Pentagon releases UFO footage

I'm not saying it's aliens but the it's-aliens-crowd are.
For someone who is not saying its aliens you seem to be going out your way to question the validity of the evidence which shows they are human and not aliens. As well as going out you way to create explanations like they might not be carbon based and the carbon testing is a waste of time. The Silicon based Aliens came from you not the links. Your posts to me are coming across as you are trying to discredit them as being human and push them towards being Alien.

They look a bit less ridiculous in the video but I don't think they're alien bodies
I don't deny the baby bodies look ridiculous and those are the ones I have been saying are manipulated with differing body parts to look like they do. The adult ones look far more like you would expect remains to look like and for the most part the adult ones don't look manipulated in the way the baby ones have been. I am not saying there is no manipulation on the adults just they appear to be more intact if that's the right word. For some reason though everyone is mostly focus on 2 baby bodies not the 18 adults bodies.
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In UFO news Congressmen Burchett has made some comments that relate to this thread.

Burchett said "House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has agreed to hold another hearing."

"I guess that's good news,"
Burchett said. "We won't get the select committee like we wanted to, because we stepped on too many toes in the intelligence community, which I knew we would, but we're not going to get there by asking for things. We've got to turn the tables over."

Along with the new UFO hearing Burchett has vowed to bring people with first hand knowledge in front of Congress. If he does that is an entirely different matter but he says he is going to try.

Lastly Tim Burchett appears to be saying he is aware of information he cannot talk about that would settle the question once and for all.

For someone who is not saying its aliens you seem to be going out your way to question the validity of the evidence which shows they are human and not aliens. As well as going out you way to create explanations like they might not be carbon based and the carbon testing is a waste of time. The Silicon based Aliens came from you not the links. Your posts to me are coming across as you are trying to discredit them as being human and push them towards being Alien.
Ok. So they're small humans that were mummified 1000 years ago? or bits of human and animals were all stuck together 1000 years ago and mummified? Or this was all done more recently and its all a hoax? And 8 scientists says its legit?
Well if the aliens were made of silicon it would be waste of time doing carbon dating, so I assume they first tested a bit of them first, fired some lasers at it and tested to see what came from the spectroscopy. Carbon confirmed? Then test for carbon half life. Assuming the aliens aren't swimming in radiation, maybe they eat uranium? If so that would give false readings in the carbon dating test.
thats not how silicon works
there's a whole lot of folk in this thread so hell bent on trying to take the mick out Pottsey they've ended up making eejits of themselves and getting all confused. it's quite comical to read :p

I'm not his biggest fan but it's embarrassing they can't read what he's actually posting and think he's all about "OMG it's Aliens" :)

What's funny is the now defunct Skipper897 thought me and Pottsey were the same person :)
I'm not his biggest fan but it's embarrassing they can't read what he's actually posting and think he's all about "OMG it's Aliens" :)

What's funny is the now defunct Skipper897 thought me and Pottsey were the same person :)
Still puzzled by that as our writing styles are so massively different and its not even like we agree on the same point half the time. At least we show respect to each other even when we disagree.

Ok. So they're small humans that were mummified 1000 years ago? or bits of human and animals were all stuck together 1000 years ago and mummified? Or this was all done more recently and its all a hoax? And 8 scientists says its legit?
Since when is 1.7 meters small? The average height of the adult bodies I would estimate is 1.6 or 1.7 ish meters give or take. I might be a little off, but around about normal human size.

The Scientists say its legit as in human DNA, legit as in real bodies that used to be alive and shows signs of growing with wear and tear. Legit as in joints, ligaments and all the other things we are not able to fake, legit as in carbon tested to be well over 1000 years old. Yes some of the bodies show signs of being manipulated. Things like the skulls being deformed is clearly done when the person was alive and carbon dating strongly suggests the manipulation was from 1000+ years ago with the head/neck deformities matching the same types of deformities that the Nasca practised. In case you are not aware not only are the bodies from around about the end of the Nasca culture but the bodies where found in the area the Nasca lived and was active. While I am not a 100% sure the data is strongly pointing to these being original Nasca bones.

