Pentagon releases UFO footage

29 May 2006
NYpost dug up most of it, basically exposing him as a complete fraud (which isn't difficult);

34 mins in.

They pulled his payslips, his job responsibilities - basically everything he did at the Pentagon, and there's no evidence anywhere that he was involved with anything called AATIP - or that AATIP even existed at all as any sort of official program.

Whole thing is a hoax.
Back now with more time. I wasn’t deflecting on Mick West I was giving you a valid reason why I do not trust Wiki articles and more reasons on how Mick is one of the BS artists with those other names I listed.

From what I can see that video you linked to is just another one of the BS artists you follow. Isn't Steven Greenstreet a well know YouTube BS artists who flips sides based on what gets him the most money.

Can you give me any real evidence because on a skim though the video all I see are them linking to the same old false articles done by that reporter who made a bunch of mistakes. You never provided the Pentagon spokesperson quote is that because they said the AATIP is real and you want to pretend it’s a hoax and fake? It’s been confirmed as a real official program from multiple sources. The ATTIP was classified and denied to exist. But not anymore it turned out to be real when it was declassified.

Here is more evidence on how its real and you are following the usually BS artist.,_then_US_Senate_Majority_Leader,_2009.pdf

As for the payslip and job info it says Performance year 2016 file executed Nov 2017. The file is an evaluation period Oct 2015 to 30 sept 2016. The thing is the ATTIP was shut down and disbanded well before those dates with funded removed. If someone works for a company in let’s say 2005 and leaves in 2012 of course if you look at their job record and pay slips from 2016/2017 it will have nothing to do with that last job. How is his job and payslip from 2016 evidence he didn’t work at ATTIP back in 2011?

That video like so many you link to is from a BS artists trying to make a video seem legit but once you dive into the content the video is based on fake and/or misleading data to provide a fake narrative all so he get more clicks and advertising from his BS video.

Another important factor is that video pulled their data from the Pentagon. The AATIP was only based at the Pentagon until 2010. After 2010 it was moved away from the Pentagon to the Office for the Secretary of Defense (OSD) under the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI). So it’s hardly surprising the Pentagon records end at 2010.

TRDR: Its not a hoax like you are saying. It appears to be a real department that evidence shows Luis Elizondo worked at. We have the money audits, with have the statements from the Pentagon and from members of Congress with the letters. We also have the videos leaked out the department that the DOD confirmed was illegally leaked. Pretty hard to leak a video out a department that’s meant to be a hoax and not real.
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent

Published in 2010, so been around for quite a bit but little publicity drawn to it...

So Churchill thought there was something worse than WWII to cause mass panic :)
Forget the doodlebugs and Luftwaffe, there's UFOs watching us.
29 Dec 2014
From what I can see that video you linked to is just another one of the BS artists you follow

You're going to get limited success arguing that Steven Greenstreet is a BS artist simply because he's changed his opinion; when he's openly admitted that he has done so, and he's changed his opinion - because during investigating these claims, he's reached the obvious conclusion that almost all of these people are totally full of ****.

That's perfectly fine - if you're involved with something, and new information or data comes in that requires you change your mind - that's the right thing to do and it's his job as a reporter.

We have the money audits, with have the statements from the Pentagon and from members of Congress with the letters

All we have is a letter from Harry Reid.

Again - why is Harry Reid involved with the people from Skinwalker Ranch?

Why is Harry Reid involved with people who make shows about UFOs, - who also helped run a company (TTSA) which made UFO shows, why is that?

Why are you putting so much faith into these people?

They're taking the ****
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29 May 2006
You're going to get limited success arguing that Steven Greenstreet is a BS artist simply because he's changed his opinion; when he's openly admitted that he has done so, and he's changed his opinion - because during investigating these claims, he's reached the obvious conclusion that almost all of these people are totally full of ****.

That's perfectly fine - if you're involved with something, and new information or data comes in that requires you change your mind - that's the right thing to do and it's his job as a reporter.

All we have is a letter from Harry Reid.

Again - why is Harry Reid involved with the people from Skinwalker Ranch?

Why is Harry Reid involved with people who make shows about UFOs, - who also helped run a company (TTSA) which made UFO shows, why is that?

Why are you putting so much faith into these people?

