Pentagon releases UFO footage



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
I really recommend the interview with Lex Fridman above. Garry personally and professionally knows the pilots who saw the tic-tac and others, he was shown the videos weeks before they went public and he speajs about them too. I'm more aligned with his view on this I think, that it's all fantastic data, whether it's real or not doesn't matter, data is data.

Lots of interesting talk about this and more in that long interview too.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
Cuomo has his own podcast (who knew?!) - He's interviewed Ryan Graves, F-18 fighter pilot, who shares some insight from his POV of detecting these things routinely out on missions.

I still find it amusing that people still knock these off as glitches or nothing burgers, when the sharpest minds on the planet in control of multi-billion dollar war machines are flying around telling people they know what they saw/detected, you know something is going on that not even those guys can explain it.

He does reference that it's not just a single radar sensor that detects them either radar is first, as it covers the greatest area of sky, then other sensors chime in to verify the detection, track etc. The exact details are classified as no military wants to divulge just how much their fighter jets can see etc.
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29 Dec 2014
I still find it amusing that people still knock these off as glitches or nothing burgers, when the sharpest minds on the planet in control of multi-billion dollar war machines are flying around telling people they know what they saw/detected, you know something is going on that not even those guys can explain it.

I tell you what I find amusing, it took me 10 minutes of googling to discover that Ryan Graves runs a company to do with flying saucers, which is the 'mother of all' conflicts of interest.

"Americans for safe Aerospace"

A military pilot-led nonprofit organization focused on UAP with over 11,000 members.

You can imagine my shock - when I see some of the names on their list of advisors;

Gary Nolan and Christopher Mellon are two who stand out, who always seem to show up with companies which have stuff to do with flying saucers, and have been intimately involved with the infamous "To the stars academy" which was the scam that got this whole party started.

David Fravor is also on the list, along with Avi Loeb - which which was a suprise, I did have my suspicions that he's in on this somehow, and this confirms it.

Why is it the same circle of people, always seem to be involved - and why are the people making these claims, almost always involved with running companies to do with flying saucers?



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
That's public knowledge and easily visible to all, why would it be some secret? The outfit was founded to try to get open transparency on the UAP subject and involves not just pilots, but anyone with experience of these things. Even US senator Tim Burchett states as such: Why would it also be a sceret that the same names would show up as advisors to this movement? They are all involved in the same hearings/testomonies to congress etc.

Graves is currently the CEO and founder of Merged Point and host of the Merged podcast. Merged is an open-minded exploration of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) through the lens of pilots, scientists, and innovators. Ryan volunteers his time in service of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, where he serves as Chair of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Integration & Outreach Committee.

And none of that takes away from what he or some of the others are saying (or are allowed to say).
29 Dec 2014
That's public knowledge and easily visible to all, why would it be some secret?

Secret or not - it's not what really matters, what really matters is trust.

The fact that somebody either helps instigate, or gets involved in a news story about flying-saucers, also runs a company involved with research into flying-saucers, is a problem because it's a glaring conflict of interest. Not only that - but other people linked to the same company, have also been involved with other companies, that also produce films and documentaries about flying-saucers (to the stars academy).

Why is that?

And none of that takes away from what he or some of the others are saying (or are allowed to say).

I think it does.

It takes away, because it casts doubt on the fundamental trustworthiness, they have a motive (potential financial gain) from propagating these stories, from investment into the companies, media coverage, media interviews, advertisement traffic on social media, etc.



Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
If the ASA didn't exist then there would be no single place of contact for people to come forward with their data/experience about UAPs and we'd be back to the 90s and early 2000s of them going into a black hole of ridicule or cancellation via mainstream media outlets. ASA is also non-profit, or did you decide to ignore that bit?

I don't know what companies you are on about but Graves runs Merged, a podcast for people in the industry to talk about the subject, hardly a profit-bearing venture to rake in the $$$ via.

And just in-case your 10 mins of Googling missed this, recently the AIAA even showed full support for ASA's mission:


I also don't know what's too hard to grasp here. We even have some of the most sceptical of astronomers/scientists going on the record as to saying there's something going on there, but we just need more data points to be disclosed (Neil DeGrasse Tyson) plus our own Brian Cox is aligned with that too, that there's something there, but nobody can explain it.

