Path of Exile(diablo clone)

Bit bored! My monk in D3 was a lot of fun, playing the Shadow... Good DPS, but soooooo boring!

What type of weapon are you using on your shadow?

Im rocking claws currently with flicker strike and frenzy gives me crazy attack speed and using a frenzy charge with flicker strike lets you jump around targets hitting them its rather awesome.
I don't understand the whole skill system if I'm honest!

Just started a ranged person, she is quite fun! Nice DPS from afar, bit of a nightmare when swarmed though. Baring in mind my shadow is only level 8...
Im level 12, have the worst items ever, just annoying, got to the warden, some guy came in my my party n killed him for me. I guess i ahve to keep farming that first part? cuz ye items suck.
Liking this a lot! However, I'm pants haha. Often getting lost, the maps are pretty open and no waypoints is a bit of a nightmare!

Can't even understand the minimap or the normal map.

First thing I did was go into the options and slide the transparency of the minimap to minimum so that it stands out a lot better. I found that provided a more useful way to see where I've been in the area that I'm in and therefore more useful in not getting lost and in finding places I haven't explored. The default level of transparency seems to be geared for people who want to keep the minimap on all the time, whereas I find it more useful to switch it on only when I need it.

The world map just shows the different areas. It's useful for see what side areas you haven't been too and what areas they're attached to (e.g. look at the main map and you can see that there's a side area from the Terraces, so you know to look for the entrance to it in the Terraces).

The world map also shows areas that contain waypoints. There are waypoints, just not many of them. If you enter an area that has a waypoint, the circle for that area on the main map will contain a blue dot. The waypoint will also show in blue on the minimap if you're in an area with a waypoint and you have found the waypoint in that instance of that area (area maps are randomly generated and change 8-15 minutes after you've left the area - each redone map is a new instance).
Started playing last night and squeezed a couple of hours in and I must say I'm impressed, but what are the main stand out differences between this and D3? I have asked in-game, but get torn a new one for mentioning D3 :D

I'd say the main one is the skill system. PoE's skill tree is a skill forest :) You can make pretty much any build, including a multitude of crap ones.

The price stands out, too. I think people playing PoE should buy some points just for the sake of supporting Grinding Gears' business model - how many other fully featured complete high quality games are completely free to play? No adverts, no pay to win, actually free to play? That's worth paying for :)
Created a Marauder earlier to have a go with a 2H Mace set up. Starting area with only that crappy club was painful. Got into town and bought myself a pretty powerful 2H Mace and started clubbing everything to death in 1 shot in the Terraces. Came across that annoy Firestorm champion in that area... 2 shotted the ******* with Heavy Strike :D

Been cooping with a summoner Witch. Seems to be working fairly well so far (minus the annoying disconnects). He swarms them with minions and cold spells, I bash the crap out of everything.
What type of weapon are you using on your shadow?

Im rocking claws currently with flicker strike and frenzy gives me crazy attack speed and using a frenzy charge with flicker strike lets you jump around targets hitting them its rather awesome.

Would u mind explaining the charges stuff? :)
Just got to the boss of Act 1 level 11 (or is it 12) And he just faced rolled me! Trying to build as a minion witch but he wipes them out so quick and I just get destroyed, any tips?
Would u mind explaining the charges stuff? :)

They are skills which net you Power/Endurance/Frenzy charges. Each 1 gives your char a certain bonus (tells you on the Charge page in the character menu) and you can get a couple of other minor ones on the skill grid.

I've seen Power Siphon, a not so good wand attack that gives you a power charge if you kill the target which dissipates in 10 seconds unless you get another kill with it which is pretty crap as they come cos it runs out far too quickly and the requirement is awkward.
Frenzy Shot (I think it was) basically just fires a standard arrow that if it hits gains a Frenzy Charge which dissipates if you don't generate another charge within 15 seconds. Got Pierce on it so can hopefully hit multiple enemies with 1 shot.
And there's a War Cry sorta thing that generates an Endurance Charge based on the number of enemies nearby.

