PC Gaming Dead?

The thing that drives the PC gaming boat forward for me is most probably the modding communities that spring up around some games (though the absense of SDK releases can kill a lot of support, yes IW, we do like you to release a proper SDK occasionally), most notably the FPS scene, but there are huge communities for rpg and rts gamers out there, and a fair proportion of those mods are pure gold rivaling the game itself, and it is this that keeps me here, under my rock in the cupboard and away from the consoles.
^ Hangtime........spot on their

2 yrs ago I converted 2 mates from PS2 to PS when I had MOH AA and Spearhead, once they got over their pre-conceptions of the keyboard/mouse and got away from the concept that game controllers ruled the world, they were hooked and have never looked back, only regret is they missed original HL first time round, last year they did HL and loved it
Microsoft themselves have said this is the year for PC gaming. They are hoping to bring about a resurgence of the market with Windows Vista. I think Bill Gates mentioned something like there are millions upon millions of PCs out there - it's still mostly an untapped market for games.

A few ideas bandied about were having a universal "Games for Windows" certification thing like Xbox/PS2/GCN have, silent installs/game running off disc, parental controls and connection to Xbox Live for joint multiplayer.

They've taken the first steps towards rejuvenation by making the Xbox 360 controller compatible with Windows XP. Now all we need are some Xbox 360 games to come across that utilise it. Also - the Microsoft XNA Studio software allows developers to write their code for both Xbox 360 and PC platforms.
I can't download 'Women's Muddy Topless Volleyball 3', log into work via a semi-secure VPN and play games on an xbox, all at the same time.

Long live the PC.

PC Gaming dead? nonono.

It will never be :) but years like 2005 dont help much, and 2006 aint off to a great start, STALKER will swing it! (Hopes and prays for 2006 release) I love it when devs relaease great games on the PC and not on the console.

I have always been gaming on the PC ever since I first played one a while back (SWAT 2 really hooked me on it), I have never baught a console since the origernal playstation and since then I have never wanted to get a console.

Althought the PS3 does look very tempting, they got some great looking games on that so I might consider spending some moneys :)
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dirtydog said:
I think if every PC gamer tried out console gaming (because many haven't), PC gaming would probably die off or at least shrink considerably.

I bought my first PC game in February last year, 4 weeks later i sold my XBox and have never looked back.
ic1male said:
Microsoft themselves have said this is the year for PC gaming. They are hoping to bring about a resurgence of the market with Windows Vista. I think Bill Gates mentioned something like there are millions upon millions of PCs out there - it's still mostly an untapped market for games.

A few ideas bandied about were having a universal "Games for Windows" certification thing like Xbox/PS2/GCN have, silent installs/game running off disc, parental controls and connection to Xbox Live for joint multiplayer.

They've taken the first steps towards rejuvenation by making the Xbox 360 controller compatible with Windows XP. Now all we need are some Xbox 360 games to come across that utilise it. Also - the Microsoft XNA Studio software allows developers to write their code for both Xbox 360 and PC platforms.

I don't go for universal installs = dumbed down for PC to me ... But future technology will bring new advances, the PC genre is about to enter an exciting new market, 64 bit, multi CPU tech, PCI-E and ETC, The PC will always be years ahead of Consoles, so it makes sense to develop for PC as the high end gaming platform.

I also reckon the decline in PC software titles has been in large due to the ease of piracy on this platform, until recently ... its been far to easy to pirate a CD or DVD PC game, this has to stop, its killing sales and further development on the PC. Silent Hunter III for example, has some pretty unobtrusive anti piracy workarounds, that as far as I know has never been cracked properly, this seems to be the way ahead, also it is very encouraging to note, that due to the lack of piracy and sales SHIII has sold well enough for a follow up PC title, SH IV to be announced already.

It does seem sad we each have to prove we own the game before playing, but unless we want PC gaming to die off completely, then some sort of anti-piracy measure is inevitable.

I suspect Vista will incorporate some kind of anti piracy measure, if only for the OS itself.

