Pentagon releases UFO footage

"Conspiracy theorists working for and within the US government are perpetuating myths about UFOs that millions of taxpayer dollars are then spent looking into, a “self-licking ice cream cone”, according to the Pentagon’s former chief investigator of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP)."

"Sean Kirkpatrick made the claim in a podcast this week after stepping down last month as the first director of the defense department’s all-domain anomaly resolution office (Aaro). It was set up in 2022 to collate military reports of UAP sightings and to be more transparent about what the government knows."

[thinking chin face emoji intensifying]
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"Conspiracy theorists working for and within the US government are perpetuating myths about UFOs that millions of taxpayer dollars are then spent looking into, a “self-licking ice cream cone”, according to the Pentagon’s former chief investigator of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP)."

"Sean Kirkpatrick made the claim in a podcast this week after stepping down last month as the first director of the defense department’s all-domain anomaly resolution office (Aaro). It was set up in 2022 to collate military reports of UAP sightings and to be more transparent about what the government knows."
There is a reason he was fired and pushed out the job. He failed every deadline and target set out to him and has been caught out lying constantly. He made it impossible for people to contact AARO (No address, no email, no phone number and he failed to get the reporting system online) then pretended it was there fault no one has contacted him.

Plus he said

“As an intelligence officer, I expect you to expect me to lie to you.” -Sean Kirkpatrick

At this point we cannot trust anything he says.
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I’ve been following this thread vaguely, but have kind of lost the plot at bit at this point.

However I’m definitely taking the phrase ‘self licking ice cream cone’ away for use in the future.
There is a reason he was fired and pushed out the job. He failed every deadline and target set out to him and has been caught out lying constantly. He made it impossible for people to contact AARO (No address, no email, no phone number and he failed to get the reporting system online) then pretended it was there fault no one has contacted him.

Plus he said

“As an intelligence officer, I expect you to expect me to lie to you.” -Sean Kirkpatrick

At this point we cannot trust anything he says.
Yes, I thought you might see it that way. :)
His Scientific American article is quite an eye opener too:

"the key purveyors of this narrative have known one another for decades. In the early 2000s several members of this small group also participated in a study, erroneously characterized (by the same participants) as having been sponsored by the White House, on the possible societal impact of disclosing the existence of extraterrestrials to the public, with the authenticity of the abovementioned concealed government program taken as its baseline assumption. The think tank in question was a “futures” enterprise that often worked on fringe studies, and many of the individuals involved with the study also worked for Bigelow Aerospace in support of the AATIP program.

AARO thoroughly investigated these claims as part of its congressionally mandated mission to not only technically evaluate contemporary UAP observations but also review historical accounts going back to the 1940s. One of my last acts before retiring was to sign AARO’s Historical Record Report Volume 1, which is currently being prepared for delivery to Congress and the public. The report demonstrates that many of the circulating allegations described above derive from inadvertent or unauthorized disclosures of legitimate U.S. programs or related R&D that have nothing to do with extraterrestrial issues or technology. Some are misrepresentations, and some derive from pure, unsupported beliefs. In many respects, the narrative is a textbook example of circular reporting, with each person relaying what they heard, but the information often ultimately being sourced to the same small group of individuals."

"Some members of Congress prefer to opine about aliens to the press rather than get an evidence-based briefing on the matter. Members have a responsibility to exhibit critical thinking skills instead of seeking the spotlight. As of the time of my departure, none, let me repeat, none of the conspiracy-minded “whistleblowers” in the public eye had elected to come to AARO to provide their “evidence” and statement for the record despite numerous invitations. Anyone that would rather be sensationalist in the public eye than bring their evidence to the one organization established in law with all of the legal process and security framework established to protect them, their privacy, and the information and to investigate and report out findings is suspect."
These hoaxers never wanted to be anywhere near a group with any real investigative expertise at all, they just wanted to get on Joe Rogan - it's all just a crock of ****, I said this ages ago.

It's frustrating, because the AARO is a legit outfit - tasked with finding out about unidentified flying objects which are really there, (because as long as humans have eyes, we'll see things in the sky we can't identify). But the whole thing has just been hijacked by a bunch of hoaxers, or grifters with scam companies (like TTSA) who are trying to make out that it's aliens, and so it's not possible to have a serious adult conversation.
These hoaxers never wanted to be anywhere near a group with any real investigative expertise at all, they just wanted to get on Joe Rogan - it's all just a crock of ****, I said this ages ago.
Yes the hoaxers don't want to be which is why people are saying the whistle-blowers are not hoaxers as they have submitted them self to the IC IG investigation and SKIF Committee investigation who both more so the IC IG have real high levels of investigate expertise and security clearance to access to the evidence and interview personal. You don't get more real then a IC IG investigation which is something hoaxers would never get though let alone submit themselves to.
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Yes the hoaxers don't want to be which is why people are saying the whistle-blowers are not hoaxers as they have submitted them self to the IC IG investigation and SKIF Committee investigation who both more so the IC IG have real high levels of investigate expertise and security clearance to access to the evidence and interview personal. You don't get more real then a IC IG investigation which is something hoaxers would never get though let alone submit themselves to.

Translated to English. Screeech has been caught out talking nonsense yet again and so has to resort to posting silly pictures to keep hold of his grand conspiracy theory that's falling to bits the more we look at it. I know you love your conspiracy theory but I am not buying into it as there is zero evidence for your conspiracy theory. Its just another one of your many made up stories.
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Translated to English. Screeech has been caught out talking nonsense yet again and so has to resort to posting silly pictures to keep hold of his grand conspiracy theory that's falling to bits the more we look at it. I know you love your conspiracy theory but I am not buying into it as there is zero evidence for your conspiracy theory. Its just another one of your many made up storeys.

We are still waiting for Grusch's proof of non human biologics and spacecraft.
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