They're taking the ****
It not just one letter. I gave you two different official documents. We also have the multiple Pentagon statements, the DOD statements and the Congress statement along with the money audits which shows the department was real and funded officially. You told me to look up the Pentagon spokesperson statement and they too say it was a real department that has been declassified. Along with the leaked videos that came out of that department.

What do you have to show its fake and a hoax? One video from a BS artist using fake information and a fake narrative built on false and misleading information. Why should I dismiss all that strong evidence that the department is real over that false video?

As for Skinwalker Ranch I know that one without having to look it up. Bigelow who funded the then major governmental contractor Bigelow Aerospace who does American space design and manufacturing along with being a major contractor owns or did own at the time Skinwalker Ranch. Skinwalker Ranch was used by the Aerospace contractor to do R&D into inter-interdimensional studies and other areas.

The CEO of Bigelow Aerospace urged Harry Reid to initiate what was to become AATIP. The idea as I understand it was AATIP would investigate UAP's and anything recovered would be handed over to Bigelow Aerospace who would send it to there Aerospace R&D labs. Reid also initiated setting up the Advanced Aerospace Weapon Systems Applications Program at Skinwalker Ranch. For the record I have never watched the Skinwalker Ranch TV program. But the actual real history of the place with its links to Bigelow Aerospace R&D and Adv Weapon Systems are interesting. Which in itself is more proof AATIP isn't a hoax.

You keep asking why these people are involved. As I said before perhaps its because they are convinced something unexplained is genuine and real flying around. They are involved because they want to get the message out in as many ways as possible.

You ask why I put so much faith in these people lets take a look. Its certainty not blind faith. But if you look at who's involved and how many people we have to question just what is going off.
  • The head of the then classified real government department AATIP has said this is real and needs more investigation
  • The head of the then classified real government department UAPTF has said this is real and needs more investigation.
  • The CEO of the big Aerospace Contractor was convinced its all real
  • 6 different Presidents have said they have seen things and it real or needs more investigation.
  • The SKIF investigation said the Whistle-blowers claims are real and have merit.
  • The ICIG investigation said the the Whistle-blowers claims are real and have merit.
  • AARO has said there is evidence to support some of what the Whistle-blowers are saying is true.

The following have all said its real. Chief Scientist for Air Force Space Command, the Defence Minster of Canada, Robert Sarbacher U.S. Department of Defense Research and Development Board, Nat Kobitz, Aeronautical Engineer, Director of Advanced Technology Development & Assessment, Jonathan Grey, officer of the US Intelligence Community with a Top-Secret Clearance working for the National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC), Karl Nell Army Colonel, Arthur Exxon brigadier general, Thomas Dubose, brigadier general, Jesse Marcel, lieutenant colonel, Bob Oeschler, NASA Mission Specialist, David Grusch, former intelligence official, veteran of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), Jose Carlos Pereira, brigadier from Brazilian Air Force and everyone else I didn't not even count like all the people outside the US like Jose Carlos Pereira, brigadier from Brazilian Air Force and well it must be over 100 people now.

At some point you have to go wait a minuet, something appears to be going off as these are not random drunks on the street talking outside a pub. Instead these are very high ranking government officials, military officers and Intelligence officers world wide who have access to classified systems. That is a long list of big names that I cannot just dismiss as a bunch of hoaxers trying to sell books for money.

Even Kirkpatric the recent head of AARO said this weekend that his bosses within the Pentagon stopped him speaking the truth to the public on multiple occasions, despite him having evidence to support his findings.

How do you explain so many very high ranking government officials, military officers and Intelligence officers world wide saying the same thing? Saying its a hoax to make money and sells books doesn't cut it anymore. Too many government officials are involved and all saying the same thing. So while I am not entirely sure what is going off, I am at the state where I can no longer just dismiss it all as a hoax to make money and sells books.
29 Dec 2014
What do you have to show its fake and a hoax?

It can be shown quite easily, that when you take the original claims of Luis Elizondo, then look into his background - the people involved along with their profiles, connections and previous history - it casts significant doubt with regard to the legitimacy of the whole thing.

Then there's motive; financial.

With TTSA - these people (along with Tom Delonge) set out to get people investing into their scam company, so the motive is easy to link and understand - it's not complicated.

