Pentagon releases UFO footage

Who’s tech is it tho?

Is it Russia, yet they’re still sending 70 year old tanks in to their current conflict?

Is it China, yet they’re still causing themselves international embarrassment by un-stealthily sending spy balloons across the world?

Is it the US, yet they deploy these craft intentionally over their own fleets, exposing their own tech?

Is it Belgium, despite their lack of focus on military R&D?

It’s far too absurd to be anything alien, and it’s not being deployed anywhere near intelligently enough to be one of the world’s super powers. It’s either not anywhere near as high tech as we’re being led to believed, or a natural phenomenon we don’t know anything about.
One thing we can all agree on, that it's something. But nobody can explain it, even though it's right there as tracked metrics on multiple instruments, and whatever blurry video that is publicly available. If there is anything clear and concrete, you can bet it won't eve see daylight outside of a top secret eyes only building. The reason for this is pretty clear that because nobody can explain it, it becomes the biggest threat to national security for all governments. What population wants to hear that things are zooming around hat defy all means of capture from their military etc? Kinda looks bad :p
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One thing we can all agree on, that it's something.

It depends what you're referring to. I'm not really following 'it' too closely but apparently there are some blurry videos and very rarely some accompanying radar data.

That's not enough for me to call 'it' anything.

Who’s tech is it tho?

Is it Russia, yet they’re still sending 70 year old tanks in to their current conflict?

Is it China, yet they’re still causing themselves international embarrassment by un-stealthily sending spy balloons across the world?

Is it the US, yet they deploy these craft intentionally over their own fleets, exposing their own tech?

Is it Belgium, despite their lack of focus on military R&D?

It’s far too absurd to be anything alien, and it’s not being deployed anywhere near intelligently enough to be one of the world’s super powers. It’s either not anywhere near as high tech as we’re being led to believed, or a natural phenomenon we don’t know anything about.

Well this is good timing with this post because if you think about it you've kinda of come up with another possible explanation of what it could be: nothing (of any special significance). The data fits very well with this theory as well.
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It depends what you're referring to. I'm not really following 'it' too closely but apparently there are some blurry videos and very rarely some accompanying radar data.

That's not enough for me to call 'it' anything.
Listen to the Event Horizon interview above where JMG talks at length with phd Colm Kelleher.

I mean the evidence has always been there and since recorded technological history (the 1950s onwards really) as Colin mentions and the projects he's been involved or in charge with. The data they've been privy too isn't data that goes public and they don't announce something until they've been able to investigate them fully and then been allowed to announce something etc. He mentions two investigative projects that were in effect for short spaces of time, they only ended due to resource needs etc, had they continued then they would have had a much better understanding perhaps of what all this is.
Listen to the Event Horizon interview above where JMG talks at length with phd Colm Kelleher.

I mean the evidence has always been there and since recorded technological history (the 1950s onwards really) as Colin mentions and the projects he's been involved or in charge with. The data they've been privy too isn't data that goes public and they don't announce something until they've been able to investigate them fully and then been allowed to announce something etc. He mentions two investigative projects that were in effect for short spaces of time, they only ended due to resource needs etc, had they continued then they would have had a much better understanding perhaps of what all this is.
I fear you’re going to fail in trying to convince the poster in question. This thread has 3 types of people -
A) the ‘it’s definitely aliens’ type
B) the ‘it’s absolutely nothing’ type
C) the ‘there’s summat going on but no idea what it is but it could be any number of things’ type

Conversing with A and B is pointless as they’re too ingrained in their position of ‘knowing’ exactly what’s ‘going on’
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  • Haha
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A) the ‘it’s definitely aliens’ type
B) the ‘it’s absolutely nothing’ type
C) the ‘there’s summat going on but no idea what it is but it could be any number of things’ type

For me there’s a camp “D” which I feel I fit into which is, the ‘want to know more’ type.

Most of the claims made in this thread, I have spent literally days and days reading through articles - just for each one.

Not just about the evidence of the claim itself, but into the background and details of the individual people making the claims.

Who they work for, what their backgrounds are, who they associate with and who can I link them to.

The most important and often overlooked aspect is the conflict of interest which is almost always present with these sorts of topics.

In almost all of these claims, the ‘flying saucers’ tend to be there as a vehicle to generate money somehow. In all of these claims I have seen, there is always an individual, group of individuals or company - who are surreptitiously pushing the narrative very hard.

There’s also a huge problem with regard to cargo-cult science, where many of the people involved call themselves scientists, have all of the credentials, use all of the right words.

However when they get involved with flying saucers, their approach to the problem becomes desperately unscientific. (Avi Loeb would be a good example of this)

For me, in investigating this phenomenon- it’s revealed much more about the behaviour of human beings, than flying saucers.
For me there’s a camp “D” which I feel I fit into which is, the ‘want to know more’ type.

Most of the claims made in this thread, I have spent literally days and days reading through articles - just for each one.

Not just about the evidence of the claim itself, but into the background and details of the individual people making the claims.

Who they work for, what their backgrounds are, who they associate with and who can I link them to.

The most important and often overlooked aspect is the conflict of interest which is almost always present with these sorts of topics.

In almost all of these claims, the ‘flying saucers’ tend to be there as a vehicle to generate money somehow. In all of these claims I have seen, there is always an individual, group of individuals or company - who are surreptitiously pushing the narrative very hard.

There’s also a huge problem with regard to cargo-cult science, where many of the people involved call themselves scientists, have all of the credentials, use all of the right words.

