Pentagon releases UFO footage

If you are an observer, and no threat/passive, then there is no reason to use radar jamming. I also find it impassable that they can part cloak stealth radar yet forget that infra-red or other tools break their cover. Sorry if your that intelligent (as you claim) then its a schoolboy error to not cover other detection techniques with all this tech/intelligence available.
That makes no logical or practical sense at all, Th0nt. Even if you are an observer you still don't want to be detected and potentially captured or shot out of the sky. It makes perfect sense to have measures in place to avoid that.

Also, being intelligent and advanced doesn't mean you are perfect or can cover all potential bases with your own technology. It could be that some human technology is too basic to be blockable or they simply don't know (or care) about every single thing we use. Our own rapid advances in techn ology over the last decade may also take them b surprise and leave them unable to counter it quick enough based on observation alone.
It makes perfect sense dont talk rubbish. If we were aggressive we would have shot at them already which nobody claims to have attempted. Whatever technology is used it focuses on a primitive radar means to jam, the military nations mention as soon as you do this it is a hostile action in their protocol.

If they are intelligent, it doesn't take long to observe for twenty plus years of time they have to do this, to implement other means to stay undetected. Are you telling me the craft/beings naively think they dont get spotted then? They/it knows they are being watched too.
Jamming radar is not hostile outside of a military protocol setting. It simply means they do not want to be target locked. If they were actually hostile, we would almost certainly not even know they were until it was too late considering what these uaps are seen to be capable of.

Also jamming radar could be seen as a defence mechanism like in nature non threatening animals will puff up or spread their wings or change their pigment when a threat is nearby simply to show an act of defence for the threat to back off or keep a distance.

In AI terms the mere act of firing off a radar signal in their direction could be seen as a hostile act on the flipside so they retaliate by jamming that signal. Defensive reaction.... Nothing else needs to be done other than that.
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Jamming radar is not hostile outside of a military protocol setting. It simply means they do not want to be target locked. If they were actually hostile, we would almost certainly not even know they were until it was too late considering what these uaps are seen to be capable of.

Also jamming radar could be seen as a defence mechanism like in nature non threatening animals will puff up or spread their wings or change their pigment when a threat is nearby simply to show an act of defence for the threat to back off or keep a distance.

In AI terms the mere act of firing off a radar signal in their direction could be seen as a hostile act on the flipside so they retaliate by jamming that signal. Defensive reaction.... Nothing else needs to be done other than that.

I am just regurgitating the pilots accounts, like the fravor interview he states the act of jamming in particular American airspace they class it as a hostile manoeuvre. This is probably to make a point that if it were traditional countries flying around that it would give a reason to follow them or do something.
Jamming radar is not hostile outside of a military protocol setting. It simply means they do not want to be target locked. If they were actually hostile, we would almost certainly not even know they were until it was too late considering what these uaps are seen to be capable of.

Also jamming radar could be seen as a defence mechanism like in nature non threatening animals will puff up or spread their wings or change their pigment when a threat is nearby simply to show an act of defence for the threat to back off or keep a distance.

In AI terms the mere act of firing off a radar signal in their direction could be seen as a hostile act on the flipside so they retaliate by jamming that signal. Defensive reaction.... Nothing else needs to be done other than that.
Yup, this. It's an evasive counter-measure and basic precaution against potentially hostile encounters.

Never heard of this guy but apparently, the US government has approached him and others with information that has encouraged him to do this podcast. From what I have read this apears to be some kind of slow disclosure to get people used to the idea of the fact we are not alone in the Universe rather than straight coming out with a huge news broadcast that OMG Aliens are real which kinda makes sense.

Also the fact that this thread is over 40 pages long, when in the past on here any similar threads lasted a few days and died out quickly speaks volumes.

