Pentagon releases UFO footage

it's 'something



It's actually good to see more news networks now taking an interest in this, whether everything being said is true or not we're a ways off from finding out, but the bi[artisan support for it is really interesting in itself. Newsnation I have no experience with, but they were covering it from day 1 and haven't let up yet it seems:

We have fighter pilots literally recording and seeing things they can’t explain. The aircraft systems are detecting it as well and we get the usual stupid dismissive comments of ‘Its just a blob’.. What was this ’blob’ then? We all know it was there..
We have fighter pilots literally recording and seeing things they can’t explain. The aircraft systems are detecting it as well and we get the usual stupid dismissive comments of ‘Its just a blob’.. What was this ’blob’ then? We all know it was there..
I think the point is, that whatever they saw or detected, all we get to see is a blob. So for us it's still a huge leap of faith to believe in alien visitation.

And it doesn't matter who is saying, "We have proof!" so long as we do not get to see the proof. Because whilst you might trust an acquaintance who tells you that they met King Charles the other day (and not ask for proof), if anybody told you they saw an alien spaceship the other day, you'd need more than just their word for it.

And yeah, "not necessarily aliens" and all that jazz, I know. Just "super advanced non-human technology" or whatever.

Nope. We still need proof if you're asking us to believe in any of that. Proof beyond hearsay and pinky swearing not to tell a lie :p
We have fighter pilots literally recording and seeing things they can’t explain. The aircraft systems are detecting it as well and we get the usual stupid dismissive comments of ‘Its just a blob’.. What was this ’blob’ then? We all know it was there..

You know best, what do you think it was?
The Navy don't know.
If somebody told you they had seen Jesus in the park would you believe them without proof?
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Cool Worlds Lab has done a new video talking about the 6 issues surrounding FTL. This puts into perspective the amount of sheer energy and sophistication these distant beings would need to have in order to reach us in any meaning meaningful time, because even at the speed of light, travelling just a portion of our galaxy alone could be the difference between detecting signs of life in this solar system from where they are then jumping into a ship to travel to Earth to explore, but the reality being that during that journey, relative to the traveller, nearly all life on Earth is reset (as has happened more than once in Earth's history) because so much time has passed.

It just seems improbable that beings with that level of tech could logically crash on another planet, let alone be detected by primitive sensors like radar and cameras?

Unless the "non human intelligence" referred to by those guys is referring to humans as we know then, as an inference to Kippings later segment of the video, what if they are future time travellers beyond the human race's evolution cycle. Neither principle breaks the laws of physics, and as Kipping states, it could be classed as an engineering problem, and likely something we will never realise in our many generations of lifetimes given our current state.

At least it's a more reasonable theory than beings from another galaxy :p
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