Pentagon releases UFO footage

That’s where you have gone majorly wrong. Tom DeLonge is already very famous and very rich. He didn’t do it for the money,

Ahh yeah right - he didn't do it for the money at all.... right? ;)

So he sets up a company wanting to research pseudoscience:

Then he decides to write into the contract, that he's paying himself $700k + royalties.

He takes money, but the company delivers nothing,

Company ends up barely able to continue after running a huge deficit after only a few years.

I guess in your crazy world, this passes as being totally normal.
“Ahh yeah right - he didn't do it for the money at all.... right? ;)
Not from what I can see. He is already worth not far off 100million last time I looked. He did it because its his passion along with music. He never has to work another day in his life. He could sit back and watch the royalties from his music fund the rest of his life. Being that rich with that much royalties coming in every year destroys your "money motivation"

Given your history of making up things how do I know its even true he paid himself $700k. How do I know that is real? Even if its real what is wrong with it? What is wrong with a famous musician worth muti millions running his own music recording label and paying himself a wage out of the music and other profits?
Basically, a famous and rich musician setup his own music label and entertainment company to release his music albums and engage in his other passion that he strongly believes is real. He pays him self a wage which is largely funded by his music production.

Somehow this to you is a scam and hoax and seems really, really strange to you. The problem here isn’t the company. It’s you.

“He takes money, but the company delivers nothing,”
That’s a flat out lie and you know it. The entertainment part of the company put out multiple music albums with him being a famous musician. They did 2 seasons of a TV show on the history channel, the film Poet Anderson. Put out a bunch of books and have a website selling a load of products plus a load more stuff I have not listed. It’s a real company. Plus the company has a ADAM Research Project division that has a cooperative research and development agreement with the United States Army Combat Capabilities Development Command testing out new technologies which is separate from the Entertainment division.

So “but the company delivers nothing” is just a long list of lies and false information you have made up. Just like your lies about they scammed $50million and legged it with the money and everything else you clearly made up.

“Company ends up barely able to continue after running a huge deficit after only a few years.”
That’s not what deficit means. Being in deficit doesn’t automatically mean you are barely able to continue. You don’t understand what deficit is do you? A place I am going in next week will be in deficit because they are building an expansion. That is not bad, that is not debt, that does not mean they can barely continue. Running a deficit when you expand or bring out a new product is common and normal. Plus, the deficit was what 6 years ago or something like that. What has running in a deficit in the past got to do with anything. They ran into deficit while making 2 seasons of a TV show and went out of deficit when the TV showed went live or something like that. Perfectly normal.

I guess in your crazy world, this passes as being totally normal.
It normal to me because I don’t live in this conspiracy land you live in. In actually fact the company has been running for 14 years as a real company. You seem hung up on the fact that at some point many years ago they went into a normal sized deficit for that type of company which is common practise when a company expands or makes a new product. The company is still running, not in debt as far as I can see and is bringing in income to pay its staff and bills. That is what you are trying to sell as crazy, hoax and a scam.
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How do I know that is real?

You can start by actually reading the offer they sent out...

The problem here isn’t the company. It’s you.

Guy sets up a company, claiming to research telepathy and wants to sell stock to the value of $50M to fund research into this psuedoscience nonsense.

Said person, pays himself $700k, and the company makes no money, and produces nothing.

And you think the problem is with me?

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You can start by actually reading the offer they sent out...

Guy sets up a company, claiming to research telepathy and wants to sell stock to the value of $50M to fund research into this psuedoscience nonsense.

Said person, pays himself $700k, and the company makes no money, and produces nothing.

And you think the problem is with me?

An offer they dropped and didn't go ahead with as the company had a change of direction into a media publication company.

Yes I think you are the problem, as you are clearly lying like you have a history of doing. Just like you just did again by saying they make no money and produce nothing which at this point is just a flat out lie. One quick look at the online store on there website show you are flat out lying. Or looking at the IMDB and the films and TV shows they have produced and shown on proper TV channels like the History channel on Sky. You might have heard of a little TV company called Sky. Which they produce TV shows for.

The selling stock of $50 million and running away with it never happened, you made that up. They sold $1million stock which was used to setup a media company that produced real media. Everything else is a fantasy you created for your conspiracy theory.

As for the research the US Military seem to think its pretty real. Signing them up to do $750k worth of research in various types of R&D for them. So yes the problem here is clearly you making your usual fake stories up.
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Yes I think you are the problem, as you are clearly lying like you have a history of doing.

Nah - you can't get away with calling me a liar.

