Pentagon releases UFO footage

Nah, I watched the video.
So what do you make of the radar footage that confirms the UFO/UAP craft people on the ground spotted was real and since the craft was picked up on multiple different sensor platforms it cannot be a glitch. The craft that ran rings around fighter jets sent to intercept it so is not a bird or balloon. All confirmed as a real event by the military, police and press.

Is this a complete list for the UK?
Not remotely. That pages makes up something like well under 0.5% of reports.
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So what do you make of the radar footage that confirms the UFO/UAP craft people on the ground spotted was real and since the craft was picked up on multiple different sensor platforms it cannot be a glitch.

It was an Operating Thetan VIII: Truth Revealed.
So what do you make of the radar footage that confirms the UFO/UAP craft people on the ground spotted was real and since the craft was picked up on multiple different sensor platforms it cannot be a glitch. The craft that ran rings around fighter jets sent to intercept it so is not a bird or balloon. All confirmed as a real event by the military, police and press.
I think it's a wonderful piece of light entertainment in a docu-style format. I'd need to see more evidence than a 3 min video to pass any judgement on what it is.
I think it's a wonderful piece of light entertainment in a docu-style format. I'd need to see more evidence than a 3 min video to pass any judgement on what it is.
Its not light entertainment its a real event that at the time was all over the news channels.
There is the official Military transcript at the bottom taken from the Fighter jets that got scrambled to intercept the UFO and ground control to go along with all the other evidence. Here are some snippets.

P = Pilots
C = Ground Controller who was cross referencing the UFO craft with ground radar

"C That’s the target. No alt on him for the moment

P Contact in C 12 MEEL, at 5000ft. 740 knots Good contact again. Investigating One contact on the nose 7 miles

C Chear to investigate, check armament safe 2231

P Sweet and safe

C Passing overhead BE for the moment

P Lost contact now, he’s moving very fast

C That’s affirm High speed for the moment

P One contact on the nose 6 miles, speed to 100 knots

C 080, 10 miles. Heading is 120

P 120 confirm

C Affirmative 2232

C Last alt. reported 10000ft 070, 10 miles

P 070, 10 confirm Rolling out 070. Altitude 7000ft Lost contact more info efflux

C Lost contact as well. It should be 090, 10 Roll out 100 2233"


"P One contact but speed is changing from 100 to 600

C I have the same contact

P Slightly to right 4 miles

C Affirmative. High moving

P Steady east now

C Roger"

P Lost contact"

Like I said the UFO craft what ever it was could run rings around the Fighterjets. Witness's from multiple reliable ground sources as well as multiple radars sources from ground and air. Control controller is seeing and confirming the same object as the fighter pilot which is also confirmed by the police on the ground. They all confirm the speed changes that the radar footage shows and was talked about in the video links.
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Where are the other reports kept?
There isn't a single central database. has many 1000's of reports but there are multiple databases as people make reports to different places. The best we have is AARO who did the official profile of an average UAP's based on all the military data they have access to. I post the image of there slideshow showing average UFO profile a while back.
"Organization for Study of Paranormal Phenomena and Spirituality" The science checks out.

You want to rewrite all of physics using less information than FLIR/Gimbal/the other one?
The transcripts are real transcripts from the military. The military officer in the videos are the real military officer involved in the event. The radar footage is real. The reports are all real copies.

The first report was written by the secretarial staff of the Belgian Air Force. The last section is by the Institute of Astrophysics, University of Liege which is one of the major University in that area.

So I am not really sure what you are getting at as that entire event was real. That was a real craft confirmed as real by multiple reliable sources. Its the proper evidence you asked for and you are just going to discount it because you don't like what you are seeing?

As for rewriting physics based on a recent discoveries we just might have to do that. On top of the recent superconductor breakthrough at room temperature which is a game changer and thought impossible at one point. We are now getting reports from Scientists that it looks like there really is a 5th force of nature that was previously unknown. From Prof Jon Butterworth of University College London, who works on the Atlas experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.

Its the proper evidence you asked for and you are just going to discount it because you don't like what you are seeing?
Cool, what are were they? More UFOs? Sounds great, let me know when you have more evidence, otherwise I guess we're done here. But feel free to speculate wildly.

Re:recent mainstream science stuff. Hold your horses. Science has yet to confirm the science.

"Scientists may be on brink of discovering fifth force of nature"

Needs more science.
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Like I said the UFO craft what ever it was could run rings around the Fighterjets. Witness's from multiple reliable ground sources as well as multiple radars sources from ground and air. Control controller is seeing and confirming the same object as the fighter pilot which is also confirmed by the police on the ground. They all confirm the speed changes that the radar footage shows and was talked about in the video links.
Would those be non-visual contacts?
So something appears on radar and then disappears from radar a short time later. Possibly moving extremely fast.
I'm sure radar is more advanced/sophisticated today, but we've been tracking those kind of contacts for decades. I mean, I know someone who used to work on radar (non-secret) and they tracked those kinds of "contacts" almost every day.
Whilst it's pointless to speculate on what they might be, they certainly aren't anything new.
I suspect very strongly they are natural phenomena of some kind. Nobody was worried about them, exactly. They were routine.

e: To give an idea of how routine, they would be called out, (iirc) witnessed by their immediate superior, recorded, then just go back to whatever they were doing. There wasn't any kind of excitement about them. They were extremely regular occurrences. This is obviously second-hand information but it seems very much that these contacts were not considered a big deal, all those years ago.
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Would those be non-visual contacts?
So something appears on radar and then disappears from radar a short time later. Possibly moving extremely fast.
I'm sure radar is more advanced/sophisticated today, but we've been tracking those kind of contacts for decades. I mean, I know someone who used to work on radar (non-secret) and they tracked those kinds of "contacts" almost every day.
Whilst it's pointless to speculate on what they might be, they certainly aren't anything new.
I suspect very strongly they are natural phenomena of some kind. Nobody was worried about them, exactly. They were routine.

e: To give an idea of how routine, they would be called out, (iirc) witnessed by their immediate superior, recorded, then just go back to whatever they were doing. There wasn't any kind of excitement about them. They were extremely regular occurrences. This is obviously second-hand information but it seems very much that these contacts were not considered a big deal, all those years ago.
Visual very much confirmed by a large amount of people. A Condensed version started with mass civilians sighting which led to police call outs which in turn led to Gendarmerie call outs (Military law enforcement among civilians) while this is happening the Gendarmeraie are in contact with CRC who observes the unknown craft on radar matching there ground visuals. More gendarmeraie patrols come out, more ground witness. At this point there are so many ground visuals confirmed by military police so they launch fighter jets. The Fighrejets not only picks it up on radar and gets multiple target locks the same time as ground control has contact on radar and the people on the ground get visuals with the fighters and object.
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