Path of Exile(diablo clone)

Stumped on what to build exactly in 2.0. I'm wanting SRS hybrid summoner with Zombies, just not sure on whether to pick up Spectre's, go dual curse (on hit), pick up EE, whether to have pure tank zombies, hybrid or DPS zombies etc. Also not sure whether to go CI or try out the new EB with Zealot's Oath and MoM. The new jewel that lets you pick up passive nodes without having them connected also is really making designing a tree more difficult :p
I'm going to try make some sort of duelist with wildstrike or frost blades work, I think duelist is the only class I've not tried to level up to map levels yet, always found them far too squishy but I think dex based builds got a buff a good year or so back now so should be interesting!
Evasion/Dodge works really well now, but there is still a chance of it getting you one shot though. If your playing HC then its armour/life all the way.

I will be doing the new standard league, warbands I think it is? I would get far too upset to loose a character in Hardcore :D
I will be doing the new standard league, warbands I think it is? I would get far too upset to loose a character in Hardcore :D

desync fix makes HC more viable now.
died to many times from silly game stuff to play HC normally.

Yea look forward this as it shapes up to be a legendary game:)
will be playing Warbands.

haven't decided on the build yet.
either a wander or bow build or one of the new skills (except icecrash, already done it in beta :p )
decisions decisions :(
Will play Warbands too, probably going with Spectral Throw as its my favourite gem/build. Done it like 8 times and it never gets boring. Maybe KB if I find a nice build.
The updating system on this is ****ing shocking. It preallocates the game's entire size, downloads the patch and then takes a good 10 mins to update. Today it has a 7.9MB patch which took just over 8 minutes to complete.
Yup its still horrible on mech drives, ok on ssd, dont think its quite as bad on mech drives as it used to be tho, at least not the beta, which I'm running on mech, main game is on ssd.
I have found Act 4 underwhelming. The chickens...meh
Daresso can be kited far too easily.

Ice crash is fun!
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