Penis hotpot

ElRazur said:
Ram, dog and goat. Yes i have. Taste like tendon.

Aint you the guy that stays in an asian country and you find these hard to take in?

Im not finding it hard to take in :dunno: Ive eaten some strange things as well..Just wondered if you knew what the peen tasted like.
Pete_m said:
well kebab meat is bits of everything from lambs right?


taste's good though with a little salad and lemon on a pita bread :)

Taste is what?
Well being chinese myself im not usually put off by such things, hell i see kids going to food stands and picking up a bag of cow intestines to snack on, it's really not that weird if your brought up with it right? However penis... hmm i think i would find that a little hard to stomach if i was told what it was! :D

Ps. I wish i could come up with a witty sexual inuendo there, but my head is just too fuzzy this morning :o
ElRazur said:
Similar but slightly tougher i would say.

Taste like a mix between meat and cartilage. It would also taste salty if it wasnt wahsed properly prior to preparation.

Have you tried anus? Sounds a bit like that.
Balddog said:
You think so?

When I had it, one dish was a really fruity chilli type dish and the other was just salted and fried - I thought it tasted great in both dishes...although occasionally a bit tough.

ElRazur said:
Are you trying to be funny? I odnt see how one can try eating anus you know, you can get the intestin and stuff but not exactly that part - a butcher will understand what im trying to say.

Duck and chicken anus is quite popular actually.

And spie, jesus christ thats wrong :eek: :D
penski said:
When I had it, one dish was a really fruity chilli type dish and the other was just salted and fried - I thought it tasted great in both dishes...although occasionally a bit tough.


I dont think its a good tasting meat in itself...I guess with good preparation it could be good.
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