.Once you play on gsync/freesync at high frame rate, consoles become somewhat unplayable. Current gen is years old now and they drive the market. The recent console releases have done nothing but up the resolution. There will be a jump in quality upon the next releases as usual.
+1. I have dabbled with consoles in the past and until they play at 60fps smoothly then it just can't compare to PC. The PS2 was fine as a lot of games run @ 60fps but since moving to HD the PS3, PS4 they just can't seem to handle 60fps constant. Developers seem hell bent on making the games look good rather than play well. A lot of console games these days do offer a choice of performance mode or quality mode but it still does not hold up @ 60fps. You usually get a variable mess of 30 - 45 fps or a locked 30fps and it just doesn't cut it for me when I mostly play 60 - 144hz gsync. Once you play an FPS @ 120hz or above you just can't go back.