The other manipulations like the animal bones being mixed in I suspect was done 1000+ years ago possibly as some sort of religious ritual but I cannot prove that, its just my feeling from looking at the data. There is a possibility someone dug up and stole 1000+ year old Nasze bones, illegally took them out the country and them built up a fake hoax and manipulated the real bodies. Who knows which is right, there is no way to tell based on the current data. If the carbon dating is mostly accurate at least down to a 100 years margin of error and I don't see why it wouldn't be, the bones and bodies are real and old. Who manipulated the bodies we cannot prove that at the moment.

EDIT: Sorry my posts are getting long again. Two of the small bodies show signs of extensive animal parts and extensive manipulation. 18 of the large adult bodies seem to be mostly intact with much smaller levels of manipulation.
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If you read between the lines though, there is something to talk about, it's just classified, so it pretty much indicates there is evidence because why would you classify something that doesn't exist ?

Information of something could be very different to evidence of. Proof is something else again.
People say Pottsey is confusing :)
So do you believe they are Aliens?
Too expand on this. keyser van someone do you believe these are Aliens? Do you disagree with there being animal bones mixed into some of the bodies?

EDIT: My post was unclear. should make sense now.
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If you read between the lines though, there is something to talk about, it's just classified, so it pretty much indicates there is evidence because why would you classify something that doesn't exist ?
There’s evidence of something being hidden. Doubtful it’s aliens or a hitherto unknown sub species of human.
More likely it’s some ‘black ops’ type military project funnelling US tax dollars away on the quiet and those running it will be more than happy to let folk speculate it’s ‘aliens’ - hell they might even be ‘source’ of these claims that chap Grusch has ‘found’ and he’s just not realised he’s been fed a load of malarkey to send him and a lot of others on a wild goose chase.
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Too expand on this. Do you believe these are Aliens? Do you disagree with there being animal bones mixed into some of the bodies?

I think there are 'Aliens' in the Universe, what made Earth is also out there making other planets and therefore life of some sort.

Do I think there is intelligent life other than our own?
That is a giant leap and I'm not so sure.

If there was intelligent life could it get to Earth?
The distances are too great and using the Fermi Paradox the chances of intelligent life happening at the same time as us is virtually none.

Do you disagree with there being animal bones mixed into some of the bodies?

No I believe it, they were up to all sorts.
Even though you've provided data they could be fake made a year ago I don't know enough.
I just know they aren't Aliens.
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There’s evidence of something being hidden. Doubtful it’s aliens or a hitherto unknown sub species of human.
More likely it’s some ‘black ops’ type military project funnelling US tax dollars away on the quiet and those running it will be more than happy to let folk speculate it’s ‘aliens’ - hell they might even be ‘source’ of these claims that chap Grusch has ‘found’ and he’s just not realised he’s been fed a load of malarkey to send him and a lot of others on a wild goose chase.

The US already have black budgets. Or at least that was the case up until recently.

Definitely had them up to Obama.
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The US already have black budgets. Or at least that was the case up until recently.

Definitely had them up to Obama.
What better way to get more funding, set up a side show pretending to be on the never ending search for ET. You’ve got ready made whistleblowers who’ll fall for well presented leaks, that will keep the money flowing in for the search while some of the funds are quietly siphoned off for other more nefarious projects. Maybe I’ve watched too many movies but that sounds a lot more plausible to me than Grusch discovering actual evidence of aliens.

Yea, he could be full of bs trying to make a quick buck but something about the data he’s presented and documented doesn’t ‘feel’ to me to be a hoax, at least not on Gruschs part.
I think there are 'Aliens' in the Universe, what made Earth is also out there making other planets and therefore life of some sort.

Do I think there is intelligent life other than our own?
That is a giant leap and I'm not so sure.

If there was intelligent life could it get to Earth?
The distances are too great and using the Fermi Paradox the chances of intelligent life happening at the same time as us is virtually none.

No I believe it, they were up to all sorts.
Even though you've provided data they could be fake made a year ago I don't know enough.
I just know they aren't Aliens.
Sorry that was my fault. Looking back I didn't word my post very cleary. My intention was to expand your question and have keyser van someone answer.

Since you answered, I have the same feeling. Given the size of the universe and timeframes involved I think there is more likely to be life of some sort out there some place then not. But I am not convinced that life is near us or even visiting or as you say even alive in the same years as the human race.
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