Pentagon releases UFO footage

Sorry that was my fault. Looking back I didn't word my post very cleary. My intention was to expand your question and have keyser van someone answer.

Since you answered, I have the same feeling. Given the size of the universe and timeframes involved I think there is more likely to be life of some sort out there some place then not. But I am not convinced that life is near us or even visiting or as you say even alive in the same years as the human race.

Steady on, me and you agreeing :)
Sorry that was my fault. Looking back I didn't word my post very cleary. My intention was to expand your question and have keyser van someone answer.

Since you answered, I have the same feeling. Given the size of the universe and timeframes involved I think there is more likely to be life of some sort out there some place then not. But I am not convinced that life is near us or even visiting or as you say even alive in the same years as the human race.
This is the logical way. There is an exo planet that JWST recently discovered with bio signatures, it will take some more months to get the data checked out more thoroughly etc, but K2-18b is 124 light years away from us and the signature detected is only known to be generated here on earth via biological life and has not been detected anywhere else.

If the coming months show that the data is accurate then this changes almost everything because we will then know that we are not alone, that some form of life exists on another planet 124 light years away. That news alone will give big budget awards to various projects to look even deeper into the situation and maybe even find signs of technological life that may exist.

With all the news coming out as of late, I feel confident that in our lifetime (sooner rather than later even), we will have confirmed life out there in some form, and then a technosignature of some kind, but it is unlikely to be biological, but instead machine based life created by is bio-ancestors set on a mission to explore and catalogue what it finds along the way, purely because the sheer size of even a small galaxy will take the span of the existence of an average civilisation to travel across at the bare minimum and that's only if they travel at the speed of light. AI/Machine life is the direction we are heading into right now so again logically this all makes sense.
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This is the logical way. There is an exo planet that JWST recently discovered with bio signatures, it will take some more months to get the data checked out more thoroughly etc, but K2-18b is 124 light years away from us and the signature detected is only known to be generated here on earth via biological life and has not been detected anywhere else.

If the coming months show that the data is accurate then this changes almost everything because we will then know that we are not alone, that some form of life exists on another planet 124 light years away. That news alone will give big budget awards to various projects to look even deeper into the situation and maybe even find signs of technological life that may exist.

With all the news coming out as of late, I feel confident that in our lifetime (sooner rather than later even), we will have confirmed life out there in some form, and then a technosignature of some kind, but it is unlikely to be biological, but instead machine based life created by is bio-ancestors set on a mission to explore and catalogue what it finds along the way, purely because the sheer size of even a small galaxy will take the span of the existence of an average civilisation to travel across at the bare minimum and that's only if they travel at the speed of light. AI/Machine life is the direction we are heading into right now so again logically this all makes sense.
Completely jumping the gun before life is confirmed and split balling. If and I am only suggesting this as a point of discussion not as a fact before the usual subjects jump to attack me. If K2-18B turns out to be confirmed as life. Then there is a possibility of intelligence life. If that intelligence developed a 100+ or 1000+ years before us which is logically possible. Then in theory 124 lightyears is within unmanned probe distance for them. Granted with a super long turn around but in theory it should be just about doable for a long term unmanned probe. Though more likely if life is confirmed it will be something basic and not intelligent but that in itself would still be a major find.

Thank you for letting me know about k2-18B something to keep an eye on.
The distances are too great and using the Fermi Paradox the chances of intelligent life happening at the same time as us is virtually none.

We don't really know if the distance is prohibitive or not - there are several things we don't know about the way the universe works, even gravity our understanding is actually pretty limited, which might have potential within them to have ways to work around the distance factor.
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We don't really know if the distance is prohibitive or not - there are several things we don't know about the way the universe works, even gravity our understanding is actually pretty limited, which might have potential within them to have ways to work around the distance factor.
That's part of the problem we just don't know if its prohibitive or not so I fully agree with your post. Last night I was running theocraticals and maths for fun after my last post. If life is confirmed on K2-18B not only does that increase the odds away from prohibitive. But If we assume there is intelligence life my thinking was there are some pretty big shortcuts you could take to prove there is intelligence life.

Looking at it in reverse from there prospective. They could detect our biologicals in the same way we we can detect there biologicals (for those that like to jump on my posts remember this is a theocratical to work out how possible it might be, not saying there is intelligence life at K2-18B). If they sent a unmanned probe our direction it wouldn't have to fly the full 124 lightyears too get into range to pick up our radio signals. The unmanned probe could knock off 100 lightyears and travel only 24 lightyears to get into range to pick up our radio signals. It could then apply a booster and direct that signal back to the home world and prove to them there is intelligence life on Earth without having to travel the anywhere near the full 124 lightyears. Logically the reverse would be true we would only have to send an unmanned probe far enough to detect there first radio signals apply a booster and direct the signal back to Earth. The longer we wait the further the radio signals travel and the less distance they and us have to travel to detect each other signals.

Its shortcuts like this that increase the odds in favour of finding other intelligence life in theory.

In short you don't need to get to Earth to prove there is intelligence life on earth. Evidence of biological life on Earth clearly goes out to 125light years if not much, much further. Once you pick up biological evidence you only need to get within 100 light years of years of Earth to know the life is intelligence.
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Forgive my confusion over the claimed aliens that apparently aren't aliens but humans wheeled out during an annual UAP meeting as proof aliens exist.

