Pentagon releases UFO footage

Neil DeGrasse Tyson? Yeah he's a bit of a legend. He's a populariser of science. Highly recommend this video for how funny he is too :) (improved audio)

In the Rogan video I do think think in some of his responses he wasn't being objective enough in the discussion, but that is just my view. Overall I do like a lot of the arguments he makes though.

As for Bob Lazar... I would say the jury is out on that one still.
Will check that out thanks. Did not know of this word before now either - learned something new today, hope it sticks in this tiring grey matter! :p

You must watch Cosmos then which he hosted. Tyson was Carl Sagan's disciple/student and did great justice to Cosmos for our time what Sagan did to his Cosmos series back in the day.

Materials that somehow reflect light that can be detected by the optical sensors in human eyes and simultaneously don't reflect light that can be detected by the optical sensors in a camera that detects the same wavelengths of light as a human eye is something I'd consider much less likely than any of the above explanations. How could that work?

I've been asking myself that for years.
You mean some scientists continue to display their biases-looking at the wording:

Flurry of misleading....

Sober examination

A lot less to them than first meets the eye.

Hopefully now the military have become a bit more forthcoming, more scientists will be given the chance to examine the phenomena objectively, without fear of ridicule or the risk of losing one's job because of their peers.
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As I alluded to earlier in the thread, expect them to say in the report this might be a foreign power...

Seems logical to get more funding to up the ante to protect the country and all for the eventual goal of weaponising space.

'No evidence' UFOs are alien spacecraft, but they're not American, Pentagon says

As I alluded to earlier in the thread, expect them to say in the report this might be a foreign power...

That's a useless article, it doesn't tell us anything new. It's nothing but clickbait. There are far better ones posted in this thread.

That said, if there's no evidence that they're alien spacecraft, do they have evidence that they're terrestrial?

I imagine not.
Seems logical to get more funding to up the ante to protect the country and all for the eventual goal of weaponising space.

Yes, it fits perfectly with the idea of having a Space Force program - especially when there have been references to us entering a new cold war with both China and Russia.

That's a useless article, it doesn't tell us anything new. It's nothing but clickbait. There are far better ones posted in this thread.

That said, if there's no evidence that they're alien spacecraft, do they have evidence that they're terrestrial?

I imagine not.

It's all conjecture anyway.

He also tweeted


Yep - he makes a good point, and we are not privy to the things he may know regarding experimental technology which might explain such sightings and incidents reported by the military.
Resolution is nothing to do with focus, zoom or shutter speed. He's an idiot [either that or a troll].
True. I explained this earlier when Sexy Grey Fox was asking about hovering UFOs. The argument still stands. To photograph a hovering UFO there still needs to be a good amount of light or in its absence, a longer shutter speed with no camera shake. Try doing that on a mobile phone. I'm not even aware of anybody who takes a tripod out with a mobile phone in anticipation of bumping into a ufo lol
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I took away something different from that video from NDT :)
People often quote "this happened". No, an instrument detected something. OK, now I'm interested in how reliable we can trust this instrument.
Rogan "they saw it though"
NDT "not at 80,000 feet"
lol good point :)

This is where I'm at. If the evidence was amazing it would be self evident what that is. To me, it isn't. But I'm not going to stop people from seeking this stuff out, go get em!.. and bring back better data. Thanks :)
That's why scientists aren't all that bothered about UFOs because the sample size of data is 1 blurry video and hearsay. They have nothing to go on.

Quoting again to say this is a key point. An instrument detected something, that's very different to something actually existing. I'm interested in what these phenomena are, but it could well be system behaviour rather than physical objects it's detecting.

Rather crude analogy but put it this way, how many times has your printer told you it's out of paper or ink? Based on the evidence available to it that's what it determined, but it might not make it true!
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