I can't prove 100% that all of this is a hoax, but I don't need to - I simply need to cast doubt, and I can make a good guess that it's a hoax, because it is a good guess - based on the available evidence.
29 May 2006
It can be shown quite easily, that when you take the original claims of Luis Elizondo, then look into his background - the people involved along with their profiles, connections and previous history - it casts significant doubt with regard to the legitimacy of the whole thing.

Then there's motive; financial.

With TTSA - these people (along with Tom Delonge) set out to get people investing into their scam company, so the motive is easy to link and understand - it's not complicated.
That’s not proof. Just because you want it to be a hoax that he was head of department at AATIP it doesn’t make it so. You said it was a hoax and that he was was lying and never hold the position he said along with AATIP was not real. It turned out he is telling the truth about his job and access to information and AATIP was real. You still haven’t acknowledged that and are still acting like his made that up. The video you posted was fake for the valid reasons I explained and the position you hold about him being a fake in terms of his job are wrong.

Due to those position as head of department at AATIP which turned out to be real it makes what he is saying more credible not less credible. When you look at the entire picture this conspire theory you created falls apart and doesn’t work. Same for the financial motive it doesn’t work when you look at the details.

Let’s sum up your Conspiracy theory as I understand it from all your posts. For your Conspiracy theory to work these “Scam Artists” somehow infiltrated to the top of not one but multiple classified top security government departments in many cases working up to head of department or very high ranks. These are departments that at the time where so classified no one publicly know about them but somehow the "Scam Artist know about not one but all of them"

Over a period of decades this happened, they infiltrated right up to the very top levels of governments even converting over 6 presidents along with every single head of department in all those departments I listed. They also appear to have not only done this in the US government but also converted over the Defence Minster of Canada, members of the Brazilian Air Force, members of the Belgium Airforce and all the others but let’s skip that for now.

Furthermore, they somehow passed all screening, lie detector tests, psychology screening and everything else needed for classified access. They somehow managed to convince some of the worlds top ranking Intelligence Officers who are trained against being scammed. Somehow got past a full ICIC investigation, a full SKIP investigation and a AARR investigation. Which as far as I can see the only way to do that would be to implant fake information directly into the worlds most classified and secure military data systems in the world which are directly protected against this sort of thing.

They did all this to somehow get people to invest in there small scam company. They got people on £150k+ high ranking government jobs to quit and join them so those people could make tiny money doing interviews on low level YouTube channels and low level TV shows so they can perhaps at best make £10,000 a year.

TLDR. Your finical motive seems to be that people are given up £150k+ jobs risking their £1mill pension pots, risking jail time. All so they can somehow divert a tiny amount of money in comparison to how much money they earn a year into a Scam Company. That is not a good motivation. The finical motivation doesn't make sense for the wider picture.

“I can't prove 100% that all of this is a hoax, but I don't need to - I simply need to cast doubt, and I can make a good guess that it's a hoax, because it is a good guess - based on the available evidence.”
The problem is the evidence you are basing your hoax idea on like the video you linked to has been proven to be false and a hoax itself. That brings into question the fundamentals your hoax and Conspiracy theory is built on. Its not a good guess as it doesn’t make any sense and doesn’t match the facts we have. You have built your hoax idea up on fake data and fake links. Instead of casting doubt all you have done it make yourself sound like one of those Conspiracy Theory people.
29 Dec 2014
They did all this to somehow get people to invest in there small scam company. They got people on £150k+ high ranking government jobs to quit and join them so those people could make tiny money doing interviews on low level YouTube channels and low level TV shows so they can perhaps at best make £10,000 a year.

It wasn't £10k.

They [TTSA] were selling stock up to a total of $50M

Then they legged it with the money, and somehow managed to end up $56M in debt.

(I'm absolutely shocked that this has happened, couldn't see it coming at all.)
29 May 2006
It wasn't £10k.

They [TTSA] were selling stock up to a total of $50M

Then they legged it with the money, and somehow managed to end up $56M in debt.

(I'm absolutely shocked that this has happened, couldn't see it coming at all.)
So you still will not acknowledged that you got ATTIP wrong and got it wrong about Luis. In fact he wasn’t a hoax and was in fact real?

Well you always say “The problem is, nobody bothers to look and dig under the surface - because the audience these people are playing to, is utterly credulous.”

