Pentagon releases UFO footage

time travel cannot be possible, if it was the civilizations at the end of time would keep hopping back and we would be flooded with infinite beings from the end of time, constantly hopping back and reproducing then 10x as many hop back over and over...

if you want head *remove swearing* to think about.. the VISIBLE universe is 13.7ish billion years... its not impossible the actual universe is infinite.. that means there are infinite version of you... some were aborted before birth, some rule the world, some are exactly the same as you but have 1 hair on their head that a micron shorter...
i missed a point that there are also infinite versions of you that are identical.. - we cannot really understand infinite we are not evolved to...
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time travel cannot be possible, if it was the civilizations at the end of time would keep hopping back and we would be flooded with infinite beings from the end of time, constantly hopping back and reproducing then 10x as many hop back over and over...

if you want head *remove swearing* to think about.. the VISIBLE universe is 13.7ish billion years... its not impossible the actual universe is infinite.. that means there are infinite version of you... some were aborted before birth, some rule the world, some are exactly the same as you but have 1 hair on their head that a micron shorter...

The visible Universe is bigger than 13.7 billion light years across, it's radius is 45 billion light years, this is due to red shift off the top of my head.
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i missed a point that there are also infinite versions of you that are identical.. - we cannot really understand infinite we are not evolved to...
Some things we can't understand because they are crackpot theories that make no sense. Like time travel, which makes no damn sense at all.
"Going back in time" is easy to say, but the implications of it even being possible are impossible to reconcile to our lived experience. Not only all the paradoxes (like going back and killing your own parents), but all the energy it would take to put every single atom back to the state it was previously. Or to create your own pocket universe.
Or if as some people say, "all time exists at once", along with infinite parallel universes, all the energy required to maintain literally infinite simultaneous universes... The amount of either handwaving or explaining away, is astronomical. Much easier to comprehend that well, it's fiction. It never made any sense, and it never made for good movies, either. Just look what happened to Terminator...
The visible Universe is bigger than 13.7 billion light years across, it's radius is 45 billion light years, this is due to red shift off the top of my head.
dont split hairs reply to why we are not swamped with time travelers..... also red shift causes nothing its is an artifact of the expansion. the edges are 96 billion years apart.. the space in between is expanding.. most of what we see in the sky is too fat away to reach at light speed
i just thought of that idea.. i want to know what you think...
dont split hairs reply to why we are not swamped with time travelers..... also red shift causes nothing its is an artifact of the expansion. the edges are 96 billion years apart.. the space in between is expanding.. most of what we see in the sky is too fat away to reach at light speed
i just thought of that idea.. i want to know what you think...
And all the time criminals, coming back in time to live like kings with their 401st century technology. And all the time refugees, escaping the heat death of the universe by coming back (in their billions) to a time long before that was a problem.
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dont split hairs reply to why we are not swamped with time travelers..... also red shift causes nothing its is an artifact of the expansion. the edges are 96 billion years apart.. the space in between is expanding.. most of what we see in the sky is too fat away to reach at light speed
i just thought of that idea.. i want to know what you think...

There was also the famous Time Traveller party which Steven Hawking hosted and wrote about in a brief history of time, that no time traveller attended. I believe time travel would be possible, but only in the forwards direction, which is supported by relativity.

Yes a 45bn light year radius would make it 90bn+ light years across. I don't know what speed the edge of the universe is expanding at and I don't know it's even possible to measure that.
There was also the famous Time Traveller party which Steven Hawking hosted and wrote about in a brief history of time, that no time traveller attended. I believe time travel would be possible, but only in the forwards direction, which is supported by relativity.

Yes a 45bn light year radius would make it 90bn+ light years across. I don't know what speed the edge of the universe is expanding at and I don't know it's even possible to measure that.
If you can travel forwards in time then you have a perfectly deterministic universe, right?
If you can travel forwards in time then you have a perfectly deterministic universe, right?

Travelling forward in time is really just time moving quicker for everyone else relative to you. You achieve it by moving at close to the speed of light. The fantastic movie Interstellar kind of showed how it works.
When you look up at the night sky you are seeing the light from those stars as it was in the past. When you see somebody at a far distance you are seeing them about a nano second into the past. When you see fireworks at a distance you the light before you hear the bang as sound travels around 500 miles per hour but the light travels from that firework much faster.