On the same token, I don't want to see any more awful PC Games that I remember from around 10 years ago when we were saturated with PC Games, some of them were out and out rubbish. I can go dig out some old PC titles that were utter *rushed out of the door* garbage for proof, that I wasted my money on, but I doubt if I need to.

PC Gaming for the future, will rely on less piracy (however that's achieved) and also quality titles being released, its a double edged sword, if the software producers can release a title in confidence that wont get pirated the day its released, then they will achieve more sales.

On the same token, and to protect against rubbish being released, short sharp downloadable, or magazine cover CD's of concise demo's of the company's future titles would be appreciated, that way we don't get our fingers burned spending way to much on a PC title we may never enjoy, the often biased online and magazine reviews of games, both PC and Console, just cant be trusted.

All IMHO of course.
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dirtydog said:
Sure PCs are inherently better than consoles at some genres, like FPS games. But for others they're ideal - like the aforementioned driving and fighting games. Arcade flight sim games like Ace Combat are great on a console too.

People who like driving games and have never owned a console are missing out big time. There is nothing on the PC to touch games like the Gran Turismo, PGR or Burnout series of games for example. Also other games like the Colin McRae series and Toca Race Driver run flawlessly smooth with no stuttering on consoles, which cannot be said of the PC versions due to poor coding - regardless of your PC specs.

Sorry dont agree with that. Although I did enjoy GT4 on the ps2, when it comes to proper racing nothing on a console comes near stuff like LFS or GTL on the PC. Especially when it comes to online racing. Saying that I havent tried PGR3 yet.
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skullman said:
Sorry dont agree with that. Although I did enjoy GT4 on the ps2, when it comes to proper racing nothing on a console comes near stuff like LFS or GTL on the PC. Especially when it comes to online racing. Saying that I havent tried PGR3 yet.

What PC games are as good as the Gran Turismo, PGR or Burnout series. To my knowledge there are none.
And I'll tell you all something else for nothing.

Consoles cant do Motorcycle racing games properly, pretty though it looks ... the Moto GP series is trash ... Both PC and Console.

Check out the GP500 store , an old PC game that has near as darnit, nailed Bike racing physics, nothing has surpassed this PC game to date.

Also look at the way GP500 is being modded! I'm really looking forward to BSB racing with modded PC free-add-ons, really looking forward to racing around a virtual real life circuit, that I did as in Knockhill in real life, not to mention the other multitude of free add-ons, Moto GP included, for the original GP500.

Consoles can never get this depth of longevity or add-ons. It comes from having a PC community in the first place, just like we have here. Consoles will never build a gaming community, you need a PC to do that.

If the PC were to die overnight, so would consoles, simple as that.

Long live the PC.
skullman said:
I already gave 2 examples.

Live For Speed

GT Legends

Hmm sorry but those games are nothing like the games I mentioned.. oh well. I suppose if you stretch a point by a long way then they could be said to have a similarity to the Gran Turismo series.

Where are the PC versions of PGR or Burnout, or their equivalents?

edit - I made the mistake of trying GTL and GTR and my god what a load of crap.. not fit to clean Gran Turismo's boots I'm afraid.
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Mr Bulbous said:
And I'll tell you all something else for nothing.

Consoles cant do Motorcycle racing games properly, pretty though it looks ... the Moto GP series is trash ... Both PC and Console.

Check out the GP500 store , an old PC game that has near as darnit, nailed Bike racing physics, nothing has surpassed this PC game to date.

Also look at the way GP500 is being modded! I'm really looking forward to BSB racing with modded PC free-add-ons, really looking forward to racing around a virtual real life circuit, that I did as in Knockhill in real life, not to mention the other multitude of free add-ons, Moto GP included, for the original GP500.

Consoles can never get this depth of longevity or add-ons. It comes from having a PC community in the first place, just like we have here. Consoles will never build a gaming community, you need a PC to do that.