It's a fact - they tried to (and partially succeeded) in raising capital, by getting people to invest in pseudoscientific nonsense:

x Advanced aerospace technologies. The undefined and forward-looking nature of this project means that we may run into
unanticipated barriers to implementation of the new research principles involved. Additionally, this type of research will require high-
energy, which will need careful management and control.

x Beamed energy propulsion launch systems. This project has been proposed in academic papers, as have the potential risks, which

x Brain-computer interface technology. This technology is already being pursued by well-resourced companies, and
commercialization of any product will likely be well into the future.

x Engineering the space-time metric. This technology is in the very early stages, and success depends on a yet to be defined
breakthrough in propulsion to enable traveling to the stars at near light speed.

x Human ultra-experience database. This may involve extensive investment cost.

x Radiation shielding materials for space applications. The development and engineering of these materials is already being pursued
by well-resourced companies. As consumer-driven space travel evolves, the competitive field of companies in this industry will grow.
Development of the type of material necessary to reach the next level of innovation will be cost-intensive.

x Telepathy. Research into telepathy may require scientific testing on persons, which will expose the company to different risk factors
than its other proposed projects

Then they produced **** all, they had no intention of producing anything, because all of the above (taken from their investment circular) is a load of hogwash.

Tom Delonge paid himself $700k along the way, and ran the company into the ground.

"Engineering the space time metric" - load of balls.
Nah - you can't get away with calling me a liar.

It's a fact - they tried to (and partially succeeded) in raising capital, by getting people to invest in pseudoscientific nonsense:

Then they produced **** all, they had no intention of producing anything, because all of the above (taken from their investment circular) is a load of hogwash.

Tom Delonge paid himself $700k along the way, and ran the company into the ground.

"Engineering the space time metric" - load of balls.

Not bad work if you can get it. I wonder if Major Grusch is receiving his whistle blower payments yet…
Not bad work if you can get it. I wonder if Major Grusch is receiving his whistle blower payments yet…

Yeah, I mean - being a rockstar, and having people throw money at your snake-oil investment opportunity, where you pay yourself all of the money, sounds like some sort serious high-level play :D

Although, I still want to know what a "Human ultra-experience database" is, the fact that they can come up with names like that, almost warrants throwing your money into a dustbin the investment.
Nah - you can't get away with calling me a liar.”
Yes I can and I have proven it with evidence time and time again. The quotes are there for everyone to see. If you don’t like being called out for your fake stories and your lies stop doing it. I backed up what I said with evidence.

“then they produced **** all, they had no intention of producing anything,”
Which is a flat out lie they produce TV shows some of which have multiple seasons on Sky TV. Along with the films, books, music albums and all the other products on their website.
The fact you are doubling down on this lie when everyone can see you are lying says a lot.

“Tom Delonge paid himself $700k along the way, and ran the company into the ground.”
You made that up and you made up that he ran the company to the ground which didn’t happen. The company has not been ran to the ground and seems to be doing pretty well. Your lies about them running off with $50 million and running to the ground never happened. You have zero evidence for that.
What you call load of balls. The US military is seriously investing in as real.

“Doug Halleaux, a spokesperson for the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Ground Vehicle Systems Center, has stated that the US government has approached To the Stars since “If materials represented in the TTSA ADAM project are scientifically evaluated and presented with supporting data as having military utility by the TTSA, it makes sense to look deeper here.” According to Halleaux, the Army is also interested in the results of a collaboration between To the Stars and TruClear Global, a company that creates custom video screen billboards, aimed at providing "advanced technology solutions to United States Government clientele."

The US military contacted them do R&D into

This is not pseudoscientific nonsense. Its real Science.
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Well they're a bunch of cretins then, aren't they?
No. In fact its the other way around. Yet again you have it wrong. The R&D they are doing is based on real science.

Go on then - explain the real science behind Telepathy, and "engineering the space time metric".
I don’t need to as that has nothing to do with how the current company is setup or what they are doing. Its not part of their current product line and has nothing to do with there current real R&D there labs. Although if you must know look up things like Neuralink wireless implants into the brain. The long-term goal is to get these into humans which is the style of Telepathy where the implant talks wirelessly to near by items in the same style as Telepathy. The idea people will be able to via this form of Telepathy via the implant fly and control aircraft or control replacement limbs. Its all based on science.

Its just another of the long list of things you got wrong.

Another thing you got got wrong is the lines they are researching is not pseudoscience. Its highly speculative theories that are based on real science like the links I gave you. Some of it appears to come very close to pseudoscience but when you read into it, in fact its real science though some of it highly speculative.
Despite your lies saying they produced nothing. They actually did bring out real exotic metamaterials. Its these metamaterials that the US military is very interested in after taking a look and seeing that they are real.

What you have got wrong is the $50 Million crowdfunding pseudoscience stuff from all those years ago never got actioned and never happened. Instead they announced a record label and entertainment division. Everything that division has done is create entertainment media like all the TV shows on Sky. Same for the R&D division everything that division has done is real science producing real materials.

