Pentagon releases UFO footage

I posted to mock you, not to antagonize.
how's that worked out for you?
You're so sure he sounds like a tinfoil hatter, when we have the likes of Pottsey in here spouting nonsense in every post they write, yet you don't call him a tinfoil hatter.

Why is that?
i've not had need to call anyone else a tinfoil hatter as they've not engaged in conversation directly with me. also, to the best of my knowledge, pottsey doesn't believe it's aliens, at least from what i've seen of his posts......if he does, then tinfoil hat for him too.
Could it be because you are, in fact, invested in this nonsense?
Dude, read back what you’ve written - it makes you sound like a proper tinfoil hat crazy. It’s a likely to be ET and his cousins as it is your theory - both are as mad as each other.

Why am I crazy, for thinking that someone made up a story about aliens to make money? why is that far fetched?

It's already happened with the OP story, and the Pentagon UFOs - it was an investment scam, where a company was created (to the stars academy) then folded, and they legged it with the money.

It's not exactly far fetched, scams and fraud occur all the time, in far more complicated ways.
Why am I crazy, for thinking that someone made up a story about aliens to make money? why is that far fetched?

It's already happened with the OP story, and the Pentagon UFOs - it was an investment scam, where a company was created (to the stars academy) then folded, and they legged it with the money.

It's not exactly far fetched, scams and fraud occur all the time, in far more complicated ways.
But surely the amount of people needing to be involved in this long con would have led to it being uncovered long ago? I’ve no doubt at all there’s zero ‘aliens’ behind all this ‘evidence’ despite what others might think but it would have to be some crazy, extraordinarily well planned operation to be a complete con. As I’ve said before I believe there’s something going on and it’d be interesting to find out what, but it ain’t aliens and for me it ain’t a long con either.
I hugely disagree with this. In order for this to be an out and out scam the complexity required would be huge. Even faking the relevant documents needed for this to be a scam would be immensely difficult.

It's not complicated,

Someone made up a story about aliens and flying saucers - then a fringe news group (Newsnation) did an interview and pushed it like hell, the vast majority of people aren't interested or think it's a load of BS.

Outside of UFO foaming circles, nobody really cares - because it's just so far fetched, nobody with a reasonable frame of mind, really takes it seriously.
Then you have the second problem:

If it was true, that all of these people had been working on this elaborate plot involving UFOs, aliens and the like - in some shady secret government plan to reverse engineer this technology, so on and so forth.

If that was the case - why is the resulting story about as imaginative as a mediocre direct-to-vhs sci-fi series?

Why doesn't it contain some useful information that we can hear about that provides some actual substance, when you actually read the allegations - they're so poor, and badly thought out (why would aliens crash their UFOs in the middle of the desert?).
It's not complicated,
it really is. if it was as simple as you think, someone would have exposed it by now. this isn't someone releasing a dodgy pic they've taken on their iphone and shouting 'the aliens are coming!!'......there are congressional hearings taking place, or whatever they are called. evidence needs to be presented, hard evidence. if it's faked evidence, that requires a lot of effort and expertise.
Someone made up a story about aliens and flying saucers
has grusch actually said/done this. claimed it's all aliens and flying saucers? apologies i might be misunderstanding.
If it was true, that all of these people had been working on this elaborate plot involving UFOs, aliens and the like
you seem trapped in this belief this is solely about aliens and anyone interested in this must be some mad ufo believer. leave the aliens nonsense out of it for second and you might see there's, potentially at least, more to the story than initially 'meets the eye'
Aliens are real and I know this for fact as this morning a UAP landed in my garden and I’m pretty sure humped my cat. It was awful and I’m now left feeling very uneasy. I didn’t actually see the humping or craft land in person, but my neighbour (former RAF officer, veteran fighter pilot and current MOD advisor) made me aware of the situation and gave me a second by second account from his wife’s morning report. Mrs RAF’s description of the craft matched exactly! what I’ve found captured on CCTV. It was a blue and white pentagon, maybe 9ft across, with what I can only describe as pulsing lights towards the edges and the underside. Extending from the centre of the craft was an appendage structure with brighter blue~ lights, but pulsing much faster. I think this appendage is what the aliens used to hump our cat. At around forty minutes before the craft arrived, some really strange stuff started to happen. First, the cat started acting weird. I can only describe it as he was playing with some invisible entity, pouncing, erratically jumping into the air and rolling around, that sort of thing. It actually looked like he was enjoying the experience at first, but then things take a turn. All of a sudden he stops, looks to his left while dropping to a prone a position. It was as is if something terrible is approaching. Now, just at this moment the interference intensifies and Bob seems so sense something close, he attempts to jink left and realise he can’t! He attempts to move right but it’s like something is stopping him! And then bam, the pulsating pentagram appendage and all, is on him. It as if he was literally frozen in place by some supernatural power and simply couldn’t get away.
The craft stood stationary for a second or two and the interference settles for a few moments until the craft slowly rotated about 120 degrees. I think the beings might have loaded Bob onto the craft at this time and seemed aware of the camera, manoeuvring the top of the ship in such a way to shield them from view. After this the interference got much worse, the craft rotated 90 degrees like it was preparing for lift off, and just like a flash, exited the frame at incredible speeds and Bob was gone.
No plane on this planet can move and climb from a standstill like this thing. Not in a million years could humans build a craft capable of taking off from the middle of my garden clearing the fence from this distance.
This event started at around twenty to three in the morning and Bob wasn’t seen until 20 minutes ago. He was found almost passed out, like he’d been drugged and dumped in the shed like a piece of meat. Bob was taken for around 15 hours.