Did the creator of the ET puppet already see these or is that just a coincidence?

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It depends if you are a silicon-based life form - you won't find any carbon in a silicon-based life form so to save some time to can skip the carbon dating.
the possibility of a silicon based life form is a fantasy from 1960s science fiction and a misunderstanding of basic chemistry.
Silicon does not possess the properties required for complex life to form.
It depends if you are a silicon-based life form - you won't find any carbon in a silicon-based life form so to save some time to can skip the carbon dating.
Over the past few days you seem to be saying you think the bodies are Aliens that are Silicon-based life that swim in radiation and maybe eat uranium and so carbon dating is a waste of time so we should skip carbon testing. Along with you believe in dream catchers. Which I have no idea what that has to do with Aliens.

Forgive my confusion over the claimed aliens that apparently aren't aliens but humans wheeled out during an annual UAP meeting as proof aliens exist.

Did the creator of the ET puppet already see these or is that just a coincidence?

If my idea is right the creator of the bodies as in the person who did the deformities like the skulls died over 1000+ years ago. So I think its pretty safe to say they didn't just see those links and that its not a coincidence either.
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I think the Ariel school in Zimbabwe case which happened in 1994 really needs looking at. I have been interested in this subject for 23 years and it is one of the most amazing case I have ever seen. It is in the documentary The Phenomenon by James Fox free to watch on ytube. Also the new Netflix Documentary Encounters will cover it which is out next week. It is vastly more interesting than the mexico mummy case.

I thought that was put to bed years ago.
It was either mass hysteria or a children's prank.
I believe it lasted for 20 minutes during a break but not one teacher was called to witness it :)
When they gave testimonies they all drew similar things but described events from basically how they had been brought up in different tribes because they weren't able to go into the false details at the time.
Many months later they were interviewed but by that time they could have all got their stories the same.
This is the logical way. There is an exo planet that JWST recently discovered with bio signatures, it will take some more months to get the data checked out more thoroughly etc, but K2-18b is 124 light years away from us and the signature detected is only known to be generated here on earth via biological life and has not been detected anywhere else. [..]

The reporting has been somewhat inaccurate and very sensationalist, as is normal with reporting of science. The scientists behind the paper have not claimed to have discovered biosignatures. The discovery was for methane. That's an important discovery for astronomers because up until now the existence of methane in some exoplanet atmospheres was expected but not discovered, but methane isn't a biosignature.

The part about dimethylsulfide was not claimed as a discovery because it's nowhere near the threshold for a discovery. Atmospheric dimethylsulfide is considered a probable biosignature because no known non-living process produces it on Earth. But the possible detection of it in the atmosphere of that exoplanet is an interpretation of one possible interpretation of the raw data. It's something of interest that's worthy of further investigation, not a discovery. In a scientific context, "discovery" has a defined meaning and this doesn't meet it. The scientists behind the paper have already submitted a proposal for further investigation and a request for a slot on equipment to do it.

The relevant data won't be made available until the middle of next year (partial in January, complete in June). But it'll be checked six ways from Sunday as soon as it's made available because it might be a discovery. If it is a discovery, it probably means that something like phytoplankton exists on that exoplanet. Or some non-living process not currently known that doesn't happen on Earth. Either would be fascinating to some scientists. We'd have no way of confirming which it is, though, if it turns out to be anything. But if it is plankton, it might be more. With the tech we have, plankton would be far easier to detect at that distance than more complex life short of a high tech civilisation emitting artificial signals. If there was plankton and complex multicellular life on a par with fishes and birds and dogs and suchlike, or even people with a lower level of technology, all we'd be able to detect is the plankton. Or maybe it's just plankton. Or maybe it's a non-living process that doesn't happen on Earth but does happen in the extremely different conditions on that exoplanet. Or maybe it's a mistaken interpretation of the raw data. But maybe it's something more than that.

I for one welcome our plankton overlords :)
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The video is quite balanced and shows both sides.
It does, and it also confirms that the story has major flaws, so whilst the telling of the incident is balanced, it's pretty damn clear that it's not a real alien incident. All the servicemen who experienced it not being local, none of them knowing that a lighthouse was actually through the treeline, only one of them actually claimed to have experienced time slip and coming into contact with the ship and seeing weird writing on its exterior etc. And then there's the notebook with the binary code, that makes zero sense since binary to English would not be the logical language of the universe, and if it were humans from the future, then they would not need to send cryptic messages through telekinesis to some American located on a British military base via means of bright lights in the woods etc.

And then there's the whole counter-intelligence disinformation protagonists which always were and still are very real parts of controlling public/media with just drip feeding enough false info to sew the seed, then let the media run with it.

It's a great story and seems compelling, until you put all of the recorded evidence together for the overall picture.

Mark this one off as two special ops teams bantsing each other as AJ noted.

Anyway, these alien corpse videos from Mexico as of late...

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The US border and customs have quietly released a report and documents and UAP sightings including 10 videos.

The US border and customs have quietly released a report and documents and UAP sightings including 10 videos.

Got to laugh that even using military tech all we get is blurry unidentifiable blobs, they must have some more recent better quality footage that they can show surely
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