I am still very much in the camp of show me some kind of proof before I start to believe all of this, what that proof will look like I have no idea.
I am still very much in the camp of show me some kind of proof before I start to believe all of this, what that proof will look like I have no idea.
it's more "according to some bloke" stuff. My guess is any info in the report will be more of same: blurry videos and random radar. If the military experts don't know what they are, try the general public, that always works out well. After months/years of debate they will still be unidentified. The world of UFO spotters will claim they are alien spacecraft as per.
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it's more "according to some bloke" stuff. My guess is any info in the report will be more of same: blurry videos and random radar. If the military experts don't know what they are, try the general public, that always works out well. After mouths/years of debate they will still be unidentified. The world of UFO spotters will claim they are alien spacecraft as per.

I agree, not saying all of this stuff I post is credible at all, like I said, it will take a lot more to convince me that we are not alone in the universe, I do however find all of this recent stuff very interesting :)

I also think that the theory behind trickling information slowly to the world is the way it would be handled, if the governments of the world do have undeniable, crystal clear footage of genuine UFO craft it would cause a lot of panic/issues just releasing it to the world.
It's as if it's become untenable to deny.

I think anyone who is intelligent must surely start to come around to the possibility that these things might be non-human in origin.

I try to be the cohort of the third that keep an open mind yet not in an extreme camp. I have mentioned your bold point a few times asking questions like - if you can travel so fast why cruise along (when bimbling about)? Why do they seem to hover over water stationary, have a dunk maybe then sit there aimlessly? Why have they never attacked anything or used any tools to interact? Lastly, at some point one of these vessels is going to either collide with an object or malfunction and then it could be examined. If there are that many of them as people claim, its only a matter of when.

It is literally anyone's guess as to the motives of these UAP's, so at this point your questions, while mostly reasonable, are rhetorical and speculative. We automatically and naturally apply a human perspective to everything based on what we would do... but if they were theoretically alien or (more likely, imo) AI-controlled (which I guess is still classed as potentially alien logic) then they could have a particular set of tasks. Scout here, sample this, evade detection where possible, move away from detected threats, etc etc. Some of the rather "stiff" behaviour you are describing would suggest a more 'unmanned' aspect and that sort of head-scratching behaviour is a clear reason why it doesn't seem like any human pilot is in any of these things which for me makes it unlikely to be any country on Earth behind this.

But yeah, complete and utter speculation.

I think the bolded part is very well-worded. This is what I have been saying on these forums for years but then I gave up. Put very simply, we have no idea what they are for or why they are here and we can only speculate based on what we know and what we would do as humans. If they are alien, it becomes very difficult to imagine what the hell their intentions are. It's hard enough to guess what another person will do sometimes, let alone another undiscovered ET species. We only know that these vehicles exist and that their tech is very far in advance of anything we know about. It appears that the US cannot deny their existence any longer since their regularly is increasing and they are under a lot of pressure to say something about them. The only thing is to work out how to say it.

My question is: if the US gov were to come out and say, "OK these things might well be alien and they appear totally harmless", how would people react?

Would it cause panic or would the reaction be oddly some kind of relief?
It's been said on twitter that the reason they are so annoying and seem to be dicking around rather than actually landing is because they must be billionaire aliens in their spacecraft. Now that is more plausible. :)
Just don't mention the 16 3ft tall baby-blue jumpsuited alien bodies retrieved from a craft (100ft across, 18ft high) in a usa desert.
Just gonna fire up ZoneAlarm and turn off my hardware firewalls. Its a counter-measure and basic precaution against hostile encounters - but that should do it guys! :rolleyes:
Honestly, what are you even talking about. You seem to be really lacking in context and reacting like a petulant child any time you are questioned.
Honestly, what are you even talking about. You seem to be really lacking in context and reacting like a petulant child any time you are questioned.

As I'm sure you recall, such responses used to be the standard fare here. Now the tables have turned and to not at least entertain the possibility that these things might be alien makes you look idiotic [I mean "idiotic" in the true sense of the word, i.e. one living in their own private world - idios].
From what I have read this apears to be some kind of slow disclosure to get people used to the idea of the fact we are not alone in the Universe rather than straight coming out with a huge news broadcast that OMG Aliens are real which kinda makes sense.

I think you give the worlds governments too much credit. They can't even co-ordinate during a global pandemic.
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