That sort of thing is a very niche market. As for building a community, not everyone cares about that - they just want to turn on a console, put in a disc and play a game. A game which (with a few exceptions) runs perfectly and doesn't need any graphical settings changed to get it to run smoothly, and doesn't need the controller setting up first and stuff like that.
dirtydog said:
they just want to turn on a console, put in a disc and play a game. A game which (with a few exceptions) runs perfectly and doesn't need any graphical settings changed to get it to run smoothly, and doesn't need the controller setting up first and stuff like that.

And where is the fun in that? You talk falsehoods as well m8, I switch on my PC and FS2004 (for example) instantly recognises my Thrustmaster Cougar HOTAS, not only that it also recognises my CH USB Yoke, and ancient TM Rudder pedals, unlike a Console, I can get my flight gear to recognise different profiles for each sim at the click of a button and its remembered each time I switch on my PC ... Falcon 4, FS2004, IL2/FB. LOMAC ... its remembered, heck, thanks to USB, I can plug and unplug these complicated PC devices while the comp is on, no problems here with PC controllers buddy.

Yes GP500 is a niche corner, but OMG, what a niche. Do you honestly expect X-Box games, or whatever? to have the same longevity with mods that PC games do? Can you even mod or even patch a console game yet?

I'm telling you, all console Motorcycle racing games are rubbish and appeal to arcade fans only, get yourself onto a PC and experience GP500 with mods, you will never look back mate.

I did the official review of GP500 back in the day for SimHQ. I know what I'm talking about twixt PC and Console options.

PC GP500 has longevity, Console Bike games are cheap thrills, only.

PC is better than consoles, so there, *sticks tongue out at you* Bleeahhh! My Dad's bigger than your Dad .. ETC.

Seen this argument time and time again.

At the moment the Xbox 360 and PS3 look great and will be superior to the PC when it comes to graphics/games processing power as long as you have hd tv. This will change fairly quickly like it did with the ps1, ps2 and xbox for example I have'nt touched my X-Box in about 12 months - because the games look tired, and not much decent stuff has come out.

Consoles are great if you've got 3 mates round and want a quick blast on Footy, Golf or a beat e up etc. No hassle - sit on the settee switch it on and your away.

If you want to play football manager, a flight sim, rts, rpg and most fps you are better off with a pc, the reasons are fairly obvious.

Most console games are developed using a PC or modified PC - so they'll end up being released by extension.
If you remember many years ago Consoles dominated the market, it is only recently that the PC took a large chunk. People say that an Xbox 360 only costs £300 and that you don't really need a £1000 HiDef t.v. to run any of the games. But then whats the point? The whole spin on things were the amazing graphics produced by this console. But if your e gonna spend £1300 might as well buy a PC and do much more than play games. I cant see PC games dying out unless developers suddenly decide to create a programming code which somehow stops it being run on a PC, which would be impossible cos modern day consoles are PC's but with cheap heavily subsidised components.
You don't need to spend a fortune to enjoy console gaming, and it's wrong to say there is no point buying a 360 without an HD television. But even the last-gen consoles still stand up well compared to current PCs. Where is a game like Burnout Revenge for PCs? If it existed it would probably need the latest and greatest hardware to run smoothly whereas a £79.99 xbox runs it at a flawless 60fps.
the reason most shops don't have a huge area for PC games is because they get bigger margins on consol games AND most PC users get their games online (one way or another)

also its easyer for most 12 year olds to pirate a PC game than a consol, mum and daddy are more likely to buy little tommy a Xbox 360 (if they don't get mixed up and buy an old Xbox) because they have SEEN the hype and beleave it!
as theres no one company/name backing the PC like Sony or Microsoft or Nintendo (oh how I miss Saga and the MegaPC) it doesn't get the same kind of advertising!
don't forget that PCs are used for things OTHER THAN GAMES aswell! and for aslong as we use PCs for OTHER STUFF, office work n bits (making consol games?) we will still have a platform for PC games! and don't forget, you want to play the new Xbox360 games? you need a new Xbox360, want to play the latest PC games on that 3 year old Athlon 3200/512 ram with a 9800 pro? go for it! just turn down the graphics a bit!!
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