Stash tabs are on sale this weekend until Tuesday. I'd be grateful as to which I should buy with my 300 points as I'm not familiar.
As above, Currency is the biggest QOL, Gems is somewhat useful and allows you organize a bit better.
Flask tab isn't really needed, Essence and Delirium are only worth it if you are blasting endgame and have large quantities of currencies related to them.
Unique tab saves you some space, but again not essential as the drop rates are quite low at this point in the game.
Premium tabs allow you to list items for trade, again it becomes more useful in endgame when you are a bit more experienced, having a few is usually the best approach. Quad tabs are just massive premium tabs, useful for trading or just dumping items in when you are farming to organise later.
Just a handy tip for those who are playing for the first time, you can right click on the number banners at the top of the stash and re-name them, colour code them, make them viewable to public (This lists items for trade and you're able set prices), or you can enable stash affinities. This way you can ctrl + click items in your inventory when the stash is open and they will automatically deposit in the marked tabs without you having to navigate to them.