The report due later this month is coming from the DNI (I had to google it) I take that to mean, this isn't the time or place to be askin about aliens mate.
OR they have a no aliens talk on birthdays policy.
The difference between your transcribed version and mine is that yours removes the awkwardness. It makes him sound decisive, sure and in control. Like he's not messing about. Look at yours again:
The UAP Task Force is really designed to take a look at these unexplained aerial phenomena, try to help us get a better understanding of them. Again, I'm not going to get ahead of the report that DNI will submit that we are helping obviously, and providing input to. And I'll just leave it at that, Jeff. Yeah.
And look at what was actually said:
Er, Jeff, erm, the UAP task force is er, really designed to, erm, look at these Unexplained Aerial Phenomena to try to help us, er, er, get a better understanding of them, again I'm not going to get ahead of the er, report that the DNI will submit that we are helping, obviously, and supplying input to, erm and I'll just leave it at that, Jeff. Yeah.
Now, in academic circles [which I realise we are not in, I'm just giving this as an example] such hesitations are often retained in the transcribed data for accuracy and to give an impression to the reader of the state of the speaker's mind.
The first is not a true reflection of the audio. It's misleading. It removes the hesitations either for better readabiity and/or to give the impression that Kirby is on top of things.
The second is a true reflection of the audio. It is not misleading. It retains the hesitations for accuracy and to show that Kirby has difficulty answering the question.