It's great being a cynic from time to time, but at one point you do have to just open up to the probability that there is a bigger picture at play and things are ramping up every other month as of late, the correct question to ask in this scenario is why is that happening now, why not 10 years ago (example), I don't think it's some freak accident that there's all this traffic on the subject now, when in the last 18 months we've seen exponential growth in AI/Machine Learning, new interest in missions o Mars/Venus/Mercury and Saturn's moons primarily geared to the detection of life, the continued advance of new energy (repeated fusion ignition completing a 40yr project from one lab alone) - I think we are at the initial stages of new advancement that we will see in our lifetime for energy generation and propulsion that spawns off the back of whatever is going on in the background that currently hasn't been disclosed fully, but is in the motions of being so thanks to projects like what the ASA are doing.

I also must stress that nobody has claimed anything to do with aliens. I am still fully on the side of these things being AI controlled, whether originally made by man or not doesn't really matter in this context.
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29 Dec 2014
If the ASA didn't exist then there would be no single place of contact for people to come forward with their data/experience about UAPs and we'd be back to the 90s and early 2000s of them going into a black hole of ridicule or cancellation via mainstream media outlets. ASA is also non-profit, or did you decide to ignore that bit?

I didn't ignore the non-profit bit, I just don't believe it.

It's great being a cynic from time to time, but at one point you do have to just open up to the probability that there is a bigger picture at play and things are ramping up every other month as of late, the correct question to ask in this scenario is why is that happening now, why not 10 years ago (example), I don't think it's some freak accident that there's all this traffic on the subject now,

It generates lots of hits, lots of traffic, and lots of cash.

If you look at the thing that got this whole party started - the Nimitz UFO videos, it turns out that the guy (Luis Elizondo) who claimed he worked for the secret UFO department (who leaked the videos) is almost certainly a liar and almost certainly never held that position.

The problem is, nobody bothers to look and dig under the surface - because the audience these people are playing to, is utterly credulous.
28 May 2007
Cuomo has his own podcast (who knew?!) - He's interviewed Ryan Graves, F-18 fighter pilot, who shares some insight from his POV of detecting these things routinely out on missions.

I still find it amusing that people still knock these off as glitches or nothing burgers, when the sharpest minds on the planet in control of multi-billion dollar war machines are flying around telling people they know what they saw/detected, you know something is going on that not even those guys can explain it.

He does reference that it's not just a single radar sensor that detects them either radar is first, as it covers the greatest area of sky, then other sensors chime in to verify the detection, track etc. The exact details are classified as no military wants to divulge just how much their fighter jets can see etc.

Pilots are extremely well trained to use sensors and radar systems, this is without question. However, they’re not experts and have little understanding of how these systems work at the nuts and bolts level, why would they, when whats required is focus on being expert pilots while operating under extreme pressures.
The types of systems sitting behind a fighter pilots instruments are highly focused from both a fundamental design, use and operational standpoint. A primary focus is obviously for detecting other aircraft and missiles. This results in systems that’s very well tuned, but always leaning toward presenting everything as a small group of objects to a user friendly easy to understand interface. This presentation of raw sensor input also comes after a great deal of data processing, filtering, and layers of interpretation, again with focus on critical results. The downside is anything detected that falls outside of certain parameters but within a critical range of others may also be presented to alert of any potential danger. These types of hits can be confounded by a less than ideal sensor return, incomplete data set and a whole raft of other factors in the chain.

Some systems have the ability for the pilot to alter the systems parameters to suit things like unusual atmospheric effects or high numbers of anomalous returns. The issue is this can add a host of complications and opens the possibility for the pilot to create a situations where the system is operating well beyond what conditions require resulting in some potentially very skewed, potentially very odd looking, but ultimately very false data being presented as real returns. This leaves an awfully wide margin for very unscientific interpretations of the fantastical type, impossible to prove 100% either way.

The reality is we have imperfect systems, operated by imperfect people in a spectacularly complex and variable environments.
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24 Oct 2013
Pilots are extremely well trained to use sensors and radar systems, this is without question. However, they’re not experts and have little understanding of how these systems work at the nuts and bolts level, why would they, when whats required is focus on being expert pilots while operating under extreme pressures.

