People you admired but now you don't

I watched a documentary which showed he plagiarised everybody else's ideas but just put a sprinkle on top.

What exactly is Leonardo da Vinci alleged to have plagiarised?

His water torture trick took about 30 seconds to get out of and then he sat behind backstage for an hour.

That's called showmanship. It's not that the trick was easy; it was difficult, but Houdini was just very good at escaping. Since he knew that if he appeared too soon the audience would be disappointed, he very sensibly generated more tension and suspense to keep them entertained.
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Alan Sugar

Since following him on Twitter I can’t believe how much of a moron he is. No idea how he’s been so successful.
Things like the parachute, helicopter, war machines etc all other peoples ideas verified from their manuscripts.

As I understand it, da Vinci never claimed to have intended these things; he simply drew pictures them.

The parachute, for example, had been invented by Mariano do Jacopa. da Vinci not only knew this, but gave Jacopa credit for it when producing his own work on the subject, referring explicitly to Jacopa's drawings in his own manuscripts.

I'll check out that documentary, but the title —Leonardo, The Man Who Saved Science—does not inspire confidence. Science didn't need saving; it was never lost in the first place.
Liam Neeson, used to think he was so cool. but what's the point in banging on about having all these special skills and then not being able to find one black fella to kill. #fakeskillz
Liam Neeson, used to think he was so cool. but what's the point in banging on about having all these special skills and then not being able to find one black fella to kill. #fakeskillz

On a serious note, don’t really admire anyone famous. My wife I admire tons for how hard she has worked to get where she is now especially in a field which is pretty specialised for her.

On a serious note, don’t really admire anyone famous. My wife I admire tons for how hard she has worked to get where she is now especially in a field which is pretty specialised for her.

I'd really like a Mod to change it to liked because I posted too quick
Got to be Rolf "two little girls" Harris. Used to watch his programmes as a kid, and remember him fondly on Animal Hospital. Seemed like such a nice guy. :(
there's loads of musicians, artists and public figures who I rate at what they do but don't get too invested in them really. I thought Cameron was ok until he ballsed everything up.
Sadly, I used to admire my dad greatly, until I got older and realised what a selfish, greedy man he actually is, or was.

Same here.
I found things out about mine about 4 years ago and realised I'd been conned since 1986 :(
I've had to promise the family I won't confront him.
Douglas Bader, a bully, a show-off and a braggard, when he was an POW officer in Colditz , under a reciprocal programme of
repatriations of non-combatants Bader refused to give permission to allow his Batman to be repatriated.
Sadly, I used to admire my dad greatly, until I got older and realised what a selfish, greedy man he actually is, or was.

Same here.
I found things out about mine about 4 years ago and realised I'd been conned since 1986 :(
I've had to promise the family I won't confront him.

Sounds like these need a thread of their own - blimey!

Douglas Bader, a bully, a show-off and a braggard, when he was an POW officer in Colditz , under a reciprocal programme of
repatriations of non-combatants Bader refused to give permission to allow his Batman to be repatriated.

Just read about that - thanks.

Another one for Rolf H and Jimmy S - was really shocked and disheartened when i read about what type of people they were. My brother wrote into Jimmy asking to ride on a police motorcycle and actually got a reply that he was shortlisted - i expect that wouldn't have been the only ride he would have got if selected!!
  • Matthew Broderick was part of my childhood and that went sour when i read he had killed someone in a RTA and got away with it.
  • Randy Quaid - great actor, now great nut job.
  • Tom Baker tried to kill his mum-in-law
  • Nelson Mandela - he did great things, but that cannot outweigh the bad things that he did.
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I admire Jsmoke for having the brass balls to admit on a forum he admired the utter slimeball Bliar :rolleyes: he (slimeball) is ten steps below a pedo
  • Eric Clapton, bit of a hero music-wise, however the more you read on him the less you like the guy.

Same with Ken Williams, a comic genius but a deeply unpleasant person [ is he not rumoured to have bumped off his Dad ? ]
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