Summoners are supposed to be pretty weak early on and really powerful late game. Without Firestorm I'd never have killed Brutus. Your other option is to party with people and go in as a team.
Just got to the boss of Act 1 level 11 (or is it 12) And he just faced rolled me! Trying to build as a minion witch but he wipes them out so quick and I just get destroyed, any tips?
Use ice spear, cast one - move until he does his pull spell (pudge hook) - cast, repeat. Minions do nothing.
I like both this and D3, but I sort of dislike the skill system in PoE, it just doesn't float my boat I guess. Maybe it'll grow on me. It seems to be designed to make you have to remake characters because you messed up on the over complicated passive tree.
I like both this and D3, but I sort of dislike the skill system in PoE, it just doesn't float my boat I guess. Maybe it'll grow on me. It seems to be designed to make you have to remake characters because you messed up on the over complicated passive tree.

I kind of agree... It's nice to have a VERY unique build, but say you spent the first 10 levels wrong in the game... Can be very annoying at level 60 where those 10 points came in handy.
I like both this and D3, but I sort of dislike the skill system in PoE, it just doesn't float my boat I guess. Maybe it'll grow on me. It seems to be designed to make you have to remake characters because you messed up on the over complicated passive tree.

I agree. I don't dislike the skill tree but I do think they need to make it possible to respec or at least an easy way to farm more respec points.

I've got 3 characters to about level 20 so far and 2 of them are pretty much done for due to me choosing the wrong skill points. I could continue with them but trying to make progress would be painful and slow.

Best bit of advice I would say is to decide which of the major skills around the outside you want to head for and head directly there first, then fill in some minor skills along the way. For my 2nd Marauder I headed straight for Blood Magic and then added strength nodes along the way. Now I'm just trying to get as much health as possible. Haven't put any points into a weapon specialisation yet as I seem to keep switching between Mace and axe.
Its not as if you're aren't given a very simple to use Passive Skill Tree on the website that you can use to plan out your build.

Plus people are really overstating the whole thing about spending a few points wrongly at the start meaning you're in trouble later on. You don't have to remove every single point you've spent in order. You just can't cut paths in half. You can quite easily remove a few points you spent early on so long as nothing else you've done relies on them. If you took the long way round to reach a certain point you can put points in the shorter route, then when you've reconnected the chain, respec the old route. If you went the wrong way for most of your levelling you must not have planned ahead at all so you really only have yourself to blame.
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Aye, plus the game has very much been designed to encourage people to roll multiple characters, rather than just respeccing one or two. Accept that your first couple of guys are probably going to be suboptimal whilst you try things out, then build an ace one once you've figured out what you like.
They are skills which net you Power/Endurance/Frenzy charges. Each 1 gives your char a certain bonus (tells you on the Charge page in the character menu) and you can get a couple of other minor ones on the skill grid.

I've seen Power Siphon, a not so good wand attack that gives you a power charge if you kill the target which dissipates in 10 seconds unless you get another kill with it which is pretty crap as they come cos it runs out far too quickly and the requirement is awkward.
Frenzy Shot (I think it was) basically just fires a standard arrow that if it hits gains a Frenzy Charge which dissipates if you don't generate another charge within 15 seconds. Got Pierce on it so can hopefully hit multiple enemies with 1 shot.
And there's a War Cry sorta thing that generates an Endurance Charge based on the number of enemies nearby.

Summoners are supposed to be pretty weak early on and really powerful late game. Without Firestorm I'd never have killed Brutus. Your other option is to party with people and go in as a team.

To add to this with my current build on my shadow I build up frenzy charges which give you more attack speed per charge currently its about 6% per charge and I get around 4 with this it helps me drain more health faster from claws keeping me alive or if there are loads of weaker enemies using flicker strike I can use a frenzy charge to jump between enemies in quick succession killing them quickly and looking awesome at the same time :D

I have no idea if it will be viable for the higher difficulties but its really fun doing it and hopefully I can make it work.
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