This incident has also been corroborated by another neighbour (retired solicitor) who confirmed he was violently awoken by strange noises and lights emanating from my garden. It was clear he was still visibly shaken too, even to the point he could barely shovel snow off his drive and this is a man who spent his whole career around criminals fighting for justice and protecting the public! To see a man like this shaking, in this way… It makes me question if he’s seen more than what he’s prepared to reveal. It was almost like he was scared of someone or something and kept looking around at his drive and paths as if someone would walk down them at any moment.
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It's not complicated,
Someone made up a story about aliens and flying saucers - then a fringe news group (Newsnation) did an interview and pushed it like hell, the vast majority of people aren't interested or think it's a load of BS.
You have multiple stumbling blocks that stop the hoax idea from working far two many to list. Picking just a handful

“Someone made up a story about aliens and flying saucers - then a fringe news group (Newsnation) did an interview and pushed it like hell, the vast majority of people aren't interested or think it's a load of BS.”

Let say this is the case and it was a hoax. The ICIG do their investigation, interview all the staff mentioned, speak to the guy’s boss, look at the evidence provided. If its as you say a hoax the staff would all be saying that guys crazy, his boss would be saying that guys crazy and the ICIG would look at all the files and go this is all made up story and doesn’t match the files and it stops there. The ICIG report it’s a hoax. But that’s not what happened. The people interview said he is telling the truth. His boss said yes, he is telling the truth. The ICIG looked at the files and went wait a minute this isn’t a made-up story the files he mentioned are there.

If it’s a hoax, how do you explain the ICIG investigation away? how did he get past this if its just a 100% BS story. Its not like he could sit in the ICIG and blag he way though.

Then if that’s not a major enough problem for the hoax idea. We have to repeat the entire process for the SKIF Committee. Where again no one can just sit there and blag there way though with a made-up story. Everyone involved has to have corresponding evidence to back up claims. If there is nothing to the story but made up BS how did enough evidence get provided to confirmed at least part of his claims are real?

Thirdly if all that wasn’t bad enough some members of the SKIF Committee like Mike Turner are anti UAP, opposed the UAP Act and voted against it and tried to stop all future hearings. They would gladly out a hoax and stand up saying its nothing but a BS story with nothing backing it. Why didn’t that happen? That one impressive hoax. How do you explain Mike Turner away? Somehow he got converted into joining the hoax? That doesn't seem likely.

4th if it’s all just a BS story and a hoax. How did Grusch convince them to take a field trip to the locations he provided? You keep saying it’s a vague story but its not. He went into detail combined with files from a classified server. They would not just do a field trip based on someone sitting there saying things with nothing to back up what is being said. They would need evidence backing what is being said to go ahead with a field trip. How do you explain that if it’s a hoax?

Lastly another big flaw in your story. Grusch was never meant to go public. He attempted the whiteblower complaint in private and submitted his complaint to the DODIG but they leaked his name out against his wishes and tried to discredit him and threaten him. Then he went to the ICIG after that. Due to personal threats against his wife and himself and the fact his name was already leaked out he decided to then do interviews to the public for protection.

