[PIC_THREAD] People, Portraits, Street

Sorry I'd missed the shots at the start of this page? Nice shots all :) nice work on that set ksanti.

A couple of snaps messing around with an old Canon fd mount 70-210 f4 on an X-E1:

Jennie by -jj_glos-

The shutter lag on the X-E1 can be annoying:

Jennie by -jj_glos-
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Great set Ksanti, cracking image of your lad Gsxrmovistar and Rojin lovely images with theX-E1. Jennie is growing up fast m8, my daughter Becky is 20 now and I'm not sure where the time went.
My son looking at his reflection in a mirror sculpure for looking into a tree canopy. Its not often he stays still long enough for me to get nice shot of him... or he pulls a silly face; so I'm happy with this.

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