That's just not true - in order to be able to fly any aircraft professionally you have to have a very good working knowledge of how all the aircraft systems work. In addition, after initial training on an aircraft type, for the remainder of a pilots career, a process of ongoing learning about operating that aircraft is the expected. In the case of an F18 pilot, part of this would be the daily interactions with the tech crews who work on the aircraft and even a direct line to the aircraft manufacturer or the companies which manufacturer individual components. An experienced pilot will gain a very good understanding of the details of their aircraft over time.

It's worth pointing out that that F18 crews tasked with anti-radiation warfare will have a very detailed understanding of how radar systems work in order to attack them effectively. (I don't know if this guy has that type of experience, or how this type of flying is distributed amongst squadrons in the US air force.)

Another way to look at it is that pilots understand their aircraft as well as say, a scientist using an electron microscope or mass spectrometer. (That is to say - in my direct experience, very well)

My point being - if he says he saw something very odd, there's only two options. He mostly likely saw something odd. Or for whatever reason he is misrepresenting what he saw.

This presentation of raw sensor input also comes after a great deal of data processing, filtering, and layers of interpretation, again with focus on critical results. The downside is anything detected that falls outside of certain parameters but within a critical range of others may also be presented to alert of any potential danger. These types of hits can be confounded by a less than ideal sensor return, incomplete data set and a whole raft of other factors in the chain.

Pilots very quickly gain an understanding of the 'glitches' in a given system and learn to discount them.
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29 May 2006
My point being - if he says he saw something very odd, there's only two options. He mostly likely saw something odd. Or for whatever reason he is misrepresenting what he saw.
Along with the ship crew and two squadrons also confirming. What ever it was also showed up on the navy ships radar and for the other fighter pilots. From what I recall it was two people per plane and multiple fighter jets involved.

If you look at the thing that got this whole party started - the Nimitz UFO videos, it turns out that the guy (Luis Elizondo) who claimed he worked for the secret UFO department (who leaked the videos) is almost certainly a liar and almost certainly never held that position.

The problem is, nobody bothers to look and dig under the surface - because the audience these people are playing to, is utterly credulous.
Secret classified UFO departments that turned out to be real and the videos tuned out to be confirmed as real videos illegally leaked from those departments. As for claimed he really did work for the government UFO department that has been confirmed as real. There is no claim about it.
You say almost certainly a liar and never hold that position then how do you explain this official Congress twitter feed with this official letter. which Confirms Luis Elizondo was a Intelligence officer and was head of investigating UAPs at AATIP?

That changes things and makes what he is saying more credible rather then being a liar who is pretending to hold that rank, pretending to be head of department and and never had access as you keep saying.

Rather then everyone being a lair there is another possibility, one that is looking more likely by the day as more and more high ranking people are coming forward. What if all these high ranking officers including multiple heads of department are telling the truth or at least the truth as they see it. You keep asking why is it all the same people. Could it be as simple as most of them turned out to be genuine either holding the rank and position to access the data that made them believe or they had direct genuine experiences. Instead of being scam artists it could be as simple as they all genuinely believe and want to genuinely get the message out. Which given the amount of government officials now involved seems far more likely then this grand 90 year conspiracy you made up that goes right to the top of the governments.

Perhaps and its looking more and more likely there is something real and genuine happening. Be that aliens (least likely), undiscovered natural real life phenomenon, rival military craft, prototype skunkworks style craft or something else I haven't thought off.

Note: The are two people I think are Scam Artists. Dr Greer. and Jaime Maussan. While not a scam artist Mick West also is down there as he is only interested in making money not the truth.
29 Dec 2014
You say almost certainly a liar and never hold that position then how do you explain this official Congress twitter feed with this official letter. which Confirms Luis Elizondo was a Intelligence officer and was head of investigating UAPs at AATIP?

Somebody is lying somewhere.

The freedom of information request to dig up the facts on Luis Elizondo, had a spokesperson from the Pentagon make the following statement:

spokesperson Christopher Sherwood saying Elizondo "had no responsibilities with regard to the AATIP program while he worked in OUSDI, up until the time he resigned effective 10/4/2017."[

So somebody is telling lies somewhere.