However when they get involved with flying saucers, their approach to the problem becomes desperately unscientific. (Avi Loeb would be a good example of this)

For me, in investigating this phenomenon- it’s revealed much more about the behaviour of human beings, than flying saucers.
Does that include the tic tac guys?
It depends what you're referring to. I'm not really following 'it' too closely but apparently there are some blurry videos and very rarely some accompanying radar data.

That's not enough for me to call 'it' anything.

Well this is good timing with this post because if you think about it you've kinda of come up with another possible explanation of what it could be: nothing (of any special significance). The data fits very well with this theory as well.
The data doesn't fit well with the theory its nothing. The data is clearly showing its real and something. That's why so many Countrys have UFO/UAP departments gathering and analysing data along with recovery programs. So many country's are having official Congress (or there equivalent) government UFO briefings because there is something. Then you have AARO who have direct access to military data saying the objects are real and doing interesting manoeuvres. If you read the military reports the objects are breaking into restricted air space and that's why so many country are treating them as a security threat. Members of Congress who have seen the data are saying the objects are real and invading our air space. We need to figure out what they are.

To say they are nothing and the data fits that is very misleading. We have gone way past that point as the data clearly shows there is something.

Saying that; to quote Thekwango I am still in camp C.

"A) the ‘it’s definitely aliens’ type
B) the ‘it’s absolutely nothing’ type
C) the ‘there’s summat going on but no idea what it is but it could be any number of things’ type"
You have spouted all this as fact before and have been challenged on it - but I will do so again just so you dont forget ;) Can you point to some actual proof on any of this - i.e non blurred/fake photos or film of these "Greys" you seem now top pass off as fact or indeed any actual proof of anything you say ? We are all still waiting.......its not being "short sighted" or "narrow minded" - its about wantnig some actual concrete proof - not endless articles pulled off the net from people you call "experts" - all just speculation and of course the near endless supply of blurred out of focus photos and video.. Where is the actual proof ??

Just saying " the fact is something is going on" and anyone that doesnt is short sighted etc just doesnt cut it - not without some actual proof - of which you have zero.

Saying its people from the future that look different, not extra terrestrials doesnt get you out of jail - frankly it just poses more obvious questions not less.
I'm not asking people to believe it because they wont regardless. I'm not saying anything is "fact" or trying to prove anything. I'm just discussing my theories and what I believe.

There is some proof out there , although it will never be enough, or at least circumstantial at the very least. Its not my problem if people can't grasp the idea that there might be something else out there.
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Science doesn't yet know if the universe it teaming with life or not, most think it's likely it's filled with life and then thats leads to other questions like Fermi paradox etc. Science only deals with actual evidence, so far it's lacking.

Ufologists maintain that all the photographs, data, hearsay is all real and aliens are here and gov organisations have known about it for years but keeping it away from the public.

I think those are the 2 camps :)

I guess the third camp is no-one cares, which is probably some 80% of the Earth's population.
but the likelihood of other intelligent life I'm not sure

Impossible answer unless you live through millions of years to observe life evolving. But we can make fair assumptions using what we already know about life.

We only know of life on earth so far and that took multiple extinction level events to happen before the human species was allowed to evolve by nature into intelligent being. Would we still be around if Dinosaurs didn't get turned to fossilised dust 65 million years ago? Unlikely. We'd be the less dominant species due to being eaten all the time.

The evolution of human intelligence is closely tied to the evolution of the human brain and to the origin of language. The timeline of human evolution spans approximately seven million years, from the separation of the genus Pan until the emergence of behavioural modernity by 50,000 years ago.

Taking this into account, on another planet similar to Earth, with similar metals and minerals to mine and forge (we know there are many Earth like planets out there in space), then it's safe to say that life on those planets would also take several million years to evolve like we did, but maybe just at the cusp of their final technological phase an asteroid wipes them out. If a Dino killing sized asteroid headed for us right now, there's nothing we could do to stop it. We'd need to be a Type-2 civilisation to have strong confidence in being able to remove any potential to be extinct through natural events most likely.

But if life evolved on a planet with greater variety of heavy elements readily available to them thanks to the way their solar system formed, then they could well evolve much much faster thanks to winning that lottery of nature. Technological advances would come much easier to them as they would have everything needed in abundance, they'd reach space exploration faster, be able to create powerful means of energy generation better and beyond.

We keep thinking that any intelligent species would have the strong possibility to wipe themselves out. Yet nobody really asks the question why we think this. Humans are still primitive, the fact that we spend hundreds of billions each year on military deterrents (which is exactly what they are) is proof of that. Any sufficiently advanced species that has at least become Type-2 must have evolved beyond the things we humans call problems and conflicts etc. The entire species is intelligent and working collectively This is the only way an intelligent species can go beyond their local star systems. Otherwise being in control of that much power, to be able to manipulate entire planets means the likelihood of self destruction would have happened long ago due to conflicts.

And why do we humans have conflicts? It's always over natural resources and greed that comes with it. That's human nature on planet Earth - It doesn't mean the same nature applies to life out there on a planet that has the ability to generate unlimited resources leading to no need for greed or conflict.

Think about this, there are asteroids and bodies of water floating out there in space that we have seen that have enough rare metals or water that are greater hundreds of trillions of times over than what is available on Earth, and that's just from recent astronomy.

Humans are primitive living on a primitive planet, and we fight over the limited resources it provides through land divisions. And the most sad part of modern human life is that WAY too large a portion of the population doesn't believe in science and the changing climate. That's what it basically boils down to.
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