Varnholds lot is a separate adventure but you revisit paets in the main game.
Varnholds lot is a separate adventure but you revisit paets in the main game.
Ah okay, that's good. Which is the best expansion for getting the xp for levelling to 20? I would guess Beneath the Stolen Lands?
Ah, well that sucks.
Kind of dampens my enthusiams to play through to the end in all honesty. I mean, I almost certainly still will, but it does make me look forward to the endgame less knowing I won't be able to hit maximum level and I'll have so long to play with no more level-ups.
On the subject of the kineticist class - I did have a run with that kineticist from the DLC for a bit, but didn't really understand how it all worked, so benched her again.
Ok. I might have to take her off the bench for a bit to the class out. She must have five or six levels waiting to be gained by now.
Guessing it's best as a burst damage team member, so possibly a swap for Octavia?
Feeling a bit hassled by time again at the moment (something calledhas just started), with the feeling I've been lots to do that I need to run around after urgently, but there are also kingdom level ups and region claims to process, artisan quests, and now a call to the Tenebrous Depths as well. Hopefully if I can clear this main quest I'll get some management and side-quest time...Seasons of Bloom
So being on the last quest has made me realise how much I hate the timed quest feature. What a really poor design decision. It's like you need some kind of clairvoyance to know how to play the game from the start so you get the best ending. Stupid.