[PIC_THREAD] Sports, Action, Transportation

I haven't been in here for a while (not feeling it with photography at the moment :( h). Nice page, some lovely images recently. Nice work all :)

Anyone going to RIAT this weekend? I was expecting to have to work this weekend instead so cancelled my 100-400 rental, but now I can go. Only have a 70-200 though now!
Not the best I have done but they were taken using a phone camera so considering that I'm impressed with them.










It wasn't fun getting stuck in traffic, ending up on the far left of the crowd line and only having a 70-200 with a 1.4x... :D

RIAT 2013 by jj_glos, on Flickr
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It wasn't fun getting stuck in traffic, ending up on the far left of the crowd line and only having a 70-200... :D

...and an extender:D.
That's some lens though, your Flickr shots show the sharpness even with the 1.4x, is it the Mk. III?
Beautifully exposed they are as well.
Yeah a cheap Kenko 1.4x TC, too tired last night, I did put that in the Flickr set description! Some are noisy as I underexposed. The weather was cloudy for the majority of the day and haze was a problem. Originally I was going to hire a lens, but I was expecting to have to work this weekend and it was only cancelled at the last minute.
Nice sets from Yeovilton and Shuttleworth footman, I really must make an effort to get to those next year!
I don't venture into the photography section very often but thought I'd come post a variety of bits from the last year of getting out & about. The BTCC stuff was the first time I'd ever shot any motorsports, lots of trail & much error! Holy huge image dump Batman.

Mat Jackson by NotPoshPete, on Flickr

Sam Tordoff by NotPoshPete, on Flickr

Daniel Welch by NotPoshPete, on Flickr

Some local air festival stuff, yet more trial & error. Great fun but a lot of learning still to do.

Breitling Wing Walkers by Pete19s, on Flickr

Sally B by Pete19s, on Flickr

Red Arrows by Pete19s, on Flickr

East Anglian Air Ambulance by Pete19s, on Flickr

Grace Spitfire by Pete19s, on Flickr

AT-6D Texan by Pete19s, on Flickr

P-51D Marinell by Pete19s, on Flickr

P-51D Janie by Pete19s, on Flickr
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Nice sets from Yeovilton and Shuttleworth footman, I really must make an effort to get to those next year!

Cheers, that Kenko 1.4x is a real cracker, it's always on my 300 2.8 for wildlife although it's too close for airshows mostly.

I don't think you'd get sharper shots using the Canon MkIII 1.4x which is the TC they all rave about on MkII lenses.
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