So I did that to your Conspiracy Theory. Here is what I found
The founders of TTSA are Tom DeLoung, Harold and Kim none of which are the usual suspects which you keep going on about. TTSA wasn’t a scam company it was a real media company setup to publish albums, books, TV shows and films. Tom DeLoung already being very rich and famous in the entrainment industry wanted to expand further from just Music into Music, Film, TV, Books. Which is a logical step for someone in his profession.

They didn’t raise 50million and run off with the money like you said. They raised 1 million which was used to setup the company which turned out to real producing and still to this day selling products. The company produced a number of real products releasing books, graphic novels and children's picture books in 2015 and films like Poet Anderson: The Dream Walker and many others along with music albums.

To top it off Elizondo doesn't even work at TTSA anymore and hasn't done for a long time. He no longer receives wages from them. So the finical motivation part of you Conspiracy Theory doesn't even work as he isn't getting any money out of this.

So yet again another massive element of your Conspiracy Theory in fact the entire foundation of your Conspiracy Theory is built on fake information and incorrect facts.
29 May 2006
So haven't been in here for a month or so. Have we now been given even a tiny shred of actual evidence of aliens/UFOs?
Not directly but the government IG IC investigation, SKIF investigation and even AARO all said many of the Whistle-blowers claims have merit and are real with evidence backing them up. The IG IC and SKIF where hold in classified settings. The head of AARO said there is evidence to support some of what the Whistle-blowers are saying. Along with Kirkpatric head of ARRO saying "the Pentagon stopped him speaking the truth to the public on multiple occasions, despite him having evidence to support his findings."

Some people think that's Aliens other like myself think its other things. But what ever it is, something is going off and there is evidence for the claims made by the Whistle-blowers but for some reason this is being kept classified.
29 Dec 2014
So you still will not acknowledged that you got ATTIP wrong and got it wrong about Luis.

Correct, I'm not acknowledging something that the evidence directly contradicts; a statement from the Pentagon saying he didn't hold that job, and documents showing he had no involvement in any official capacity with such a thing.

TTSA wasn’t a scam company

They created a company that made TV shows about flying-saucers, then they tried to attract investors to sell up to $50M in stocks - but they ended up $56M in debt.

$56M in debt.

How is that not a scam?

To top it off Elizondo doesn't even work at TTSA anymore and hasn't done for a long time. He no longer receives wages from them.

Well duh -

I'm pretty sure if I created a scam company that almost certainly was committing some form of investment fraud, once I'd got my payout I doubt I'd work their either :D
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28 May 2007
Not directly but the government IG IC investigation, SKIF investigation and even AARO all said many of the Whistle-blowers claims have merit and are real with evidence backing them up. The IG IC and SKIF where hold in classified settings. The head of AARO said there is evidence to support some of what the Whistle-blowers are saying. Along with Kirkpatric head of ARRO saying "the Pentagon stopped him speaking the truth to the public on multiple occasions, despite him having evidence to support his findings."

Some people think that's Aliens other like myself think its other things. But what ever it is, something is going off and there is evidence for the claims made by the Whistle-blowers but for some reason this is being kept classified.

Taking the statements at face value, it says the whistle blower is indeed blowing, not that he has evidence to support his theories or proved them, but that he put his lips together and puffed out his cheeks. I’d imagine it’s now a question offering immunity from prosecution and payments while starting a further enquiry with more civil servants.
29 Dec 2014
Taking the statements at face value, it says the whistle blower is indeed blowing, not that he has evidence to support his theories or proved them, but that he put his lips together and puffed out his cheeks.

This is very true.

It's the same with association, some apparent 'high ranking' person comes out and says something about flying-saucers, then the whole thing gets everyone foaming, because some general or someone from congress said something. Nobody really knows or cares what was said, or what it was about, but that doesn't matter.
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29 May 2006
“Correct, I'm not acknowledging something that the evidence directly contradicts; a statement from the Pentagon saying he didn't hold that job, and documents showing he had no involvement in any official capacity with such a thing.”
The evidence doesn’t directly contradict what I am said. You have it back to front. The statement from the Pentagon you told me to look up didn’t say he didn’t hold a job it said the department was declassified and real which is directly the opposite to what you said. Furthermore, the real paper and documents showed he was involved and did have official capacity as has been shown. While the paper work you used: to show he had no official capacity tuned out to be completely false.

You have provided zero valid evidence for you made up claims. You are basically ignoring the evidence in favour of your made up a fake narrative like you have a long history of doing in this thread.

