at the moment.
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I can see three scenario's...

We're going to see a card based on failed P100 cores and HBM2 in a card as a proper titan 6 months down the road. I'll bet they'll call it the Titan Pro for its 64bit compute. :D


Nvidia want to release another refinement to Pascal before volta scheduled for 2018.


Volta is going to be brought forward to 2017.

There's no way this and the 1080Ti's will be the last card released by nVidia all the way to 2018 volta. No way. :eek:

It would be slower for games to use the GP100.
I think nvidia is going to surprise people .

I.e i have a feeling this is the 1080ti to replace the 980ti , makes sense and not to make the same mistake (financially) to release the more power full card first then release a cheaper version for it to be on par with it and even beat the more expensive card . then we will see the 16-24GB HBM2 Titanx2 around January .

I could be totally wrong though .

sorry if this has been mentioned im not prepared to read 16 pages of this as i read the first 4 pages when it started .
I think nvidia is going to surprise people .

I.e i have a feeling this is the 1080ti to replace the 980ti , makes sense and not to make the same mistake (financially) to release the more power full card first then release a cheaper version for it to be on par with it and even beat the more expensive card . then we will see the 16-24GB HBM2 Titanx2 around January .

I could be totally wrong though .

sorry if this has been mentioned im not prepared to read 16 pages of this as i read the first 4 pages when it started .

Maybe, but HBM2, 24GB of it for example will probably be very expensive. I think this is a reason HBM2 it won't be on the Titan X as Nvidia don't like charging too much for their cards (:D) but also it's probably simply just not required yet. I know AMD used it on one card recently but they like to showcase technology to help with marketing, even if at that moment in time the technology is not really required. I don't know much about the memory so just making an assumption on it's use not being optimal at the moment vs GDDRX.
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Price is as expected silly. You could buy a PS4,XB1 AND decent PC GPU for the same or less than this would cost :rolleyes:

But none of them would give the same experience as this in a decent PC.

These will hopefully be beastly under water. I just hope they don't cheap out on the power circuitry.
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