UFO`s are only slightly more believable than GOD, a crummy picture vs a crummy book, same divisions and the same lies used to sell the division within divisions.
UFOs (or more accurately, UAPs) are absolutely proven to exist. There have been sightings of lights in the sky which the person seeing them couldn't identify. There have been lights on screens connected to sensors looking at the sky that claim to show something in the sky and which the people using the equipment can't identify. That's all a UFO is - something apparently in the sky that hasn't yet been identified. It could be all sorts of things, but as long as it's not identified and it appears to be in the sky, it's a UAP/UFO.
Regarding the alien spaceships that I think you're referring to, I agree with the last part, but not the first. We know that intelligent life exists. We have proof of that - us. We have no evidence, let alone proof, that any gods exist. For that reason, I think it's a bit more than slightly more believable.
All the evidence points to pure luck that life started on earth.
True, but the evidence is extremely limited and almost entirely limited to Earth. I think that's not a large enough and representative enough sample to make definite conclusions about life in the rest of the universe.
So until we uncover some marvel that it didn't, anyone who thinks otherwise is a idiot.
I think that's excessive. I don't think that people who believe in things are necessarily idiots. None of the theists I know are idiots. Gullible? maybe. Brainwashed? maybe. Irrational? usually but by no means always. But not idiots.
There's also a range of intermediate opinions.
Here's mine, for example:
Is there life other than on Earth? I don't know, but I'll pencil it in as probably being quite likely based solely on the scale of the universe.
Is there intelligent life with technology advanced enough for interstellar travel alive right now somewhere else in the universe? I don't know. I don't know enough to even pencil in a vague assessment of the probability of it.
If so, are they aware of our existence? I don't know. I'll pencil it in as probably being very unlikely, again based solely on the scale of the universe.
If so, have they watched us in any way? I don't know. I'll pencil it in as probably being very unlikely, since I think it's probably very unlikely that if they exist they'll be aware of our existence.
If so, have they come here in spaceships for some reason (why not just watch us remotely, using the hyper-advanced technology they would have to have in order to get here?) and for some reason been detected despite their unimaginably advanced technology and their decision to not let us know of their existence? I wouldn't say it's definitely impossible, but I think it's extremely unlikely.
If so, are a few unidentified lights proof (or even any substantial evidence) of them? No.
Do you think I'm an idiot?
I will change my opinion of this when proven evidence of the magical space pixie turning up is found.
I will adjust my assessment of likelihood if any significant evidence turns up. Whether it's aliens, gods or the pixies that live in washing machines and eat socks.