“They created a company that made TV shows about flying-saucers, then they tried to attract investors to sell up to $50M in stocks - but they ended up $56M in debt.

$56M in debt.

How is that not a scam?”
Simple, that is not true its just something else you made up. For starters as far as I recall 1 production out of all of them was about UFO’s which is hardly a crime or a scam.

They didn’t sell $50M in stocks and didn’t run away with that money. They also are not $56M in debt. You just made all that up. There is zero evidence for a scam or hoax. Also even if they are in debt its pretty normal for companies to run into debt and run on a credit line. So you think every single company that goes into debt is a scam?

“I'm pretty sure if I created a scam company that almost certainly was committing some form of investment fraud, once I'd got my payout I doubt I'd work their either ”
Accept the finance records show there is no investment fraud. There is no record I have seen of Elizondo getting a pay-out. Everything you are saying is made up and false. They didn’t steal sell $50M in stocks and pay that out to people like Elizondo. That’s just part of your conspiracy theory, its not what happen in real life.

Which is the problem. Your entire Conspiracy Theory is built on lies and false information. You have built up this idea based on a fundamentally flawed false information. Which brings into question you entire Conspiracy Theory.
29 Dec 2014
The evidence doesn’t directly contradict what I am said.

As widely reported:

His position in the AATIP was questioned by The Intercept and challenged by Pentagon officials, with spokesperson Christopher Sherwood saying Elizondo "had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI, up until the time he resigned effective 10/4/2017.

Official spokesman from the Pentagon will do nicely, thank you.

They also are not $56M in debt. You just made all that up.

Oh did I?

The 37M figure, was the original figure from around 2018, since then it's way over 50M.

There's some arguments over whether it's classed as debt or deficit - doesn't really matter, they still burnt through $50M+ dollars they didn't have.

Accept the finance records show there is no investment fraud.


Well yeah - because you've had the time to go through all of their filings, because I'm sure you're a qualified accountant right? :D

Although - this guy did some digging, and discovered that as part of the deal - Tom Delonge paid himself $700000 right off the bat.

What is utterly astonishing is that DeLonge is using “disclosure” to sell t-shirts and CDs, and this, in turn, seems designed to create demand for TTS AAS stock. The money taken in through the stock offering—one million dollars or more—is already earmarked to the tune of $700,000 minimum to DeLonge himself.

So I'll ask you again - does it seem normal, or right that they've done all of this, yet ended up with a debt/deficit of over $50M in a few years?

Does that seem normal and reasonable to you?
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29 May 2006
“So I'll ask you again - does it seem normal, or right that they've done all of this, yet ended up with a debt/deficit of over $50M in a few years?

Does that seem normal and reasonable to you?”
Yes that sounds perfectly normal. It’s extremely common for companies to be run at a deficit. A deficit is not the same as being run in debt those vary very different things.

You do know the difference, right? Debt is money owned to someone else. Deficit refers to cost exceeding income. If I have a business with 50 million in the bank and this year my running costs turn into a 1 million deficit. That doesn’t mean I am in debt. That just means my running costs for that year are higher than my income.
You seem to be trying to say a company ruining in a deficit means it’s a scam hoax company. Do you have any idea how nuts you sound right now?

“Well yeah - because you've had the time to go through all of their filings, because I'm sure you're a qualified accountant right? ”
As my history in this forum shows I trade in shares and stocks and have enough knowledge of accounts and tax returns to see that you are wrong. They did not raise $50million in stock shares and then did not as you put it “legged it with the money” and did not give Elizondo a payout from doing this as part of some sort of scam. None of that happened. You made all that up. There is zero evidence for any of that happening. This is a major part of your conspiracy theory. If this didn't happen then it brings into question everything else you have been saying about your conspiracy theory.

“Although - this guy did some digging, and discovered that as part of the deal - Tom Delonge paid himself $700000 right off the bat.” ”
So a very famous muti millionaire who is CEO of a media entertainment company gave himself a standard CEO style wage. What is the big deal with that? You are acting like this is some sort of scam or hoax but its just a typical setup America media entertainment company being run like any other average America media entertainment company. The company is still running and still producing products and paying wages to its staff. Its like every other entertainment company in America. The setting up a fake hoax company to rise $50millon dollars and “legged it with the money” like you claimed never happened.

