Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Ah, I wondered what those were for! I've only done one so far, so I might be screwed as far as that goes.

Although, I did have a quick search around that based on your post, and it seems some people are suggesting that completing the curses research gives you a "secret" ending, rather than the "good" ending? So, it might be more like an extra secret ending you're not really supposed to be able to find your way to on a blind playthrough? Does that fit your experience at all? I hope that's right, anyway, since otherwise it would suck as you say. I might see if I can fit some more curse researching into my downtime, though, just in case...

Had a look aswell and the result of finishing the 13 curses would be the only satisfying ending for me. I would be vey sore if I had completed the game first as I tend not to play games more than once. Due to the issue I still haven't picked the game back up as my motivation plummeted. I think I'll have a go tomorrow.

I agree with you on the lack of explanations. It assumes the player is familiar with pathfinder which I think is a mistake.

The little map areas didn't annoy me as much as path of eternity because the loading screens were far quicker. I was still confused about some areas being completely empty. I know the majority of these areas contain monsters you need to defeat to complete the quest
magical prison
Definitely the lack of an AI script writer. I haven't played in weeks, since getting as far as starting up my capital, just because at the moment I can't be bothered micro-managing an entire party in combat

I expected to hate the real time combat system in this game. Instead I prefer it so much more over the turn based implementation. I don't find micromanaging that bad personally, I just buff up at the start of the map, have a tank to gather enemies and then micromanage my dps. The combat in the initial parts of the game is quite tedious though.
I expected to hate the real time combat system in this game. Instead I prefer it so much more over the turn based implementation. I don't find micromanaging that bad personally, I just buff up at the start of the map, have a tank to gather enemies and then micromanage my dps. The combat in the initial parts of the game is quite tedious though.
Gotta say I never actually checked how long buffs last so barely touched them
I only use, magic armour (carry a wand for this as they have 50 charges) Good hope and blessing. If I'm doing something quite difficult then melee get greater invisibility and or displacement, stat buffs on everyone (animal ones) and finally if there any resistances I need I throw on a communal one.
I find other buffs are situational and too short so I don't bother with them. If you find any of the standard buffs too short you can either have metamagic extend on a character and wack teh blessing into the spellbook or buy a rod to use with the spell.
Definitely the lack of an AI script writer. I haven't played in weeks, since getting as far as starting up my capital, just because at the moment I can't be bothered micro-managing an entire party in combat

You mean something you implement to automate your buffs in one keystroke? That would be neat. Whilst I have slightly differnt buffing routines depending on what I'm facing, things like Good Hope, Shield and Mirror Image are pretty much standard for everything.

Had a look aswell and the result of finishing the 13 curses would be the only satisfying ending for me. I would be vey sore if I had completed the game first as I tend not to play games more than once. Due to the issue I still haven't picked the game back up as my motivation plummeted. I think I'll have a go tomorrow.

I agree with you on the lack of explanations. It assumes the player is familiar with pathfinder which I think is a mistake.

The little map areas didn't annoy me as much as path of eternity because the loading screens were far quicker. I was still confused about some areas being completely empty. I know the majority of these areas contain monsters you need to defeat to complete the quest
magical prison

It may just be my machine, but I've found the loading screens (and the quicksave/quickload speeds) getting worse and worse as the game goes on. Add in the travel time, especially in big areas like the far east, and trekking somewhere and sitting through a couple of loading screens for like 100xp and some junk has been a bit annoying.

As for the
curse research
, well at least I now know! I may still have time to get back on the curve for this!

Gotta say I never actually checked how long buffs last so barely touched them

Buffs completely change the game, tbf. Well worth checking the descriptions and adding them to your fight routine.

With Good Hope and Bard songs you can get +6 to hit and damage rolls, +4 to saving throws. Shield adds 4AC, Mirror Image and Displacement make even attacks that roll to hit have a good chance of missing you. Reduce Person adds dex, to hit and AC. Haste adds to hit, AC and extra attacks. It's the difference between just about grinding out really tough encounters and having someone face tank an entire room of mobs in reasonable comfort. I cast the long-lasting ones at the start of an instance, and the rest situationally, but I never go anywhere without a buffbot or two.
You mean something you implement to automate your buffs in one keystroke? That would be neat. Whilst I have slightly differnt buffing routines depending on what I'm facing, things like Good Hope, Shield and Mirror Image are pretty much standard for everything.
I was thinking more along the lines of the one in Pillars of Eternity
Where you can script things like "if party not buffed, cast these buffs", "if below 50% HP cast heal on self", "use strongest attack on weakest enemy" and then stack them in order of priority. In Pillars 2 you could tune your scripts to the point where you could fire and forget on all but the hardest fights and the party would function as if you were inputting commands yourself
I was thinking more along the lines of the one in Pillars of Eternity
Where you can script things like "if party not buffed, cast these buffs", "if below 50% HP cast heal on self", "use strongest attack on weakest enemy" and then stack them in order of priority. In Pillars 2 you could tune your scripts to the point where you could fire and forget on all but the hardest fights and the party would function as if you were inputting commands yourself

Oh yeah, I'd forgotten about those options in PoE. They were pretty good. Yes, it would be great to have something like that in Pathfinder too.

