Just something overheard or read once. The village thing could have been the basis for Mars AttacksDo you have anything to support this because it's a B-grade movie at best but god damn would I watch it.

Just something overheard or read once. The village thing could have been the basis for Mars AttacksDo you have anything to support this because it's a B-grade movie at best but god damn would I watch it.
probably americans testing those microwave crowd control weapons back in 2002Indian villagers claim they are being attacked by flying spheres which emit red and blue lights. At least seven people have died in the last week of unexplained injuries in the state of Uttar Pradesh.
"I can't sleep because of pain," said Kalawati, 53, who says she was attacked last week. "It was like a big soccer ball with sparkling lights."
I think they want to be seen. They've been here for a while and have even reportedly activated and deactivated the lunch codes on ICBM's at Melstrom Air base to show they can. The fact that we are still here as a consequence shows whatever or whoever they are mean us no real physical harm unless threatened.
With no reasonable explanation offered as to what exactly was behind the so-called attacks from UFOs, the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) was tasked with finding out what was going on on the island, with the investigation officially named Operation Saucer.
A 2,000-page military report was soon compiled, featuring 500 photographs and 16 hours of film that the FAB reportedly witnessed with their own eyes.
Ufologist Daniel Rebisso Giese claimed in his book Vampiros Extraterrestres Na Amazonia (Extraterrestrial Vampires of the Amazon) that several military personnel suffered nervous breakdowns, while others went completely insane during the course of the investigation.
The documents were kept classified until several pages were released in 2004, showing drawings and photographs of what the military saw.
The canteen is no place to be messing with folk from there. Surprised they took it in good faith..
It would be the greatest thing ever if they had 100% proof.
Isnt this was we have been debating a few pages about? I still waiting on why they can jam basic radar probe yet forgot to flip the switch for infra-red and the other 'simple' tech we use if they are superior and technical beyond our capacity. That doesn't add up, its nonsensical. If they don't want us to see them - and lets not forget they have had decades of sightings to perfect their own behaviour and refine their technology - they are being a bit sloppy wouldn't you say?
Ok, I appreciate your diplomatic response and agree with this sentiment, definitely.
I would hope it would change us for the good.
I'd hope for the same thing, but I think it would be a long shot. One group of people meeting and interacting with another group people with a vast, gaping chasm between the levels of knowledge and technology of the two groups is a chancy business for the less advanced civilisation. At best. Maybe it's not possible to have to go well, even if the more advanced civilisation has good intentions. It would, of course, be even worse if these hypothetical alien people are also more intelligent than humans.
So for another alien species to have a flat structure and to develop beyond hierarchies would be, well, on the one hand it sounds advanced but on the other it sounds Marxist.
Not necessarily!
I mentioned something along this topic previously and I still stand by it. That to become that advanced (at the very least a Type-2 civilisation) that civilisation has to have undergone a certain baseline of evolution in how they behave and work together. That doesn't mean commie antics of course. Think a futuristic utopia where intelligence has evolved to such a degree that they have no need for any sort of conflict at all because they have access to unlimited energy which let's face it, if you can create a gravity field then you have harnessed dark energy/matter and your people no longer need to "work" to earn money etc like we humans do now in order to survive.
That's applying human/wildlife thinking to the equation though.
i don't know what would be more unsettling if true - alien orbs, or 9cm long flying insects that attack you in your sleephttps://www.irishtimes.com/news/police-sceptical-as-seven-reported-dead-in-ufo-attacks-1.432849
probably americans testing those microwave crowd control weapons back in 2002
That is true. I failed to adopt my earlier argument.
I wonder if spirituality could play a role in such advanced development.
Spiritual maybe, look up people like Sadhguru who are spiritual yogis. But many major (if not all) religion like we know here would absolutely have to be non-existent. As blunt as that sounds all major religions throughout human history have isolated and controlled people through violence and worse, some of which still do today.
Besides that though, how do you factor in known major religions in the context of another planet in another part of the galaxy/universe/multiverse? Time is only relative to the local system, all planets have different day/night cycles or star-orbits. How do people on a distant planet worship Jesus if they have no knowledge of him ever existing or dying on the cross that once stood on a little blue rock called Earth? Or how do they know which direction to pray 5 times a day pointing exactly toward Mecca which is in a place on this little blue rock tucked away somewhere in the Milky Way? And that all of those 5 times involve specific Earth times? Time is not real-time from one point of the universe to another. If a distant planet sits near a stellar object of huge mass then time will flow different relative to an observe too so all human concepts are thrown out the window the instant these things are considered.
I fail to see how they couldn't be more intelligent than us if they've come here. Though I understand that technological advancement is not the same as socialisation, but I think the same must go together to some degree. I think if the internet has taught us anything it's how to work together better, though I would say it will take a couple of generations till we start to behave better towards each other.
The main problem is that humans have an innate lust for power. In fact, the problem is hierarchies and dominance. This is not something which is restricted to our species, it happens all across nature. So for another alien species to have a flat structure and to develop beyond hierarchies would be, well, on the one hand it sounds advanced but on the other it sounds Marxist.
That's all we need, to be invaded by Commie aliens.