[PIC_THREAD] Landscapes, Architecture, Seascapes

I am not good with this landscape malarky !

I'd be tempted to take a step to the right so that the tracks in the wheat make stronger lead in lines, then adjust angle so that the sun is still in shot. Maybe even see if theres some tracks futher to the left that point more towards the trees on the horizon...my eye isnt sure where to look initially, the sun or where there tracks are leading to.

Is it a sunrise shot? The soft light makes it seem that way.
Can't make my mind up about this one...

The one on Facebook was nicer :)

The one with the dog? :D


I'd be tempted to take a step to the right so that the tracks in the wheat make stronger lead in lines, then adjust angle so that the sun is still in shot. Maybe even see if theres some tracks futher to the left that point more towards the trees on the horizon...my eye isnt sure where to look initially, the sun or where there tracks are leading to.

Is it a sunrise shot? The soft light makes it seem that way.

May be next time ! :)
Was going to do this with a HDR but I had settings I'd forgotten about when I did the bracketing so that didn't turn out so well!

Anyway, this is just a single exposure with some fiddling. I'm not sure it looks quite right but then again I can't think of much else I want to do with it. Perhaps leave the church less exposed rather than trying to bump it up.

Also, it's hard to know what to do about the lens distortion that makes buildings seem wonky if they're not centered.

St Andrews Church - Beddingham by Phal44, on Flickr
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My very first landscape shots with my new Tokina wide angle and my D7000. Unfortunately the sun was right in my eyes for the most part but they've turned out okay I think.


Nice lens, the Tokina. I had to buy a Lee's Filter holder and Hitech's ND Grad filters to fit the 77mm lens. Once invested, the picture quality made the difference.
Nice lens, the Tokina. I had to buy a Lee's Filter holder and Hitech's ND Grad filters to fit the 77mm lens. Once invested, the picture quality made the difference.

It does seem a nice lens. I got it from a member here second hand. It came with a HOYA polarising which I have yet to try - but they are £100 on their own so in theory it should make a difference.
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