None of this makes sense for your 100% hoax story. How do you explain away these major stumbling blocks that go against it all being a hoax?
Its not like Grusch can just sit there talking BS and get though all this year in year out without any of these people going wait a minute the evidence doesn’t match what he is saying. In fact, they are doing the opposite and going wait a minute the evidence is matching we better look at this closer. Your 100% hoax idea just doesn't hold water.

EDIT: Then if above isn't bad enough. We have a ton of statements like this and more are they in on the hoax as well? How do you explain these statements and all the others?

“has grusch actually said/done this. claimed it's all aliens and flying saucers? apologies i might be misunderstanding.”
He has mentioned Aliens and recovery craft in interviews to the press. No he has not in the official complaints. At Congress he refused to use the word Alien saying he wanted to keep options open as he is not 100% sure what we are dealing with.
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Aliens are real and I know this for fact as this morning a UAP landed in my garden and I’m pretty sure humped my cat. It was awful and I’m now left feeling very uneasy. I didn’t actually see the humping or craft land in person, but my neighbour (former RAF officer, veteran fighter pilot and current MOD advisor) made me aware of the situation and gave me a second by second account from his wife’s morning report. Mrs RAF’s description of the craft matched exactly! what I’ve found captured on CCTV. It was a blue and white pentagon, maybe 9ft across, with what I can only describe as pulsing lights towards the edges and the underside. Extending from the centre of the craft was an appendage structure with brighter blue~ lights, but pulsing much faster. I think this appendage is what the aliens used to hump our cat. At around forty minutes before the craft arrived, some really strange stuff started to happen. First, the cat started acting weird. I can only describe it as he was playing with some invisible entity, pouncing, erratically jumping into the air and rolling around, that sort of thing. It actually looked like he was enjoying the experience at first, but then things take a turn. All of a sudden he stops, looks to his left while dropping to a prone a position. It was as is if something terrible is approaching. Now, just at this moment the interference intensifies and Bob seems so sense something close, he attempts to jink left and realise he can’t! He attempts to move right but it’s like something is stopping him! And then bam, the pulsating pentagram appendage and all, is on him. It as if he was literally frozen in place by some supernatural power and simply couldn’t get away.
The craft stood stationary for a second or two and the interference settles for a few moments until the craft slowly rotated about 120 degrees. I think the beings might have loaded Bob onto the craft at this time and seemed aware of the camera, manoeuvring the top of the ship in such a way to shield them from view. After this the interference got much worse, the craft rotated 90 degrees like it was preparing for lift off, and just like a flash, exited the frame at incredible speeds and Bob was gone.
No plane on this planet can move and climb from a standstill like this thing. Not in a million years could humans build a craft capable of taking off from the middle of my garden clearing the fence from this distance.
This event started at around twenty to three in the morning and Bob wasn’t seen until 20 minutes ago. He was found almost passed out, like he’d been drugged and dumped in the shed like a piece of meat. Bob was taken for around 15 hours.

This incident has also been corroborated by another neighbour (retired solicitor) who confirmed he was violently awoken by strange noises and lights emanating from my garden. It was clear he was still visibly shaken too, even to the point he could barely shovel snow off his drive and this is a man who spent his whole career around criminals fighting for justice and protecting the public! To see a man like this shaking, in this way… It makes me question if he’s seen more than what he’s prepared to reveal. It was almost like he was scared of someone or something and kept looking around at his drive and paths as if someone would walk down them at any moment.

You missed out a neighbour being a Pilot because they are trained in observing stuff in the sky.
has grusch actually said/done this. claimed it's all aliens and flying saucers?

You should watch this

you seem trapped in this belief this is solely about aliens and anyone interested in this must be some mad ufo believer. leave the aliens nonsense out of it for second and you might see there's, potentially at least, more to the story than initially 'meets the eye'

Well - the aliens (see the video above) and the claims about them and their UFOs - were what got the whole party started, if Grusch hadn't mentioned aliens in his original interview - I doubt we'd even have heard of him.

