Perhaps he is super interested, I don't really know as I don't know anything about him. What has that got to do with this thread any why did you feel the need to post a link to him and bring up ghosts?
Your the one who brought ghosts into this. I don't see what relevance that has. You seem to be suggesting its some foundation to the story as per your link. What foundation and what story? Are you just trying to derail the thread with more nonsense from Mick West? So far all you are doing is backing up my opinion that Mick is a BS artist after clicks and money and you blindly believe his nonsense. What has any of this got to do with the hearing?
First you bring up breads and aliens and now ghosts. You say "its interesting to me what you regard as what is isn't BS." which I am starting to wonder about you with what you are posting.
Think of Knapp as an interviewer/promoter for whistle blower, conspiracy theorists types.