Peeometer test for men, are we fully hydrated?

7 Mar 2005
Yorkshire Water company have decided to take attention away from droughts and rising profits :rolleyes: and help improve the health of the nation's men.

The company has produced colour charts relating to different shades of urine. Apparently we are meant to match our urine colour to the nearest colour on the peeometer and gauge if we are fully hydrated or not. Have to say this is one of the more bizarre news articles I've ever found on the BBC News site.:D

The peeometers are available in seperate designs for men, women and children. Don't ask me why. You download the PDF, print it out and compare.

I have to say I thought that the whole scheme could be borked right proper if the printers weren't properly calibrated.:eek: This whole idea takes the **** and the mickey methinks.;)

Linky winky
Hopefully most people have the common knowledge that a dark yellow means you're dehydrated, clear means you're hydrated and the rest in the middle is obvious.

Interesting concept though.
Sounds like a bloody good idea to me. So many people are walking around chronically dehydrated and don't even know it. I used to be like that a few years ago but I now drink ~4 litres of water a day and I feel a hell of a lot better for it. If my urine isn't as clear as a fresh mountain stream I knock back about a litre of water ;)

It gets the thumbs up from me
MarcLister said:
LOL didn't notice that. Wasn't paying THAT much attention.:p
And it's only the mens one, I bet whoever designed them was laughing their ass off when they got put on the site :D
Le_Petit_Lapin said:
Printed off a set, laminated them and thoughtfully left them in the toilet at work.

In four minutes? ;)

I know, you must have read it beforehand
OCdt Stringy said:
Why does the pee-o-meter come with a ruler that measures in inches? :D

It only goes up to 5 and a half inches too, sounds about right for a Yorkshireman ;)
Mikol said:
Hopefully most people have the common knowledge that a dark yellow means you're dehydrated, clear means you're hydrated and the rest in the middle is obvious.

Interesting concept though.

yup. if you hydrate yourself with beetroot juice then go and take the test would it throw the results off? sort of like when all you can drink blue lagoon cocktails make you have blue turds and 5 days of drinking gives your turds of tar!
OCdt Stringy said:
And it's only the mens one, I bet whoever designed them was laughing their ass off when they got put on the site :D
Really? Haha. Brilliant. Well seems Yorkshire Water got the Leeds footie team in on this. Bet they couldn't believe their latest corporate function when they were told about the photoshoot.
Notice how the male one only has the inches on it

My question is, why does it stop at 5.5"

edit - bah ninja relflexes are off.... slow posting
geeza said:
yup. if you hydrate yourself with beetroot juice then go and take the test would it throw the results off? sort of like when all you can drink blue lagoon cocktails make you have blue turds and 5 days of drinking gives your turds of tar!

Beetroot juice wouldn't really hydrate you though, moreso dehydrate you (or so I would expect?), but either way, LOL, I can imagine a dark red urine would be rather scary.

That's like people who go on holiday and drink tonnes and tonnes only to get ill through dehydration. They don't realise.
well im always dehydrated no matter how much i drink. Ive even really cut down on the old diet pepsi/coke and started drinking more water and milk.

EDIT: must have been a woman designing the mens, as any man i know would have made the inches smaller :D
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I just peed a cloudy lemon yellow :confused:
Whats that mean, the colour wasnt on the chart :o

BTW would the ruler part be in Centimeters for yorkshiremen :p
Zip said:
I just peed a cloudy lemon yellow :confused:
Whats that mean, the colour wasnt on the chart :o

BTW would the ruler part be in Centimeters for yorkshiremen :p

Medical thread. Cloudy could mean a number of things, but could also mean nothing. Does it leave a froth in the bowl of your toilet? Go see your GP.

MNuTz said:
well im always dehydrated no matter how much i drink. Ive even really cut down on the old diet pepsi/coke and started drinking more water and milk.

Well yes. Soft drinks are diuretics and as such will leave you dehydrated. So good call on the increased water.
Mikol said:
Medical thread. Cloudy could mean a number of things, but could also mean nothing. Does it leave a froth in the bowl of your toilet? Go see your GP.

Nope i dont think it was frothy :p
Just a cloudy mirky lemon yellow colour that i couldnt see on the chart :p
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