He has mentioned Aliens and recovery craft in interviews to the press. No he has not in the official complaints. At Congress he refused to use the word Alien saying he wanted to keep options open as he is not 100% sure what we are dealing with.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ok,

So he only mentioned aliens and recovery craft to the press, but not in the official hearing - we're just gonna sweep those comments about aliens and flying-saucers under the carpet, because that's the sort of thing a normal, honest person with a straight story does right? ;)

You're making this very easy for me.
You should watch this

Well - the aliens (see the video above) and the claims about them and their UFOs - were what got the whole party started, if Grusch hadn't mentioned aliens in his original interview - I doubt we'd even have heard of him.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh ok,

So he only mentioned aliens and recovery craft to the press, but not in the official hearing - we're just gonna sweep those comments about aliens and flying-saucers under the carpet, because that's the sort of thing a normal, honest person with a straight story does right? ;)

You're making this very easy for me.
Still waiting for you to explain the long list a problems with your hoax idea. You are doing the very same thing you are accursing the aliens and flying saucer people off. You are sweeping away all those comments that go against your idea without any valid reason or explanation by you. That's why your hoax idea is a crazy as the Alien idea as other people have said.

I didn't sweep the Alien comments away. I explained that in the hearing he wasnt 100% sure and refused to say Aliens as he wanted to keep options open and see where the evidence went.

Most of us are categorising the claims into group's as its perfectly possible for parts of the story to be right, parts wrong, parts are a misunderstanding, parts being missing information that changes the way things look. Just as a working example.
Splitting the claims into something like

Group 1 - Very likely
Group 2 - Likely
Group 3 - unlikely but possible.
Group 4 - extremely unlikely

You are just blinding ignoring the claims in Groups 1 to 3 and putting everything in Group 4. That's why you hoax idea doesn't work. Then when officials confirm the claims in group 1 and 2 appear to be true and its possible group 3 as well. You go into full on panic mode and start sprouting nonsense to deflect and write-off what is being said.

You say its a hoax prove it. Explain away the major problems with you hoax idea. Explain with possible and reasonable explanations so that the hoax idea can work. As right now your hoax idea is in group 4 extremely unlikely right down there with Aliens.
So he only mentioned aliens and recovery craft to the press, but not in the official hearing - we're just gonna sweep those comments about aliens and flying-saucers under the carpet, because that's the sort of thing a normal, honest person with a straight story does right? ;)

I've linked these twice up to yet but you've yet to take the pee.
These are from the hearings.

That's why your hoax idea is a crazy as the Alien idea as other people have said.

The idea that it's made up for fun, or a hoax is a better guess than 'it's aliens'.

I don't need to prove that my idea is correct, it's just more likely because it is more likely, and it's a good guess.

It's not up to me to be proving or disproving all the time, only what's more likely or less likely.

I've linked these twice up to yet but you've yet to take the pee.
These are from the hearings.


It makes me laugh when he says "The framework I'm familiar with is the holographic principle" yeah - just casually throwing in the most exotic physics theories, into the conversation like it's nothing. :cry:
The idea that it's made up for fun, or a hoax is a better guess than 'it's aliens'.

I don't need to prove that my idea is correct, it's just more likely because it is more likely, and it's a good guess.

It's not up to me to be proving or disproving all the time, only what's more likely or less likely.
Barely a better guess as a hoax is just as bad a guess and in the same of category of unlikely as the chances of Aliens.

If the odds of it being Aliens is 0.01% then your idea of the entire thing being just a hoax are barely better at 0.04% its almost just as crazy. The fact you cannot see that and worse you think it’s a good idea is unbelievable. It’s not good it’s extremely farfetched at this point.

That’s why so many people are questioning your hoax idea and pointing out how crazy it is. Its not remotely a good guess as the ICIG and SKIF made it a near impossibility. How can you think David just BS talked he way though both of those. Then BS talked he way to arranging a field trip, then BS talked he way past Mike Turner. Its absolutely nonsense.
The idea that it's made up for fun, or a hoax is a better guess than 'it's aliens'.

I don't need to prove that my idea is correct, it's just more likely because it is more likely, and it's a good guess.

It's not up to me to be proving or disproving all the time, only what's more likely or less likely.


It makes me laugh when he says "The framework I'm familiar with is the holographic principle" yeah - just casually throwing in the most exotic physics theories, into the conversation like it's nothing. :cry:

Honestly I’d have stopped him right there and pointed at the door.
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