Wow, everyone jumping on the bandwagon and calling out the people using codes is acceptable?
For the ones asking "are you really all that poor?", to question others on their financial position is incredibly rude and thoughtless. What if people cannot afford to donate now, or at least can't justify spending money on games, but would be more than happy to do so later?
And to those likening others to scum for not purchasing the bundle, who are you to dictate how, when and why people should give to charity? If people are taking a key that has been generously donated by another then all power to them.
These people may choose to support those particular charities in other ways such as a direct donation, volunteering etc. Or maybe they don't agree with these particular charities goals or the way they spend donations.
Not that it should matter, but to avoid countless smug posts guessing that I have claimed codes, I have bought this at a beat the average price, and also gifted my extra codes to friends.