If you where to travel to the end of the galaxy and return within a short amount of time much time would have passed on Earth.
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When you look up at the night sky you are seeing the light from those stars as it was in the past. When you see somebody at a far distance you are seeing them about a nano second into the past. When you see fireworks at a distance you the light before you hear the bang as sound travels around 500 miles per hour but the light travels from that firework much faster.

If you where to travel to the end of the galaxy and return within a short amount of time much time would have passed on Earth.

I kind of want to explain how an object can't exceed C for the observer, and how observers begin moving slower in time for the object, but honestly it's just a hard concept to think about.
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You need to go back and read some of the classic UFO sightings where they are all different, the Greys started to appear after ET and Close Encounters.
That’s not strictly right. Spielberg did extensive research into real life UFO lore and cases of the real Project Blue Book. In Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Dr. J. Allen Hynek from the film is not only modelled on the real life Dr. J. Allen Hynek but if I recall correctly also played by the real life Dr. J Allen Hynek who was the lead researcher for the US Government to study UFOs/UAP from 1947-1969.

Basically Spielberg designed his aliens from the governments UFO/UAP reports from the study in 1947-1969 . With Dr. J Allen Hynek on set as a technical director on the subject to keep things accrete based on the reports the real Project Blue Book gathered. The greys came from the UFO reports. Back then people often said "little green man" but that was by no means matching the reports.

Its a little hard to define. My personally opinion is there are around 9 different common types of aliens in typical UFO lore. Although its a little fuzzy and I can see why some people would count a little higher or lower.
And all the time criminals, coming back in time to live like kings with their 401st cuntery technology. And all the time refugees, escaping the heat death of the universe by coming back (in their billions) to a time long before that was a problem.
If time travel is even possible there is a further problem few people seem to think about. Everything is moving not just the planet but the solar system and galaxies. Plus space is expanding. If you travel just a short distance back in time to the same point in space you will be in space not where the Earth is. If you travel a little further back you will be lost deep in the galaxy even further back and you wont even be in the galaxy, I seem to recall our galaxy travels at an extremely fast speed.

If someone travels back in time to the same position in space how would they even find Earth and even if they could then how would they get back to Earth that would be a massive distance away. Time travel might require full life support, long term provisions and a faster then light ship and some impressive data sets with impressive processing power to work out your position and to get where you want to be.
Travelling forward in time is really just time moving quicker for everyone else relative to you. You achieve it by moving at close to the speed of light. The fantastic movie Interstellar kind of showed how it works.
the mind twister is that for a photon of light its born and its absorbed in the same instant, it experiences no time
When you look up at the night sky you are seeing the light from those stars as it was in the past. When you see somebody at a far distance you are seeing them about a nano second into the past. When you see fireworks at a distance you the light before you hear the bang as sound travels around 500 miles per hour but the light travels from that firework much faster.

If you where to travel to the end of the galaxy and return within a short amount of time much time would have passed on Earth.
you can get to the edge of the galaxy in a life time(ish) if you could go almost the speed of light... when you got back millions of years would have passed on earth
That’s not strictly right. Spielberg did extensive research into real life UFO lore and cases of the real Project Blue Book. In Close Encounter of the Third Kind, Dr. J. Allen Hynek from the film is not only modelled on the real life Dr. J. Allen Hynek but if I recall correctly also played by the real life Dr. J Allen Hynek who was the lead researcher for the US Government to study UFOs/UAP from 1947-1969.

Basically Spielberg designed his aliens from the governments UFO/UAP reports from the study in 1947-1969 . With Dr. J Allen Hynek on set as a technical director on the subject to keep things accrete based on the reports the real Project Blue Book gathered. The greys came from the UFO reports. Back then people often said "little green man" but that was by no means matching the reports.

Its a little hard to define. My personally opinion is there are around 9 different common types of aliens in typical UFO lore. Although its a little fuzzy and I can see why some people would count a little higher or lower.