I don't trust Harry Reid, because he's featured in some of these UFO films and has been involved with the main circle of people propagating UFO stories, so he can't be trusted because he's involved with these people, (because he's been in their films, and interviewed in their stories)
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28 May 2007
That's just not true - in order to be able to fly any aircraft professionally you have to have a very good working knowledge of how all the aircraft systems work. In addition, after initial training on an aircraft type, for the remainder of a pilots career, a process of ongoing learning about operating that aircraft is the expected. In the case of an F18 pilot, part of this would be the daily interactions with the tech crews who work on the aircraft and even a direct line to the aircraft manufacturer or the companies which manufacturer individual components. An experienced pilot will gain a very good understanding of the details of their aircraft over time.

It's worth pointing out that that F18 crews tasked with anti-radiation warfare will have a very detailed understanding of how radar systems work in order to attack them effectively. (I don't know if this guy has that type of experience, or how this type of flying is distributed amongst squadrons in the US air force.)

Another way to look at it is that pilots understand their aircraft as well as say, a scientist using an electron microscope or mass spectrometer. (That is to say - in my direct experience, very well)

My point being - if he says he saw something very odd, there's only two options. He mostly likely saw something odd. Or for whatever reason he is misrepresenting what he saw.

Pilots very quickly gain an understanding of the 'glitches' in a given system and learn to discount them.

This is true, I’ve worked on these systems and programs. Pilots have little understanding of what’s happening in the process.

It’s wrong for people to imply military pilots and/or military aircraft are infallible, because they’re very much not. Its never aliens.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
But the latest batch of UFO files released from the Ministry of Defence to the National Archives shows that, in 1957, the committee received reports detailing an average of one UFO sighting a week.
The files also include an account of a wartime meeting attended by Winston Churchill in which, it is claimed, the prime minister was so concerned about a reported encounter between a UFO and RAF bombers, that he ordered it be kept secret for at least 50 years to prevent "mass panic".

Nick Pope, who used to investigate UFO sightings for the MoD, said: "The interesting thing is that most of the UFO files from that period have been destroyed.
"But what happened is that a scientist whose grandfather was one of his [Churchill's] bodyguards, said look, Churchill and Eisenhower got together to cover up this phenomenal UFO sighting, that was witnessed by an RAF crew on their way back from a bombing raid.
"The reason apparently was because Churchill believed it would cause mass panic and it would shatter people's religious views."

Published in 2010, so been around for quite a bit but little publicity drawn to it...
29 May 2006
Somebody is lying somewhere.

The freedom of information request to dig up the facts on Luis Elizondo, had a spokesperson from the Pentagon make the following statement:

So somebody is telling lies somewhere.

I don't trust Harry Reid, because he's featured in some of these UFO films and has been involved with the main circle of people propagating UFO stories, so he can't be trusted because he's involved with these people, (because he's been in their films, and interviewed in their stories)
Yes someone is, people like Mick West who in the past got caught using burner accounts or if you prefer the term abusing sock puppet accounts to mass edit Wiki pages to put in false and misleading information and receiving a life time ban. There is a reddit thread ongoing in recent weeks as someone not necessary Mick West although it matches his style. That person(s) has been doing the same thing to UFO pages editing them in a bias way in recent weeks and putting in misinformation like Luis is only claimed to have worked when its no claim but proven.

Surly the official Senator with an official Senator letter is enough to prove his claims are real. That Trumps a wiki page that is currently in an editing war with bias people putting in misleading info. There is no reason to doubt that letter that I can see, so its time to take Luis as real not some pretender that is lying about his history.

EDIT: Along with Dr Greer, Jaime Maussan, Mick West I think we can add Bob Lazar to sources we cannot trust.
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29 May 2006
Don't deflect by talking about Mick West.

Who do you think is lying?

Pentagon spokesperson, or Luis Elizondo/Harry Reid?

Both can't be correct at the same time.
Unless there is further evidence it looks like the Senator and Luis are telling the truth backed up by an official letter.

Just very quickly read point 3 in the wiki and it looks like the reporter has made a mistake. Struggling to find the Pentagon spokesperson all I see is a reporter writing an opinion article without evidence or quotes.

My lunch break it over and I am rushing so if I missed it please provide the quote and I will get back to you much later on perhaps not today.
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29 Dec 2014
Unless there is further evidence

NYpost dug up most of it, basically exposing him as a complete fraud (which isn't difficult);

34 mins in.

They pulled his payslips, his job responsibilities - basically everything he did at the Pentagon, and there's no evidence anywhere that he was involved with anything called AATIP - or that AATIP even existed at all as any sort of official program.

Whole thing is a hoax.
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