Pentagon releases UFO footage

One of my fav UFO encounter incidents is the cash-landrum one where a kid, his mother and grandmother were driving home one night in Texas when they see a bright object hovering above the road in the darkness. They stop about 130 feet in front of it and recalled it being diamond shape and emitting "fire" from underneath it along with intense heat which they could feel from inside the car. The mum gets out to get a closer look (about 60 feet) and as she touches her car, it burns her skin, she also feels the intense heat and feels it's unbearable.

Almost immediately all 3 experience sickness problems and the mum after the incident needed to be hospitalised. She died years later from health complications. All 3 has radiation sickness symptoms.

All 3 also recalled seeing military helicopters within moments of seeing the object. They later tried to sue the US gov but ultimately failed due to the denial of any knowledge by the gov

It's one of those stories that you never forget because the people who experienced it are not your usual tin foil hatter, just a small family coming home from dinner one night.
When i was younger, on the way home from work in my uncles car i noticed a light that seemed to be following us. Every turn we took it went the same way!

If we turned right, it would go right, same if we went left!!

When i got home i realised it was the street lights! :D
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One of my fav UFO encounter incidents is the cash-landrum one where a kid, his mother and grandmother were driving home one night in Texas when they see a bright object hovering above the road in the darkness. They stop about 130 feet in front of it and recalled it being diamond shape and emitting "fire" from underneath it along with intense heat which they could feel from inside the car. The mum gets out to get a closer look (about 60 feet) and as she touches her car, it burns her skin, she also feels the intense heat and feels it's unbearable.

Almost immediately all 3 experience sickness problems and the mum after the incident needed to be hospitalised. She died years later from health complications. All 3 has radiation sickness symptoms.

All 3 also recalled seeing military helicopters within moments of seeing the object. They later tried to sue the US gov but ultimately failed due to the denial of any knowledge by the gov

It's one of those stories that you never forget because the people who experienced it are not your usual tin foil hatter, just a small family coming home from dinner one night.
For me one of my fave is the Belgium Wave to quote my old post.

“backed up by hard facts along with 10,0000+ witness's, military personal, police and ground + air radar footage, fighter jet transcribe of the event between ground control and the pilots all cross referenced with multiple military sensors and everything else that happened counts as actual proof something is going off. Whatever those craft where they ran rings around fighterjets and appears to be well beyond our current "known" technology level today yet alone when the event happened. “

It seems few people have heard of the Begium UFO Wave events. Its a really hard one to explain and cannot be written off as Drones, balloons, AI or sensor glitches while being backed up by lots of evidence.
Most peoples cameras can barely capture photos of fast moving objects in the sky today, let alone back in 1989/1990.

That's nonsense - this one is from the 1960s, and you can clearly see it's aliens, it's on an ever so slight tilt - just gives it away, 100%.

That's nonsense - this one is from the 1960s, and you can clearly see it's aliens, it's on an ever so slight tilt - just gives it away, 100%.

Clearly alien because it has a tilt? What are you on about? In UFO Lore the UAPs with a tilt that fly with a wobble are known as ARVs. Which means it’s a craft made by humans not aliens. What’s even better this photo looks like one of those German Hannabu style craft which are meant to be real. These craft had a pilot and consisted of a ring of moving turbine blades around a fixed cockpit. Unless its one of the Hannabu II models which are also pretty common. Either way its human made not alien.
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I think they were being sarcastic.
If they are being sarcastic they kind of messed that one up with the lore about tilted UFO's being human made craft. The history of those craft is rather interesting as they are real craft with pilots that took off although rather unstable at least the versions I have seen.
It’s been intriguing to watch you go further and further down the rabbit hole this past few years.
Its not a rabbit hole. Its documented a bunch of people tried to make saucer craft and failed like the VZ-9 AVROCar. No aliens involved what so ever. 100% human made based off human tech. The VZ had the blades in the middle while the NAZI version was said to have a ring of moving turbine blades around a fixed cockpit. Habermohl if I remember that name right, is claimed to be in experimental craft powered by a circular plane of rotating turbine blades 49 ft (15 m) in diameter built by BMW's Prague in 1945 in the same fashion as the VZ-9 AVROCar. On top of these failed experimental craft there is also a Haunebu II Saucer Model Kit which a lot of the UFO photos like above are based off. I don't see how its falling down a rabbit hole to think that many UFO's people are seeing are actually human made craft either real craft, or in recent times unmanned drones or toy models like the Haunebu II Saucer Model Kit like the photo posted about which isn't alien its just a Haunebu II Saucer Model Kit being framed in a photo to look alien.