There used to be a series called Project Blue Book in the 70s/80s a little bit like the X-Files based on the Project Blue Book cases and there was a different Alien every week.
Yes I do know about Hynek being involved with Close Encounters, I'm a Sci Fi buff and that's where I leave it parked, Sci Fi.
There used to be a series called Project Blue Book in the 70s/80s a little bit like the X-Files based on the Project Blue Book cases and there was a different Alien every week.
Yes I do know about Hynek being involved with Close Encounters, I'm a Sci Fi buff and that's where I leave it parked, Sci Fi.
Have you looked into the Ant people in old lore? Some people think they are the greys in older lore which in turn are linked to the underground city’s like the underground Citadel in Peru the recent mummers apparently came from or the Grand Canyon. I thought this Why files was pretty entraining and well put together. If you haven’t seen it already it could be worth a watch.

As I've said before that I strongly believe in the UFO phenomenon that there are things out there that can't be explained... extraterrestrial craft, alien greys etc etc. We have been visited and are currently being visited and for those narrow minded short sighted people that cant see pass the 21st century that will typically respond with laughing emojis and "little green men" stuff. The fact is there is something going on out there but many people don't want to believe it. Whether they are evolved humans that have traveled back in time to visit the Earth or actual aliens from another star system making contact we will never truly know at this point.

I don't believe that humans will all die out from a war or whatever or kill ourselves off from stupidity. We will evolve and there is some strong evidence for this... I know there is a lot of crap on the internet and fake videos etc etc but there is something going on.

Humans have been evolving for a long time and if you look at the evolutionary stages which science also proves that humans 1000 years from now loose more body hair with larger eyes and heads and slender taller body types. If you go back 500 years people were shorter than they are today. fast forward a million years in human evolution and we start to look like the Greys.

You have spouted all this as fact before and have been challenged on it - but I will do so again just so you dont forget ;) Can you point to some actual proof on any of this - i.e non blurred/fake photos or film of these "Greys" you seem now top pass off as fact or indeed any actual proof of anything you say ? We are all still waiting.......its not being "short sighted" or "narrow minded" - its about wantnig some actual concrete proof - not endless articles pulled off the net from people you call "experts" - all just speculation and of course the near endless supply of blurred out of focus photos and video.. Where is the actual proof ??

Just saying " the fact is something is going on" and anyone that doesnt is short sighted etc just doesnt cut it - not without some actual proof - of which you have zero.

Saying its people from the future that look different, not extra terrestrials doesnt get you out of jail - frankly it just poses more obvious questions not less.
Event Horizon's new interview with someone perfectly qualified and experienced in this field is really insightful. He's analysed the mass of data going back from the 1050s onwards in his 15 year career as well as worked directly on some of these projects.

The main takeaway is that going back 75 years tegre is recorded data from multiple instruments cataloguing craft defying anything any country amhad at the time, this is a time before chinese and Russian spy balloons, when covert playing consisted of manned ground intelligence on foreign land etc.
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You have spouted all this as fact before and have been challenged on it - but I will do so again just so you dont forget ;) Can you point to some actual proof on any of this - i.e non blurred/fake photos or film of these "Greys" you seem now top pass off as fact or indeed any actual proof of anything you say ? We are all still waiting.......its not being "short sighted" or "narrow minded" - its about wantnig some actual concrete proof - not endless articles pulled off the net from people you call "experts" - all just speculation and of course the near endless supply of blurred out of focus photos and video.. Where is the actual proof ??

Just saying " the fact is something is going on" and anyone that doesnt is short sighted etc just doesnt cut it - not without some actual proof - of which you have zero.

Saying its people from the future that look different, not extra terrestrials doesnt get you out of jail - frankly it just poses more obvious questions not less.
To play devil's advocate a bit. Some people might say the bodies with the implants recovered from the underground city's like at the underground Citadel in Peru. Bodies that every single scientist that has directly looked at the bodies have said they are real might along with the multiple companies doing DNA test and further tests count as some sort of actual proof beyond blurred photos.

Not playing devils advocate from my point of view I would day the events like the UFO wave in Belgum backed up by hard facts along with 10,0000+ witness's, military personal, police and ground + air radar footage, fighter jet transcribe of the event between ground control and the pilots all cross referenced with multiple military sensors and everything else that happened counts as actual proof something is going off. What ever those craft where they ran rings around fighterjets and appears to be well beyond our current "known" technology level today yet alone when the event happened. That is a form of proof something odd is going off as it was confirmed by multiple sensor platforms and cross referenced on mass between ground and air.

Going by the public AARO reports which are based on classified military data I think its fair to say something appears to be going off.
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