You are stuck in the past on something that never happened. What you seem to think the company is and does is completely different to the reality of what they actually do. You are stuck on an announcement from a long time ago that got abandoned before being actioned and are ignoring all the years they have been doing real science and real media production.

I am still waiting for proof they ran the company into the ground as it turned out the $56milloin debt you talked about was fake and never happened. They never got into debt that I can see as per you article where they said they made a major mistake and it wasnt debt.
Some of it appears to come very close to pseudoscience but when you read into it, in fact its real science though some of it highly speculative.

I didn't think you'd be able to explain how Telepathy, and "engineering the space time metric" are actual real scientific theories, and I'm not suprised either.

Oh hang on:
What you have got wrong is the $50 Million crowdfunding pseudoscience stuff from all those years ago never got actioned and never happened.


So it was a $50M crowdfunding psuedoscience scam then, it just never got actioned....... Well there's a load off my mind.

I guess the fact that they specifically stated they were going to research Telepathy and other BS in their funding exercise, was just all just big mistake? :cry:
That documentary on Prime I posted about before, now on Season 5 and ep 2 is about UFOs, some really good footage on there, cleaner than the versions on youtube:

The NASA ISS live feed and the Washington DC 1952 ones stand out in particular. A lot of these also seem to be well before drones were a thing, many from the early 2000s being classified until more recent years. These are officially documented instances with multiple witnesses, multiple equipment measurements, all time-synched events. In the NASA live feed stuff, it's interesting that NASA often cut the live feed as soon as something appears on screen.

Night of July 19​

At 11:40 p.m. on Saturday, July 19, 1952, Edward Nugent, an air traffic controller at Washington National Airport spotted seven objects on his radar.[14] The objects were located 15 miles (24 km) south-southwest of the city; no known aircraft were in the area, and the objects were not following any established flight paths. Nugent's superior, Harry Barnes, a senior air-traffic controller at the airport, watched the objects on Nugent's radarscope. He later wrote:

We knew immediately that a very strange situation existed . . . their movements were completely radical compared to those of ordinary aircraft.[15]
Barnes had two controllers check Nugent's radar; they found that it was working normally. Barnes then called National Airport's radar-equipped control tower; the controllers there, Howard Cocklin and Joe Zacko, said that they also had unidentified blips on their radar screen, and saw a hovering "bright light" in the sky, which departed with incredible speed.[14] Cocklin asked Zacko, "Did you see that? What the hell was that?"[14]

At this point, other objects appeared in all sectors of the radarscope; when they moved over the White House and the United States Capitol, Barnes called Andrews Air Force Base, located 10 miles from National Airport. Although Andrews reported that they had no unusual objects on their radar, an airman soon called the base's control tower to report the sighting of a strange object. Airman William Brady, who was in the tower, then saw an "object which appeared to be like an orange ball of fire, trailing a tail . . . [it was] unlike anything I had ever seen before."[14][16] As Brady tried to alert the other personnel in the tower, the strange object "took off at an unbelievable speed.[16]

On one of National Airport's runways, S.C. Pierman, a Capital Airlines pilot, was waiting in the cockpit of his DC-4 for permission to take off. After spotting what he believed to be a meteor, he was told that the control tower's radar had detected unknown objects closing in on his position. Pierman observed six objects — "white, tailless, fast-moving lights" — over a 14-minute period.[17][14] Pierman was in radio contact with Barnes during his sighting, and Barnes later related that "each sighting coincided with a pip we could see near his plane. When he reported that the light streaked off at a high speed, it disappeared on our scope."[18]

Meanwhile, at Andrews Air Force Base, the control tower personnel were tracking on radar what some thought to be unknown objects, but others suspected, and in one instance were able to prove, were simply stars and meteors.[19] However, Staff Sgt. Charles Davenport observed an orange-red light to the south; the light "would appear to stand still, then make an abrupt change in direction and altitude . . . this happened several times."[18] At one point both radar centers at National Airport and the radar at Andrews Air Force Base were tracking an object hovering over a radio beacon. The object vanished in all three radar centers at the same time.[20]

At 3 a.m., shortly before two United States Air Force F-94 Starfire jet fighters from New Castle Air Force Base in Delaware arrived over Washington, all of the objects vanished from the radar at National Airport. However, when the jets ran low on fuel and left, the objects returned, which convinced Barnes that "the UFOs were monitoring radio traffic and behaving accordingly."[18] The objects were last detected by radar at 5:30 a.m.