This isn't fake its a real human craft. Built as part of a secret U.S. military project that failed. It could fly but only a short distance off the ground and was very unstable. I think its experimental craft either like this and other craft like the B-21 Stealth Bomber. These type of military craft are behind many UFO sightings. Nothing what so ever to do with Aliens. EDIT in more recent times add in military drones that are more advanced then public drones.
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Its not a rabbit hole. Its documented a bunch of people tried to make saucer craft and failed like the VZ-9 AVROCar. No aliens involved what so ever. 100% human made based off human tech. The VZ had the blades in the middle while the NAZI version was said to have a ring of moving turbine blades around a fixed cockpit. Habermohl if I remember that name right, is claimed to be in experimental craft powered by a circular plane of rotating turbine blades 49 ft (15 m) in diameter built by BMW's Prague in 1945 in the same fashion as the VZ-9 AVROCar. On top of these failed experimental craft there is also a Haunebu II Saucer Model Kit which a lot of the UFO photos like above are based off. I don't see how its falling down a rabbit hole to think that many UFO's people are seeing are actually human made craft either real craft, or in recent times unmanned drones or toy models like the Haunebu II Saucer Model Kit like the photo posted about which isn't alien its just a Haunebu II Saucer Model Kit being framed in a photo to look alien.


This isn't fake its a real human craft. Built as part of a secret U.S. military project that failed. It could fly but only a short distance off the ground and was very unstable. I think its experimental craft either like this and other craft like the B-21 Stealth Bomber. These type of military craft are behind many UFO sightings. Nothing what so ever to do with Aliens. EDIT in more recent times add in military drones that are more advanced then public drones.
Chuck some modern, computer-enabled fly-by-wire in that and I imagine it'll fly decently enough to fool people primed to see saucers.
I think you posted in the wrong thread ;)

This is the 'weird stuff happens sometimes this century, sometimes in the last century' thread.

Chuck some modern, computer-enabled fly-by-wire in that and I imagine it'll fly decently enough to fool people primed to see saucers.
You also need to make it break the laws of physics and have radar jamming that is better than yours, but also not that great sometimes.
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It's an old saying
Thanks, never heard that before. Perhaps it went out of use? Which would make sense after the military officers said UFOs that tilt and fly with a wobble are not aliens but our craft. With the tilt being a side effect of the saucer propulsion system which is 100% human tech.

Got to put 100% human not for you, but for other posters that will think I mean human made based off recovered alien tech which is nonsense. All flying saucers I have seen that lift off the ground are 100% human made based off 100% human technology.

Going back to the human made flying saucers. Most of us have all heard the old stories of a military personal walking past a hangar with a saucer hovering off the ground then the doors where quickly shut. Then when they went back the craft was cover up and/or the area was classified and they couldn't gain access. Been many a story like that over the years on military bases. I cannot help but wonder how many of those are really experimental craft like the VZ-9 or similar? Can you imagine walking past a hangar with the door a little open and seeing a VZ Saucer hovering off the ground back in the 1940's to 1960's? I strongly believe that many UFO/UAP sighting are really caused by experimental craft like the VZ or B-21 before it was declassified. Craft like the VZ and B-21 would explain many Saucer and trigonal shaped UFO sightings.
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