Pentagon releases UFO footage

On a related note, dark5 demonstrated examples of real secret military aircraft that go against the common man made craft types. Some of these being tailless designs and from certain angles, look like saucers or triangles. More interestingly, the fact that Lockhead are into maturity of the SR72, capable of mach 6, means the rest of the defence world aren't far behind. But unlike these uaps that do turns that defy physics, the SR72 etc will need hundreds of miles of sky to do basic turns at those speeds, so the questions on physics defying uaps still remains. The other interesting bit on this is the USAF employing single manned jets that have multiple control over support drones of various shapes and sizes, the idea being they provide the offensive, whilst the manned control jet takes safe point.

The more you look into it, the more it makes sense that there's an element of diversion going on by most governments.
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Also, Avi has found.... something.

Avi Loeb is very entertaining to listen to on Event Horizon, although he repeats the general themes on each episode.

Edit - he found a fragment, doesn’t mean it’s alien in origin since it’s a material we already have on earth?
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Along with Senator Marco Rubio. He is one of the gang of 8 right at the top who has access to view the classified data the whistle blowers are showing.

Belgium Air Force seem to be joining in and reporting UFO’s.
He was on the Event Horizon YouTube channel recently but is careful about what he says.

He did say lots of obvious stuff is discussed at classified meetings so he legally can’t talk about it.

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This was posted 2 days ago on the /r/Aliens subreddit and is immediately the top post of all time. It's an interesting read, a lot of people commenting saying it sounds very legitimate and is almost too good to be a hoax. I find this stuff interesting and entertaining so thought I'd share it.

The poster is at least someone extremely educated as a biologist and it would take incredible amounts of creative thinking to post what he has done if it were a hoax according to the comments.

Reading this Q&A part basically shows he knows exactly what he's talking about.
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This was posted 2 days ago on the /r/Aliens subreddit and is immediately the top post of all time. It's an interesting read, a lot of people commenting saying it sounds very legitimate and is almost too good to be a hoax. I find this stuff interesting and entertaining so thought I'd share it.
The stickied comment is they deleted their account and didn’t provide any evidence for their claims.

13 year old kid, random post seems likely.
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Also, Avi has found.... something.

I imagine when the aliens built their flying saucer, they put all of their skill points into FTL, and zero points into handling or landing, - they get all the way here then crash in the sea....
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The stickied comment is they deleted their account and didn’t provide any evidence for their claims.

13 year old kid, random post seems likely.

Did you read anything, like literally anything? You've replied within 2 minutes. The level of ignorance here is astounding.
The stickied comment is they deleted their account and didn’t provide any evidence for their claims.

13 year old kid, random post seems likely.
The science checks out and is highly specialised well beyond what a 13 year old kid could write. In fact its beyond what most adults could write. @Roar87 is correct who ever wrote this is extremely educated as a biologist well beyond your typical fan fiction writer. it will be interesting to see how this plays out as that is the same lab and that person is willing to let the mods verify him.
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The science checks out and is highly specialised well beyond what a 13 year old kid could write. In fact its beyond what most adults could write. @Roar87 is correct who ever wrote this is extremely educated as a biologist well beyond your typical fan fiction writer. it will be interesting to see how this plays out as that is the same lab and that person is willing to let the mods verify him.
Waffle-y BS is still BS. Some **** probably got chatGPT to write it for them.
Waffle-y BS is still BS. Some **** probably got chatGPT to write it for them.
It doesn't have any of the tell tale sighs of chatGPT and its not waffle that is what makes it so interesting to read. The science is correct instead of waffle BS and highly specialised science in a way that typical story writer wouldn't and couldn't do. Like Roar87 said that took an incredible amounts of creative thinking and science knowledge to write. At the very least I can appreciate the thought, intelligence and skill that went into that work. It doesn't feel right to play it off as some BS 13 year old story writer given the high quality of the writing.
"The science checks out" ?

How the hell did you come to that analysis? :confused:
The science is correct from the point of view of methodology and is clearly written by someone with a high level of knowledge in molecular biology. Something beyond your typical 13 year old or typical fiction writer. Who ever wrote this most likely has a relevant Phd or real life experienced in the field. Its an impressive bit of creative writing.
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