What happened is a famous entertainment person decided to expanded from music into Music, film, TV and books. Which is perfectly normal but you want to somehow turn that into a hoax/scam. Its pretty common for music people to expand into film, TV books.

“The 37M figure, was the original figure from around 2018, since then it's way over 50M.

There's some arguments over whether it's classed as debt or deficit - doesn't really matter, they still burnt through $50M+ dollars they didn't have.” ”
No there is no argument between debit and deficit. The article you linked to put an update out saying they made a mistake and had to amend the article as it wasn’t debt.
If it came out of there reserves from the profits, they made from there product income it is money they did have. As the article linked to says its not debit, it’s not money owned to other people, it’s not a loan. They overspent that year from the profits they made on previous years. That’s an extremely common thing to do. Are you saying every company that does this is now a scam and a hoax?

“Official spokesman from the Pentagon will do nicely, thank you.” ”
This has already been explained away as when the ATAIP was run by the Pentagon Elizondo had nothing to do with the AATIP. Which you conveniently ignore. Elizondo joined the AATIP after the Pentagon stopped being involved. The Pentagon comment most likely referring to when the AATIP was under them.

“The program was initially run out of the Defense Intelligence Agency but when Lue took it over in 2010 as Director, he ran it out of the Office for the Secretary of Defense (OSD) under the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI).”

So you have been proven wrong is saying the AATIP is not real. Its been proven real. You are wrong about the finical history and you are wrong about Elizondo as we have multiple official documents that confirm he did work there like

Basically your entire conspiracy theory is built on lies and false information.
29 Dec 2014
So a very famous muti millionaire who is CEO of a media entertainment company gave himself a standard CEO style wage.

It's the entire point I've been making the whole time:

It's Tom Delonge accompanied by Elizondo and a few others, running a company about flying-saucers, to make a load of money, that there is the very motive that's driving the whole thing.

The other question is - wtf were they doing, that enabled them to run up that sort of deficit??

Elizondo joined the AATIP after the Pentagon stopped being involved. The Pentagon comment most likely referring to when the AATIP was under them.


He was never involved in that thing in any official capacity, if he was it was in his spare time and that's about all I can find on it. The Pentagon statement saying he wasn't involved is enough to put that to bed.

Your argument will always fail, unless you can prove that the pentagon officials were lying - so you may as well give up, unless you can prove it.

His position in the AATIP was questioned by The Intercept and challenged by Pentagon officials, with spokesperson Christopher Sherwood saying Elizondo "had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI, up until the time he resigned effective 10/4/2017."

Regarding the scam part - lets just have a look at what they were actually planning on doing with the investment:

Here's the original Reddit thread (note the people who think it's a scam before the damn thing even got going)

Here's the investment offer:

This is the stuff they were going to work on:

x Advanced aerospace technologies. The undefined and forward-looking nature of this project means that we may run into
unanticipated barriers to implementation of the new research principles involved. Additionally, this type of research will require high-
energy, which will need careful management and control.

x Beamed energy propulsion launch systems. This project has been proposed in academic papers, as have the potential risks, which

x Brain-computer interface technology. This technology is already being pursued by well-resourced companies, and
commercialization of any product will likely be well into the future.

x Engineering the space-time metric. This technology is in the very early stages, and success depends on a yet to be defined
breakthrough in propulsion to enable traveling to the stars at near light speed.

x Human ultra-experience database. This may involve extensive investment cost.

x Radiation shielding materials for space applications. The development and engineering of these materials is already being pursued
by well-resourced companies. As consumer-driven space travel evolves, the competitive field of companies in this industry will grow.
Development of the type of material necessary to reach the next level of innovation will be cost-intensive.

x Telepathy. Research into telepathy may require scientific testing on persons, which will expose the company to different risk factors
than its other proposed projects


What the blue **** is a "human ultra-experience database"

I assume if I invest $1M I get to find out?
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29 May 2006
The other question is - wtf were they doing, that enabled them to run up that sort of deficit??”
Running a stranded media company is the asnwer. Its perfectly normal to run into a deficit while making a TV or film production or when starting a new product line. Netflix, Disney, Marvel and pretty much everyone does that all the time. Not even only in media companys, its common stranded practise world wide for compnays. Why are you trying to turn this into a hoax/scam? Its perfectly normal and everyday. In fact, even schools and universities go into that deficit like that some years. That’s how normal it is.

