Will this have an online similar to NBA?
Multiplayer info here: https://pgatour.2k.com/news/hb-studios-dives-into-online-societies-and-multiplayer-modes/
Cant wait to play this tomorrow!
Will this have an online similar to NBA?
Still waiting on cdkeys giving me a key
when did you order one?
Yep, no key received from them either. I've raised a support ticket to see what they say.
My code is now showing on the CDKeys website. Hope that downloads in the time it takes to shower when I get home tonight.
Excellent first impressions this morning, it gets a huge thumbs up from me. Tempo is incredibly difficult to get consistent but the ramp up in difficulty was needed. Visually much improved over TGC 19, much more immersive on the course, AI seems more in tunevwith scoring. Ball roll and putting feels terrific also. Just a nice amount of polish been put on the game. Can't wait to jump back on later.
Been awhile since I played a golf game, what's your opinions folks. I've watched a few YT videos and fancy this, can you use the mouse or analogue stick for swing/fade/draw... etc.