Phrases you can't stand...

Definitely an American phrase, but "I could care less" when they really mean that they couldn't care less.
What they're saying is exactly opposite what they mean, and it absolutely infuriates me

Does it really?
When life is that stressful, take a chill pill, change your name, go for a drive, maybe 3000 miles.
Perhaps you’ll feel better, who knows?
This forum has caused me to develop a reaction to the phrases "strawman argument" and "ad-hominum attack". This isn't the Harvard debate club and you're not a genius, you've just chosen to make a tit of yourself in Latin rather than English.

Does it really?
When life is that stressful, take a chill pill, change your name, go for a drive, maybe 3000 miles.
Perhaps you’ll feel better, who knows?

Didn't you used to be a cabbie? This feels a bit like you're touting for business :D.
Saying App....maybe it's just that i'm getting old or someone understands what I mean?
I know it's short for application. but the people saying that don't know that half the time lol, I'm still saying Program these days.
I quite hate when something is described as "going viral" seems so out of date when everything is AI manipulated these days..
[..] Didn't you used to be a cabbie? This feels a bit like you're touting for business :D.

So now I'm imagining a 3000 mile taxi ride on the meter. Might be a little pricey :)

After that thought popped into my head, I had to take a closer look at it with standard London taxi fare tariffs. There's a variety of charges for up to 6 miles, but for a 3000 mile journey that won't have much effect on the price. So...a 3000 mile taxi ride on the meter at standard London rates would cost a bit over £11,000. But that's assuming the cabbie does you the favour of turning the meter off whenever you stop.

Would be an odd phone call from the cabbie to their partner, too:

"I've picked up a long fare, so I'll be home later than expected."
"Will you be back by midnight?"
"I might be back by a week on Tuesday."
Saying App....maybe it's just that i'm getting old or someone understands what I mean?
I know it's short for application. but the people saying that don't know that half the time lol, I'm still saying Program these days.

I'm the same. It's because you're getting old.

I'm training myself to replace "program" with "app". I don't see any particular reason to favour one or the other and I love fashion so much I always follow it obediently.
But the one phrase that really triggers me... "unexpected item in the bagging area"

I always find this one amusing when I've just put my bag in the bagging area. If a bag in the bagging area is so unexpected then perhaps consider renaming it? :p

Managers using the phrase 'business critical'.

Nothing wrong with the phrase itself. The problem is when it's used inappropriately, e.g. Tina in marketing can't update the company twitter account, drop everything and fix it!

No. Business critical is when the server room is on fire :D
"You're a star" and "I'm sorry for your loss" , neither are truly meant and are merely parroted out.

Theres probably a lot of others if I was to think on it, basically though any phrase that people say because they think its what they are supposed to say rather than because its what they truly think.

Oh and also, the widespread habit now for people to say "100%" when meaning something is true
"Heatwave on the way!" like its a great thing for everyone. I hate the stupid grin on TV weather girls weather reporters or apparently Nigella Lawson has been "praying for a heatwave for britain" while tweeting from her probably extremely spacious comfortably planted grounds and thoroughly air conditioned mansion while the rest of us are sweating our nuts off in our sweatboxes completely failing to get any sleep!
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