The party AI is pretty basic overall (and often downright dumb - especially when it comes to wading into their own AoE effects and then getting stuck in their own webs or falling into their own pits...). I tend to micro-manage in RTwP anyway, but it's on a whole other level in this game.
It may just be my machine, but I've found the loading screens (and the quicksave/quickload speeds) getting worse and worse as the game goes on. Add in the travel time, especially in big areas like the far east, and trekking somewhere and sitting through a couple of loading screens for like 100xp and some junk has been a bit annoying.

It did get slower for me over time too, I think it's due to the amount of items in your inventory.
It did get slower for me over time too, I think it's due to the amount of items in your inventory.

Right. I am carrying around a lot of stuff I "might" use a lot of the time. I also wondered if it might be the huge amount of gear strewn in various locations that I couldn't be bothered picking up because its weight to gold ratio wasn't worth it. Either way, it's a bit of an annoyance.
Right. I am carrying around a lot of stuff I "might" use a lot of the time. I also wondered if it might be the huge amount of gear strewn in various locations that I couldn't be bothered picking up because its weight to gold ratio wasn't worth it. Either way, it's a bit of an annoyance.

I did that, I have about 20 weapons wither various effects such as cold iron, fire, lightning, mithril and adamantine "just in case" but weapon specific damage was only an issue in two encounters. Closer to the end of the game I've just made sure every useful armour, weapon and accessory is equipped on a character even if I'm not using them then selling the rest.

Forgot to mention travel time becomes a non issue later in the game due to mage towers and teleportation circles. Well worth getting your arcane kingdom stat up for this.
Right. I am carrying around a lot of stuff I "might" use a lot of the time. I also wondered if it might be the huge amount of gear strewn in various locations that I couldn't be bothered picking up because its weight to gold ratio wasn't worth it. Either way, it's a bit of an annoyance.

I seem to remember in the early days of the game slow downs were related to the number of saves you kept, but I also read later that they had supposedly fixed this bug. However I kept a pretty small batch of saves at any one time just in case. I also read that map load times are related to the number of items on a map, with any items you have sold to vendors counting towards the total number of items for that area. So if you've sold everything to the vendors in the main city since the start of the game then slow downs may be related to that. From what I read, if you want to keep things snappy then try to sell some of the junk items to vendors away from the main city, like any of your villages, or the witch in the swamp. If you wanted to clear up the junk items, I would just buy them all back and sell them in another area, and cheat in the money you lost. I personally just lived with the load times, ssd helps obviously.
Bubo just made me think of a good tip, don't sell the emerald necklace if you pick it up. It will appear as junk when you click offer, don't sell it.
Ergggh that was annoying. Would be ideal in next one if they can have items which may have a quest to them sort of highlighted. I know may break immersion abit but man was it annoying going to every single vendor in all my selling points!
That was one of the few instances where my compulsion to hang on to one copy of everything I find in RPGs paid off.

Now I just need to find a use for all these books I have in my stash and also all the "might be junk but also might have a use" items I'm still hoarding from the first act...
There are only 3 books you will need for a particular quest.
And also a certain gemstone but I think that one depends on the options you choose along the way.

Make use of your kingdom storage for some things. I keep set of armour, weapons and magic in there if they are good but none of the party are proficient yet.
Also keep belts of strength on me to give the party to increase encumbrance if I can't decide what to get rid of. Bulls strength works for this too.
Some of the books are indeed needed for a quest, but most can be sold. With books I would sell these to that vendor who stays in your throne room, so at least you have all these in one place in case you need to buy any pertinent ones back, or continue to stash them. I am also a notorious packrat myself, potions is my worst, by the end of most RPGs I usually have an absolutely ridiculous stash of potions, all being saved for that one boss I surely will need them for at the end of the game, right? Nope :)
Even knowing that, I won't be able to bring myself to sell all the books! :o Nor the one high-end named version of each type of weapon I have in stash, because "what if I respec someone to use a bardiche?" They are all in my throne room stash at least, but they must be tying up hundreds of thousand of gold.

And yeah, I had over 80 light healing potions until last quest, when I decided I might as well just use them to top off minor damage throughout the dungeon I was trawling through. I should probably accept I don't need 50 flasks of acid or 40-odd bless scrolls either.
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