Oooh, I've not tried that.
Do you get the 10s immunity when you port back?
Other option is cast lightning warp -> open box -> zoom away.
yes as long as you don't move / cast anything.
Oooh, I've not tried that.
Do you get the 10s immunity when you port back?
Other option is cast lightning warp -> open box -> zoom away.
New character is in Torment, so is completely without any stash. I'm making a ranger (split arrow to start, maybe Tornado shot later since I've not tried it) and it feels SOOOOOO SQUISHY. Totally different style of play, and rather enjoying it.
dont really get the build is he tryiing to prolif the herald of ash overkill then if so it's not really the smartest way of going about it.
Currently level 58 in bloodlines with my Arc witch and haven't had too any troubles so far. Had a good Keeper of the Trove swarm last night that dropped 14 rare amber amulets for me (all were garbage apart from one with had like 70+ life and 30 cold res so I'm using that one for now)
I was also using Spell Totem + Arc + CoH + Assassin's Mark for ages until I realised it wasn't cursing mobs on hit. Seems spells linked to spell totem can't apply curses on hit, even though the tooltip shoes 'Applies linked curses on hit', so back to manually cursing for now![]()
Other option for a new bow (hopefully not teaching you to suck eggs here):
Vendor a level-appropriate base weapon (ranger bow, maybe marrakech bow, I can't remember) with the right sockets, along with a (preferrably yellow) Rustic Sash and a Blacksmith's Whetstone.
This gives you a magic (blue) version of the bow with the %increased physical damage attribute. If you have multiple Rustic Sashes, try swapping them in til you get the highest % in the vendor window. A yellow sash gives more IPD than a blue which gives more than a white.
You can then use an Aug to add another property, hoping for crit/Aspd/WED whatever suits you.
It's a standard way to keep your weapons up to date (assuming you use physical - does bruning arrow use physical or is WED the thing, in which case ignore me), and can work out cheaper than a major unique.
What links are you using for Burning Arrow?
If you have it, I might try adding Fire Penetration to your main attack. I think it /should/ outperform added fire or WED with so much fire damage. I could be wrong. If not, it's an excellent option for 6th link (after trap).
Ignite proliferation is utterly broken. I was using a Flameblaster towards the end of Rampage which uses Prolif.
Now Standard and dying a lot because I started messing around and equipped my Tabula Rasa leaving me with barely any defence but with a 6l Flameblast with 20q Flameblast, 20q Increased Burning Damage, Spell Echo, Faster Casting and Fire Penetration...
To clear a Strongbox all I have to do is pull a few mobs over to the box, blow them up with a stage 10 Flameblast, open the box and the Prolif proc burns everything that pops out of the box to death almost instantly because of the sheer amount of burning damage it inflicts.
Edit: If I don't sort out my defences and resistances on this char soon I'm gonna be so seriously underlevelled... Level 58 atm and just took down Vaal Merciless but I'm such a glass cannon. My fire res is 35%... I hit a reflect boss with a stage 10 Flameblast and lost 1700 of my 2000hp ><