It's the entire point I've been making the whole time:

It's Tom Delonge accompanied by Elizondo and a few others, running a company about flying-saucers, to make a load of money, that there is the very motive that's driving the whole thing.
That’s where you have gone majorly wrong. Tom DeLonge is already very famous and very rich. He didn’t do it for the money, he did it as he genuinely believes its real. It’s his passion not a Scam/Hoax to make money. Any money he makes from this is tiny compared to what he gets from his yearly commission as people play his music around the world. The money motivation makes no sense. More so when everyone knows he genuinely believes it’s all real. He was known to be heavily into UFOs into his youth before he was rich and famous. This has been a problem throughout this thread. You seem to struggle with the fact that some other people genuinely believe this is all real. Just because they genuinely believes its real it does not mean they are trying to scam/hoax everyone. DeLonge is a perfect example he has been known for decades as a genuinely believer and money isn't what motivates him. He wants to prove its real and get the message out. He spends millions of his own money on this as its his passion.

Elizondo wasn’t a founder of the company and doesn’t own the company. The get rich scheme you created where they raised $50million and legged it with the money giving it to Elizondo and others never happened. You got that wrong. The money raised which was $1 million was to setup a real media company that did real productions. If you are a real media company doing UFO productions, why wouldn’t you want to hire one of the governments ex UFO staff members. Elizondo was a staff on a typical staff members wage. The legged it with money is just fake.

You just have this delusional conspiracy theory in your head that makes no sense when we look at it. You have drawn fake connections between people. You sound like that well know meme with the crazy guy with a board full of 100’s of pictures and string between them ranting about how it’s all a massive worldwide conspiracy. It’s like that time a bunch of people sat in the public seating area and you started drawing connects between them ranting about they are all connected in a worldwide hoax. Your nuts as far as I am concerned and a full one conspiracy theorist. That’s how you come across.

“He was never involved in that thing in any official capacity, if he was it was in his spare time and that's about all I can find on it. The Pentagon statement saying he wasn't involved is enough to put that to bed.”
For hopefully the last time the video link you gave me with the statements you provided was using fake and false information as already proven. The official documentation shows he did work there. Plus you said the ATTIP wasn’t even real. Will you acknowledge you got that wrong?

Lastly if he didn’t work there, how did he gain access to download the videos and release them to the public from the ATTIP servers? It was a secure site only people who worked there could do that.

“Your argument will always fail, unless you can prove that the pentagon officials were lying - so you may as well give up, unless you can prove it”
This has already been explained what is your problem?

He wasnt lying and was talking about when the AATIP was based in the Pentagon. At that point when the AATIP was under the Pentagon Elizondo did not work there and had no official capacity under the AATIP at the Pentagon. When the head of AATIP retired the AATIP was moved away from the Pentagon under the Office for the Secretary of Defence (OSD) and under the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USDI). That was when Elizondo worked there as the official documentation I gave you before shows.

So to break it down. Pentagon spokesperson. Elizondo never worked at the ATTIP at the Pentagon. Which is true Elizondo worked at the ATTIP at the Office for the Secretary of Defence (OSD).

Why is it so hard for you to understand the difference between the AATIP at the Pentagon and the AATIP at the Office for the Secretary of Defence (OSD). Did you even bother to read the letters and documents I posted?

Let me sum it up for you. Elizondo is listed as working at the AATIP after the AATIP was moved away from the Pentagon. Any Pentagon spokesperson saying Elizondo never worked at the ATTAIP at the Pentagon is irrelevant. We already now that. No one is saying Elizondo worked at the AATIP under the Pentagon. The Pentagon was only talking about the Pentagon records not the OSD records.

So you have provided zero evidence Elizondo didn’t work at AATIP at the OSD. We have official evidence he did work at the ATTIP under the OSD. You falsely claimed the AATIP was not even real. You falsely claimed Elizondo and the others legged it with $50million. It turned out the AATIP was real and declassified and they didn't leg it with $50million. You have been wrong time and time again though out all this. Which I am not surprised as you are using that well known BS artiest videos made up of fake and false information for the base of your conspiracy theory. Perhaps you should used real sources instead of conspiracy theory feeds then you might not sound so crazy.
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