Publicity and Air Force reaction​

The sightings of July 19–20, 1952, made front-page headlines in newspapers around the nation. A typical example was the headline from the Cedar Rapids Gazette in Iowa. It read "SAUCERS SWARM OVER CAPITAL" in large black type.[21] By coincidence, USAF Captain Edward J. Ruppelt, the supervisor of the Air Force's Project Blue Book investigation into UFO sightings, was in Washington at the time. However, he did not learn about the sightings until Monday, July 21, when he read the headlines in a Washington-area newspaper.[22] After talking with intelligence officers at the Pentagon about the sightings, Ruppelt spent several hours trying to obtain a staff car so he could travel around Washington to investigate the sightings, but was refused as only generals and senior colonels could use staff cars. He was told that he could rent a taxicab with his own money; by this point Ruppelt was so frustrated that he left Washington and flew back to Blue Book's headquarters at Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio.[23] Upon returning to Dayton, Ruppelt spoke with an Air Force radar specialist, Captain Roy James, who felt that unusual weather conditions could have caused the unknown radar targets
Amusing knowing that even in 1952, the trials and tribulations of the average public sector worker trying to get expenses paid or use pool cars is still a right of passage :p


In his book, The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects, author Edward J. Ruppelt wrote that radar and control tower personnel he spoke to, as well as some Air Force officers, disagreed with the Air Force's explanation.[38]

Michael Wertheimer, a researcher for the government-funded Condon Report, investigated the case in 1966, and stated that radar witnesses still disputed the Air Force explanation.[43]

Former radar controller Howard Cocklin told the Washington Post in 2002 that he was still convinced that he saw an object, stating that "I saw it on the [radar] screen and out the window" over Washington National Airport."[14]
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I didn't think you'd be able to explain how Telepathy, and "engineering the space time metric" are actual real scientific theories, and I'm not suprised either.
Are you attempting to troll and making a right fail at it? I just explained how telepathy works from a science point of view and you say you didn't think I could explained? Yet everyone can see I just explained. We have got to the stage where the Neuralink wireless implants have been built and fitted to not only live subjects but tested out in humans as well. That's how far along it is.

“its initial goal is to enable people to control a computer cursor or keyboard using their thoughts alone.” IE telepathy.
So yet again you have been proven wrong. Not that you will acknowledge your mistake as you never do. How many things have you got wrong now? I have lost count, your posts have been a train wreck of being wrong and false facts.

So it was a $50M crowdfunding psuedoscience scam then, it just never got actioned....... Well there's a load off my mind.
Only it wasnt a scam and in typical fashion it proves your previous statements and comments are wrong and lies you made up.

So to sum it up. Someone a long time ago created a $50M crowdfunding idea then dropped it as a mistake and not being viable. It never happened instead they raised $1milloin and setup a media entertainment company. Then you came in here and started lying about how they took $50million from this crowdfunding and legged away with the money giving it to people like Elizondo. You created a fake scam/hoax that never happened. No one lost any money, no money was stolen, no one legged it with any money. Meaning all your posts on that happening are wrong. As for there R&D department you call it fake and all pseudoscience and hasn't produced anything which is another lie. There R&D is based on science had produced materials. The US military took a look at what they produced and signed up a R&D defence deal after liking what they have seen. Then you lied they had produced nothing, I proved 100% there are a real company producing things and you double down on the lie they produce nothing. Which pretty much says it all.
I just explained how telepathy works from a science point of view and you say you didn't think I could explained?

I don't see an explanation of how telepathy works anywhere.

Someone a long time ago created a $50M crowdfunding idea then dropped it as a mistake and not being viable.

I don't see an explanation of how telepathy works anywhere.
In simple terms for you. The Neuralink implants read the neurons in your brain. Neurons are what sends information. The implant reads these and then wirelessly transmits your actions. This in turn allow you to via thought IE telepathy to control items around you like move the mouse on a computer with nothing mine then your mind thinking it.
In simple terms for you. The Neuralink implants read the neurons in your brain. Neurons are what sends information. The implant reads these and then wirelessly transmits your actions. This in turn allow you to via thought IE telepathy to control items around you like move the mouse on a computer with nothing mine then your mind thinking it.

So not telepathy then.
That isn't telepathy.

Also - I still want to know what "engineering the space-time metric" is.
So not telepathy then.
You are both wrong as its a form of technolgly based telepathy.

Its what they mean by telepathy and its what all the scientists are calling telepathy. If you type in telepathy + Neuralink you get a large batch of results.
Its known as the the "Neuralink's telepathy brain chip" so while you are making fun of the companies doing R&D into telepathy, it turns out its real science and in fact you two are as per usual wrong.
You are both wrong as its a form of technolgly based telepathy.

Its what they mean by telepathy and its what all the scientists are calling telepathy. If you type in telepathy + Neuralink you get a large batch of results.
Its known as the the "Neuralink's telepathy brain chip" so while you are making fun of the companies doing R&D into telepathy, it turns out its real science and in fact you two are as per usual wrong.

It’s not your mind that is moving the mouse in this case. Nothing is actually being moved telepathically. Tis an egregious use of the word at best.
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